InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

Challenge accepted haha

Two from my last grow. One filles up 1/2 a Mason jar and the other was almost a full jar!! Haha
Now that’s a proper Pygmy if I ever saw one. CL🍀
Ruby Tuesday auto got its first nutes today because the second fans are completely in (about 1g/gallon of MC) and it's got nice visible roots through the clear cup as well. Next watering it will go up to around 2g/gallon. To get those low numbers I just dilute some from my gallon jugs of 4.5g/gal with water to lower the strength for young plants!

Also, I might be dropping another Queen G auto seed tomorrow since not much is happening with the second version. It looks fine but it hasn't changed much over the last 24 hours and I don't need another slow auto. :)

Happy Thanksgiving tomorrow to all our American cousins. 🦃 🍽️

9g and 10g? They seem like giants compared to my increasingly inaccurately named Red Mimosa XL Auto! 5g if I’m lucky! I mean she’s pretty and all but my outdoor organic Auto ain’t winning any prizes for yield. Think she’s on day 7x/80
It's got a charm of its own, and you don't need the weed anyway!
Here’s my first Auto’s. CL🍀
You know my theory about growing autos outside yes? I've never seen big autos grown completely outside, and I believe it's because they're bred for stable environments. The changes they see outside send them into flower early. That's my take anyway and it's why I'm going to veg these two mostly inside this winter.
Well I don't feel as bad after harvesting 14g off that Dosi-doe that was in a SIP ! I did smoke some of it yesterday and it is Good (got my ass stone)
Oh there it is...I was wondering what happened to that auto-on-a-chair! :welldone: sb, and it must be nice to be smoking your own supply again after all this time.
Ruby Tuesday auto got its first nutes today because the second fans are completely in (about 1g/gallon of MC) and it's got nice visible roots through the clear cup as well. Next watering it will go up to around 2g/gallon. To get those low numbers I just dilute some from my gallon jugs of 4.5g/gal with water to lower the strength for young plants!

Also, I might be dropping another Queen G auto seed tomorrow since not much is happening with the second version. It looks fine but it hasn't changed much over the last 24 hours and I don't need another slow auto. :)

Happy Thanksgiving tomorrow to all our American cousins. 🦃 🍽️

It's got a charm of its own, and you don't need the weed anyway!

You know my theory about growing autos outside yes? I've never seen big autos grown completely outside, and I believe it's because they're bred for stable environments. The changes they see outside send them into flower early. That's my take anyway and it's why I'm going to veg these two mostly inside this winter.

Oh there it is...I was wondering what happened to that auto-on-a-chair! :welldone: sb, and it must be nice to be smoking your own supply again after all this time.
Thanks Shedster 🦸‍♀️ and if I’m ever in the mood to grow Auto’s again I’ll definitely take it under advisement. But to be totally honest the odds are prolly better that I’ll win the Powerball. CL🍀 :thanks:
You know my theory about growing autos outside yes? I've never seen big autos grown completely outside, and I believe it's because they're bred for stable environments. The changes they see outside send them into flower early. That's my take anyway and it's why I'm going to veg these two mostly inside this winter.
I can do it between Jun-Aug here if it’s a dry summer. A few Wookiees grew 100% outside, they get a much different purple look.
Anything more leafy (which is pretty much everything else) gets PM here. Photos, always.
As you know I have done the start outside, finish inside and even the reverse of that 😂 Worked out fine.
Probably controversial to say here but what they really love is consistency. Taking them inside outside daily for me so far has shocked them more than helped them. They love sun and LEDs but not necessarily in the same day.
You may find different and that would be awesome to watch as well. Trala does well moving them in and out, it’s just not for me.

The Queen G and RT will get a summer run this year, they can be done in 70-80 days and I can have them dry before the summer is even over and bugs even know they are there.
You’ll find perfect candidates in the little seed bank I left with you.
I can do it between Jun-Aug here if it’s a dry summer. A few Wookiees grew 100% outside, they get a much different purple look.
Anything more leafy (which is pretty much everything else) gets PM here. Photos, always.
As you know I have done the start outside, finish inside and even the reverse of that Worked out fine.
Interesting, because Carmen's outside Red Russian got much more purple than her inside one.
Probably controversial to say here but what they really love is consistency.
I don't think that's controversial here since I keep saying they like a stable environment!
Taking them inside outside daily for me so far has shocked them more than helped them. They love sun and LEDs but not necessarily in the same day. You may find different and that would be awesome to watch as well.
Might just be where you live, since almost all of the outside autos I've seen tend to be pretty small plants, and most folks aren't moving them like I do. I know that they certainly don't like my 80º days (90º+ including radiant heat), 60º nights, and an RH that runs from 60% to 98% every 24 hours.

