InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

Tuesday update of the winter auto grow, so let's dive into the tent!

Here they are under the MarsHydro SP250, currently running at 100watts (I turned off the oil heater completely) which is keeping the tent around 74ºF:

Queen G auto left is getting around 25,000 lux and Ruby Tuesday auto is getting 30,000.

Here's a closer look at the RTa on day 19:


And it's showing sex:

To all you folks who top autos when you see pistils, are these the pistils you mean or do you mean flowering pistils? Should I be topping now?

Moving on to the Queen G auto on day 16:

And the roots:

If I can drag my ass out of bed early enough tomorrow morning I will transplant the QGa into a 5 gallon pot. Pics if it happens! 😴

That's it from me today, and I hope your week is going well. :peace:
To all you folks who top autos when you see pistils, are these the pistils you mean or do you mean flowering pistils? Should I be topping now?
As long as she is up to an acceptable node, top anytime. I personally wouldn’t wait more than 2-3 days as this is basically the first step in stressing them into longer preflower. That’s my experience anyway.

RT looks great, it’s going to be way bigger than mine was.
Looking good Shed, almost as if you have a clue! 😁
As long as it is up to an acceptable node, top anytime. I personally wouldn’t wait more than 2-3 days as this is basically the first step in stressing them into longer preflower. That’s my experience anyway.
LOL what's an acceptable node? Also, my past experience is that stressing them sends them into flower sooner, so this will certainly be a leap of faith for me!

I'm not sure how many more nodes it will kick out in 2-3 days but I'm willing to wait and see. Should I take off the lowest? I do on all my photos.
RT looks great, it’s going to be way bigger than mine was.
Big RT, little QG, I'm taking whatever they're giving. :)
Looking good Shed, almost as if you have a clue!
Thanks GDB, but still no clue!
LOL what's an acceptable node? Also, my past experience is that stressing them sends them into flower sooner, so this will certainly be a leap of faith for me!

I'm not sure how many more nodes it will kick out in 2-3 days but I'm willing to wait and see. Should I take off the lowest? I do on all my photos.

Big RT, little QG, I'm taking whatever they're giving. :)

Thanks GDB, but still no clue!
I take off the lowest and leave 3 nodes after top, some people only leave 2.

If you wait, it goes into full flower. If you cut it, she’s stays in preflower for way longer. It feels wrong but it’s right when I grow them.
My last Queen G’s- the one I didn’t top or stress at all…..I’m already smoking it.
The one I topped right after it showed sex is still growing and will have probably 3 times the weight.
Just my .02
I take off the lowest and leave 3 nodes after top, some people only leave 2.

If you wait, it goes into full flower. If you cut it, she’s stays in preflower for way longer. It feels wrong but it’s right when I grow them.
My last Queen G’s- the one I didn’t top or stress at all…..I’m already smoking it.
The one I topped right after it showed sex is still growing and will have probably 3 times the weight.
Just my .02
Your 2 cents is worth a lot more in today's dollars...thanks Justin!
Should I take off the lowest? I do on all my photos.
You could- or hold off for a week or 2 to see how those branches do- more often than not, at least one branch from node 1 will do pretty well.
:ciao: Hey Shed.
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!
Like Justin, I would also top her now. I usually try to top as high as I can - leaving a good length stump just like photos. I never take any of the lowers, just the tops. I personally feel like a 5 gallon pot is too big 3s are my go to, but that’s a personal preference I guess.
Gotcha, will do! I will probably have to wait at least a day if I'm going to leave the double H stump on it though. And the consensus on pot size seemed to be 7 for Ruby Tuesday the way it was growing, but it's going to be 5 gallon for Queen G.
They look marvelous! :love:
I can't see waiting that long before calling it but I can certainly delay to see how the lower growth responds to topping. I plan on training this the same as I do my photos but who knows. :hmmmm: Thanks Carcass!
no 90 degree LST ? going a different route

I'd top now as well. It's the first pistils coming out of the internodal calyx that you are looking for.

I remove the bottoms as well and top high,between forth and fifth nodes if possible.
no 90 degree LST ? going a different route
I've decided to train these the way most folk run their autos (and how I train my photos, only much shorter!) as opposed going with LST on them. If I ran autos on a regular basis I would definitely lay them flat, as my two biggest auto harvests came from ones I bent 90º and tied down.

My third ever plant, a 5.78oz Blueberry auto:


and 6 oz off a Blue Treacle auto that lost some to bud rot:


Maybe next winter!

Fwiw..I'd top now as well. It's the first pistils coming out of the internodal calyx that you are looking for.
I remove the bottoms as well and top high,between forth and fifth nodes of possible.
It's worth. I'll count nodes when I get home and see where it's toppable. Thanks for the visit VG!
Thanks Otter, I sure hope so. :) According to the Social Security Administration, my full retirement benefits kick in October of next year, so that's the tentative plan. There are a few moving parts so we'll see, and you'll certainly hear about it here!
I highly recommend retirement, it’s like being on a paid permanent vacation. CL🍀 :thumb: :woohoo:
I top above the 4th node as soon as I can. She looks great for 19 days.
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