InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

Monday update all! I hope you had a nice weekend, whether it was a 4-day one with too much food or the standard 2-day one. :)

Here's what's been happening with my winter auto grow. First, I dropped another Queen G auto seed on Thursday and by Friday it had a nice tail:

So I put it in a peat puck, but here we are on Monday and this is all I've got so far:

And that took a little digging to see what was going on, so it's obviously not in a hurry. It's also taking up valuable real estate on the desk where I would normally have the other autos, so they're propped up on boxes in the tent:

I set the distance based on the lux they were getting under the CFL, but it was a bit intense under the LEDs so I raised the light up a few clicks on that side.

Here they are in the sun this morning, with Ruby Tuesday auto on day 11 and Queen G auto on day 8:

In other garden news, I was watching television in the garage on Sunday and noticed a swallowtail butterfly landing and taking off from the lime tree:

It did it about 6 or 7 times before leaving, and when I went to see what it was doing, I spotted a lot of these it left behind:

Oof, butterfly eggs! :eek: The last thing I need is a bunch of huge bird poop caterpillars eating my new lime tree, so I'm going to either move the eggs somewhere else, or move the caterpillars once they hatch. What I'm not doing is letting them decimate the plant. 🚫 🐛

That's it for me, and I hope your week is shaping up well! :cool:


Thanks Sparkey! I hope yours went well. 🦃

Thank you Carmen!
Beautiful little auto babies Shed, looking just right.

Well caught on the swallowtail eggs. You have to be on the ball there. First the crickets and now the bird poop caterpillars. That lime sapling has survived some stuff.
seedlings are looking good the RT looks like it going to be big
Big would be great, thanks con!
That Queen G looks like my PoTM Dark Devil when she was small.
All scrunkly.
Yes, and POTM is what I'm aiming for. :laugh:
Terror poops! How are you gonna move those eggs to another plant? Seems like a difficult endeavor.
From what I read you can just gently roll them off the leaf with a fingertip. I'm thinking of putting them in a solo cup nested in the crook of one of my in-ground lemon trees and leaving them to do their thing.
Looking good, Shed! mostly off to a great start...not sure about that third one, though..
Thanks Carcass! I'll see what it looks like when I get home...might be a giant tree by then. :)
I didn't know there was such a thing- clever little fellows, those Swallowtails!
I remember the first time I saw those on my citrus tree...why the heck is that poop moving! Looked up bird poop caterpillar since that's what it looked like and damn if that wasn't the name. :cheesygrinsmiley:
The root pruned Candida looks good. I threw out 6 clones the other day. All were rooted and ready to go. Never been easy tossing clones but having to many plants turns into work not a hobby.
It does look good Caddie, thanks! I cut off the side branches this weekend and put them in perlite to see if they'll root as I keep growing out the rest.
Beautiful little auto babies Shed, looking just right.
Thanks Carmen, I sure hope so!
Well caught on the swallowtail eggs. You have to be on the ball there. First the crickets and now the bird poop caterpillars. That lime sapling has survived some stuff.
If I hadn't see it happen I might have ended up with a leafless trunk! Though I must say I do inspect it ever couple of days and have been neeming weekly as a preventative. I'll move the eggs before I next neem.
From what I read you can just gently roll them off the leaf with a fingertip. I'm thinking of putting them in a solo cup nested in the crook of one of my in-ground lemon trees and leaving them to do their thing.
Maybe a small paintbrush with some tepid water could reactivate the gross secretions that the butterfly stuck it to the leaf with. Maybe you could try to move one to your lemon tree?
Maybe a small paintbrush with some tepid water could reactivate the gross secretions that the butterfly stuck it to the leaf with. Maybe you could try to move one to your lemon tree?
Thanks VG! I know you won't click the link so allow me to post the method:
"Once you locate butterfly eggs, it is easy to gently roll them off the leaf with a finger and place them in the cup. Placing eggs in a hatching cup is one method to start them off in a closed safe environment."