That said, I have grown a couple of big autos but those got moved too. :schlep:

I guess what I'm saying is that you will almost never end up with a tiny harvest off a well-tended photo, but the odds are good that sooner or later you will end up with one growing autos, and maybe more often than you'd like.
The Queen G and RT will get a summer run this year, they can be done in 70-80 days and I can have them dry before the summer is even over and bugs even know they are there.
I'm looking forward to your summer run, and I recall one of the biggest outside autos I've seen was one you vegged inside and put out in flower early in your tenure here.
You’ll find perfect candidates in the little seed bank I left with you.
That's as may be and I appreciate the beans, but finding perfect auto candidates really isn't on my agenda. :)
Dropped another Queen G auto seed this morning, and 7 days after it sprouts we'll compare the two to see which one gets to carry on! :slide:

I hope you have a tasty and happy Thanksgiving Shed and everyone!
Thanks Otter, back atcha!
Happy Thanksgiving intheshed !! Yes it does feel good to smoke what you grow , Thanks
Thank you sb, and check your email. :)
Happy Thanksgiving to the Shedster and his Crew n friends. CL🍀.
Thanks Captain, and to you and all of your mates. :high-five:
Monday update all! I hope you had a nice weekend, whether it was a 4-day one with too much food or the standard 2-day one. :)

Here's what's been happening with my winter auto grow. First, I dropped another Queen G auto seed on Thursday and by Friday it had a nice tail:

So I put it in a peat puck, but here we are on Monday and this is all I've got so far:

And that took a little digging to see what was going on, so it's obviously not in a hurry. It's also taking up valuable real estate on the desk where I would normally have the other autos, so they're propped up on boxes in the tent:

I set the distance based on the lux they were getting under the CFL, but it was a bit intense under the LEDs so I raised the light up a few clicks on that side.

Here they are in the sun this morning, with Ruby Tuesday auto on day 11 and Queen G auto on day 8:

In other garden news, I was watching television in the garage on Sunday and noticed a swallowtail butterfly landing and taking off from the lime tree:

It did it about 6 or 7 times before leaving, and when I went to see what it was doing, I spotted a lot of these it left behind:

Oof, butterfly eggs! :eek: The last thing I need is a bunch of huge bird poop caterpillars eating my new lime tree, so I'm going to either move the eggs somewhere else, or move the caterpillars once they hatch. What I'm not doing is letting them decimate the plant. 🚫 🐛

That's it for me, and I hope your week is shaping up well! :cool:

Happy Thanksgiving Shedster!
Thanks Sparkey! I hope yours went well. 🦃
Happy Thanksgiving to all who celebrate!
Thank you Carmen!
Monday update all! I hope you had a nice weekend, whether it was a 4-day one with too much food or the standard 2-day one. :)

Here's what's been happening with my winter auto grow. First, I dropped another Queen G auto seed on Thursday and by Friday it had a nice tail:

So I put it in a peat puck, but here we are on Monday and this is all I've got so far:

And that took a little digging to see what was going on, so it's obviously not in a hurry. It's also taking up valuable real estate on the desk where I would normally have the other autos, so they're propped up on boxes in the tent:

I set the distance based on the lux they were getting under the CFL, but it was a bit intense under the LEDs so I raised the light up a few clicks on that side.

Here they are in the sun this morning, with Ruby Tuesday auto on day 11 and Queen G auto on day 8:

In other garden news, I was watching television in the garage on Sunday and noticed a swallowtail butterfly landing and taking off from the lime tree:

It did it about 6 or 7 times before leaving, and when I went to see what it was doing, I spotted a lot of these it left behind:

Oof, butterfly eggs! :eek: The last thing I need is a bunch of huge bird poop caterpillars eating my new lime tree, so I'm going to either move the eggs somewhere else, or move the caterpillars once they hatch. What I'm not doing is letting them decimate the plant. 🚫 🐛

That's it for me, and I hope your week is shaping up well! :cool:


Thanks Sparkey! I hope yours went well. 🦃

Thank you Carmen!
seedlings are looking good the RT looks like it going to be big
That Queen G looks like my PoTM Dark Devil when she was small.
All scrunkly.

Terror poops! How are you gonna move those eggs to another plant? Seems like a difficult endeavor.
Looking good, Shed! mostly off to a great start...
not sure about that third one, though.. :hmmmm:
The last thing I need is a bunch of huge bird poop caterpillars eating my new lime tree,
I didn't know there was such a thing- clever little fellows, those Swallowtails!
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