Seems easy enough!
Monday update all! I hope you had a nice weekend, whether it was a 4-day one with too much food or the standard 2-day one. :)

Here's what's been happening with my winter auto grow. First, I dropped another Queen G auto seed on Thursday and by Friday it had a nice tail:

So I put it in a peat puck, but here we are on Monday and this is all I've got so far:

And that took a little digging to see what was going on, so it's obviously not in a hurry. It's also taking up valuable real estate on the desk where I would normally have the other autos, so they're propped up on boxes in the tent:

I set the distance based on the lux they were getting under the CFL, but it was a bit intense under the LEDs so I raised the light up a few clicks on that side.

Here they are in the sun this morning, with Ruby Tuesday auto on day 11 and Queen G auto on day 8:

In other garden news, I was watching television in the garage on Sunday and noticed a swallowtail butterfly landing and taking off from the lime tree:

It did it about 6 or 7 times before leaving, and when I went to see what it was doing, I spotted a lot of these it left behind:

Oof, butterfly eggs! :eek: The last thing I need is a bunch of huge bird poop caterpillars eating my new lime tree, so I'm going to either move the eggs somewhere else, or move the caterpillars once they hatch. What I'm not doing is letting them decimate the plant. 🚫 🐛

That's it for me, and I hope your week is shaping up well! :cool:


Thanks Sparkey! I hope yours went well. 🦃

Thank you Carmen!
Monday update all! I hope you had a nice weekend, whether it was a 4-day one with too much food or the standard 2-day one. :)

Here's what's been happening with my winter auto grow. First, I dropped another Queen G auto seed on Thursday and by Friday it had a nice tail:

So I put it in a peat puck, but here we are on Monday and this is all I've got so far:

And that took a little digging to see what was going on, so it's obviously not in a hurry. It's also taking up valuable real estate on the desk where I would normally have the other autos, so they're propped up on boxes in the tent:

I set the distance based on the lux they were getting under the CFL, but it was a bit intense under the LEDs so I raised the light up a few clicks on that side.

Here they are in the sun this morning, with Ruby Tuesday auto on day 11 and Queen G auto on day 8:

In other garden news, I was watching television in the garage on Sunday and noticed a swallowtail butterfly landing and taking off from the lime tree:

It did it about 6 or 7 times before leaving, and when I went to see what it was doing, I spotted a lot of these it left behind:

Oof, butterfly eggs! :eek: The last thing I need is a bunch of huge bird poop caterpillars eating my new lime tree, so I'm going to either move the eggs somewhere else, or move the caterpillars once they hatch. What I'm not doing is letting them decimate the plant. 🚫 🐛

That's it for me, and I hope your week is shaping up well! :cool:


Thanks Sparkey! I hope yours went well. 🦃

Thank you Carmen!
So far so good! Nice catch on the butterfly eggs.
Update on the state of the second (technically third) Queen G auto seed, which really seems stuck in first gear. I moved more peat out of the way and pulled the cots above ground last night and this morning it looked the same. Either way, it was time to get it out of the shoebox and into soil:

I grabbed a toothpick and pulled the top cotyledon up a bit and could see the first set of leaves in there:

I put it back under the 23w CFL for the day, so we'll see if it sorts itself out eventually. I did say I'd give it 7 days, and now that it's out of the shoebox there's space for it. We'll see!

Always on your toes! Bird poop caterpillars! Whoda thunk?!
Never a dull moment!
Its alot warmer where your at than here , no wonder Cali. grows some kick ass weed ! Good catch on the poop , never heard of that but thats just one thing LOL
A lot warmer I'm sure! Been 80º for the high most of the last 2 weeks but dropping into the 50s and 60s for the rest of the week with rain on the way. And I don't mind the caterpillars eating the leaves from plants that have some to spare, but not the new lime tree. :eek:
So far so good! Nice catch on the butterfly eggs.
Thanks Jon!
Monday update all! I hope you had a nice weekend, whether it was a 4-day one with too much food or the standard 2-day one. :)

Here's what's been happening with my winter auto grow. First, I dropped another Queen G auto seed on Thursday and by Friday it had a nice tail:

So I put it in a peat puck, but here we are on Monday and this is all I've got so far:

And that took a little digging to see what was going on, so it's obviously not in a hurry. It's also taking up valuable real estate on the desk where I would normally have the other autos, so they're propped up on boxes in the tent:

I set the distance based on the lux they were getting under the CFL, but it was a bit intense under the LEDs so I raised the light up a few clicks on that side.

Here they are in the sun this morning, with Ruby Tuesday auto on day 11 and Queen G auto on day 8:

In other garden news, I was watching television in the garage on Sunday and noticed a swallowtail butterfly landing and taking off from the lime tree:

It did it about 6 or 7 times before leaving, and when I went to see what it was doing, I spotted a lot of these it left behind:

Oof, butterfly eggs! :eek: The last thing I need is a bunch of huge bird poop caterpillars eating my new lime tree, so I'm going to either move the eggs somewhere else, or move the caterpillars once they hatch. What I'm not doing is letting them decimate the plant. 🚫 🐛

That's it for me, and I hope your week is shaping up well! :cool:


Thanks Sparkey! I hope yours went well. 🦃

Thank you Carmen!
Invading pooping caterpillars 🐛? I’m having horrible flashbacks of days gone by! I hate all caterpillars. Especially when they sting 🐝 Pyschedelic travelers 🧳. CL🍀
Friggin' butterfly eggs! It seems that outdoor growing is an adventure in mitigation, no matter what plant one is growing.

Glad to see you've got a few of your autos going. How long you going to let them veg? 😁
Thursday update with an autoflower check-in!

Here are the Ruby Tuesday and Queen G autos this morning, with RTa on day 14 and QGa on day 11:

And here are the roots. RTa first:

And QGa:

RTa will be upcanned this weekend and I'm not sure if I should go into 1 gallons first or into the final pot now. :hmmmm: I also don't know if I will bother with 7 gallon pots or stick with 5s. :hmmmm:

Auto-grower thoughts appreciated!


Invading pooping caterpillars ? I’m having horrible flashbacks of days gone by! I hate all caterpillars. Especially when they sting Pyschedelic travelers CL🍀
You do attract the coolest ones though!
Friggin' butterfly eggs! It seems that outdoor growing is an adventure in mitigation, no matter what plant one is growing.
Glad to see you've got a few of your autos going. How long you going to let them veg?
Three of the most important factors in growing outside are mitigation, mitigation, mitigation!
Thursday update with an autoflower check-in!

Here are the Ruby Tuesday and Queen G autos this morning, with RTa on day 14 and QGa on day 11:

And here are the roots. RTa first:

And QGa:

RTa will be upcanned this weekend and I'm not sure if I should go into 1 gallons first or into the final pot now. :hmmmm: I also don't know if I will bother with 7 gallon pots or stick with 5s. :hmmmm:

Auto-grower thoughts appreciated!



You do attract the coolest ones though!

Three of the most important factors in growing outside are mitigation, mitigation, mitigation!
personally with my limited experience i would up pot into the final container less root shock & would go with a 7 gal pot, bigger roots = bigger plants
Thursday update with an autoflower check-in!

Here are the Ruby Tuesday and Queen G autos this morning, with RTa on day 14 and QGa on day 11:

And here are the roots. RTa first:

And QGa:

RTa will be upcanned this weekend and I'm not sure if I should go into 1 gallons first or into the final pot now. :hmmmm: I also don't know if I will bother with 7 gallon pots or stick with 5s. :hmmmm:

Auto-grower thoughts appreciated!



You do attract the coolest ones though!

Three of the most important factors in growing outside are mitigation, mitigation, mitigation!
That was a very strange experience having stinging caterpillars falling from a tree 🌳 onto an innocent concert goer who was tripping balls 🏀. Smh CL🍀. :thanks:
Thursday update with an autoflower check-in!

Here are the Ruby Tuesday and Queen G autos this morning, with RTa on day 14 and QGa on day 11:

And here are the roots. RTa first:

And QGa:

RTa will be upcanned this weekend and I'm not sure if I should go into 1 gallons first or into the final pot now. :hmmmm: I also don't know if I will bother with 7 gallon pots or stick with 5s. :hmmmm:

Auto-grower thoughts appreciated!



You do attract the coolest ones though!

Three of the most important factors in growing outside are mitigation, mitigation, mitigation!
I grow most of mine in 3s, 5s are probably good but if you have room for 7s….

Glad to see them moving along!
Weird the little one that won’t go. Maybe it was the moon or something cause the ones I started same time are some of the slowest ever…or maybe I just smoke too much 😂
personally with my limited experience i would up pot into the final container less root shock & would go with a 7 gal pot, bigger roots = bigger plants
you might already have issues with the RT with the roots out the bottom of the solo cup
I hope 🤞 you realize how that could’ve permanently affected your average concert goer. Thankfully I was deep into a psychedelic experience and pushed through the whole invading stinging caterpillar 🐛 experience and enjoyed the rest of the concert. CL🍀
Thursday update with an autoflower check-in!

Here are the Ruby Tuesday and Queen G autos this morning, with RTa on day 14 and QGa on day 11:

And here are the roots. RTa first:

And QGa:

RTa will be upcanned this weekend and I'm not sure if I should go into 1 gallons first or into the final pot now. :hmmmm: I also don't know if I will bother with 7 gallon pots or stick with 5s. :hmmmm:
I have done both and I don't think it makes a difference if the plant goes straight into it's final pot. You know how to water a plant so as not to drown or dehydrate it. Go with 5s and if they look like they want to be enormous, you can move them into 7s. That's what I'd do.

They are coming along nicely. I like the look of Ruby Tuesday.
My Lazy-meter says put them in their final pots. Why add an extra step?

I've done it both ways but mostly went with solo to final pot and, either way, the plants didn't seem to care.

Mind you, I used to be able to grow autos! 😁
personally with my limited experience i would up pot into the final container less root shock & would go with a 7 gal pot, bigger roots = bigger plants
Thanks con, and I think my hesitation is that historically my autos have never filled a 7 gallon pot with roots. I'll be buying a new bag of soil tomorrow so at least I won't be lacking there!
I grow most of mine in 3s, 5s are probably good but if you have room for 7s….
I got a 2x4 tent so two 7s will definitely fit.
Glad to see them moving along! Weird the little one that won’t go. Maybe it was the moon or something cause the ones I started same time are some of the slowest ever…or maybe I just smoke too much
That third sprout has turned up to the light but is no taller than it was when I put it in. I'll let it ride though and see what happens! And the QGa that is growing seems to be growing just looks slow compared to the RTa which is really working it. :thumb:
you might already have issues with the RT with the roots out the bottom of the solo cup
Why would that be? It's about where I normally upcan my photos now. And I've already got roots coming out of the QGa bottom as well, but not enough in the rest of the soil to hold it together on a transplant.
I have done both and I don't think it makes a difference if the plant goes straight into it's final pot. You know how to water a plant so as not to drown or dehydrate it. Go with 5s and if they look like they want to be enormous, you can move them into 7s. That's what I'd do.
7's sure seems to be the consensus! I'll skip the 1 gallon pots, especially if I won't be schlepping them. :)
They are coming along nicely. I like the look of Ruby Tuesday.
My Lazy-meter says put them in their final pots. Why add an extra step? I've done it both ways but mostly went with solo to final pot and, either way, the plants didn't seem to care. Mind you, I used to be able to grow autos!
No 1 gallon stage...I'm sold!
That was a very strange experience having stinging caterpillars falling from a tree onto an innocent concert goer who was tripping balls. Smh
I hope you realize how that could’ve permanently affected your average concert goer. Thankfully I was deep into a psychedelic experience and pushed through the whole invading stinging caterpillar experience and enjoyed the rest of the concert. CL
You handled it brilliantly, so you were the best person to have that unique experience. Right place, wrong time, perfect person!
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