InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

How many plants can you fit inside? (Assume normal sized plants not Nick Sized Autos!)
In where, the tent? It's 2x4x6 so you can get three 7 gallon pots side by side if you can keep your plants inside the rim.
That's Great about Newty I use to listen to what she said because you tell there was research there ! Upcan looks good hopefully get going soon !
She said she feels like this site really bolstered her growing knowledge and she's really grateful for all the support she got here. Thanks sb!
nice transplant, Lol you're obviously more comfortable transplanting autos than i am, hope your weekend is great
Lol thanks con! I am probably more uncomfortable about transplanting autos than most folks (I almost never did it when I used to grow them), but I'm following along with what most folks seem to do with autos these days. We'll see!
Ahoy There!
Aye, the privilege of providing cannabis to a Vietnam Veteran who turns 83 this month. He is a jewel for sure! Tells me the ins and outs bout nearly everything, especially growing cannabis. He has probably never seen a live plant (haha) but is there to tell me after one taste what I should have done with the tea he recommended I use that would have made the smoke taste better. I always thank him.

Anyhow he had some of the Sour G bombs you gifted us and by gosh "Best he has ever had".

Thanks bro,
That will keep him quiet for 2 weeks. :love:
Monday greetings all, and here is an update on the two tent autos! Not much going on in there, and with them being autos and without the schlepping, it's a pretty dull grow I have to say. That doesn't mean there's nothing going on though, so herewith...

First off, the top branches on the Ruby Tuesday auto (on day 24) were long enough to start some training:

So out came the StankClips® to tie them to their corresponding fans:

But those fans weren't laying flat, so they needed to be tied down to the lip of the pot:

As the branches grow out I slide the clips further along until they're long enough to be tied down themselves. Tomorrow I may have to grab the next two nodes and tie them flat as well as they're almost at the canopy.

I needed to do some Extreme Leaf Tucking to get the next biggest fan leaves out of the way:

I also saw some PM on the RTa:

So out came the 0.25% citric acid spray:

Sprayed with the lights on, stayed with the lights on (they're on 24/0), and not a single burn mark this morning, just some dried water spots which rub off with a finger:

I continue to take the lower growth off the first node so that only the end flowers will grow when it blooms, that is unless I completely remove one of both of them instead.

And just so it doesn't feel left out, here is the Queen G auto, today on day 22:

It might be showing sex in the next day or two, which means it will be time to top it (I hear!), so that will be a challenge on a plant this small.

:thanks: for stopping by. I hope your weekend went well and you're cruising into the holidays like a boss!

Ahoy There!
Aye, the privilege of providing cannabis to a Vietnam Veteran who turns 83 this month. He is a jewel for sure! Tells me the ins and outs bout nearly everything, especially growing cannabis. He has probably never seen a live plant (haha) but is there to tell me after one taste what I should have done with the tea he recommended I use that would have made the smoke taste better. I always thank him.
Anyhow he had some of the Sour G bombs you gifted us and by gosh "Best he has ever had".
Thanks bro,
That will keep him quiet for 2 weeks.
Nothing shuts 'em up like some Sour G! Thanks for the report Maritimer. :)
They're growing like they don't know you, Shed! :thumb:
The little autos are doing good, just autoing along....
I also saw some PM on the RTa:
Already?....damn it- I hate that stuff....
Monday greetings all, and here is an update on the two tent autos! Not much going on in there, and with them being autos and without the schlepping, it's a pretty dull grow I have to say. That doesn't mean there's nothing going on though, so herewith...

First off, the top branches on the Ruby Tuesday auto (on day 24) were long enough to start some training:

So out came the StankClips® to tie them to their corresponding fans:

But those fans weren't laying flat, so they needed to be tied down to the lip of the pot:

As the branches grow out I slide the clips further along until they're long enough to be tied down themselves. Tomorrow I may have to grab the next two nodes and tie them flat as well as they're almost at the canopy.

I needed to do some Extreme Leaf Tucking to get the next biggest fan leaves out of the way:

I also saw some PM on the RTa:

So out came the 0.25% citric acid spray:

Sprayed with the lights on, stayed with the lights on (they're on 24/0), and not a single burn mark this morning, just some dried water spots which rub off with a finger:

I continue to take the lower growth off the first node so that only the end flowers will grow when it blooms, that is unless I completely remove one of both of them instead.

And just so it doesn't feel left out, here is the Queen G auto, today on day 22:

It might be showing sex in the next day or two, which means it will be time to top it (I hear!), so that will be a challenge on a plant this small.

:thanks: for stopping by. I hope your weekend went well and you're cruising into the holidays like a boss!


Nothing shuts 'em up like some Sour G! Thanks for the report Maritimer. :)
looking good, i'm watching closely on this style of training
Monday greetings all, and here is an update on the two tent autos! Not much going on in there, and with them being autos and without the schlepping, it's a pretty dull grow I have to say. That doesn't mean there's nothing going on though, so herewith...

First off, the top branches on the Ruby Tuesday auto (on day 24) were long enough to start some training:

So out came the StankClips® to tie them to their corresponding fans:

But those fans weren't laying flat, so they needed to be tied down to the lip of the pot:

As the branches grow out I slide the clips further along until they're long enough to be tied down themselves. Tomorrow I may have to grab the next two nodes and tie them flat as well as they're almost at the canopy.

I needed to do some Extreme Leaf Tucking to get the next biggest fan leaves out of the way:

I also saw some PM on the RTa:

So out came the 0.25% citric acid spray:

Sprayed with the lights on, stayed with the lights on (they're on 24/0), and not a single burn mark this morning, just some dried water spots which rub off with a finger:

I continue to take the lower growth off the first node so that only the end flowers will grow when it blooms, that is unless I completely remove one of both of them instead.

And just so it doesn't feel left out, here is the Queen G auto, today on day 22:

It might be showing sex in the next day or two, which means it will be time to top it (I hear!), so that will be a challenge on a plant this small.

:thanks: for stopping by. I hope your weekend went well and you're cruising into the holidays like a boss!


Nothing shuts 'em up like some Sour G! Thanks for the report Maritimer. :)
I waited 2 days after mine showed sex because it was really small. Ended up being fine!
They're growing like they don't know you, Shed!
Thanks GDB, well half of them anyway!
Newty was one of the first journals I followed when I found 420mag. Glad to hear she’s doing well.
She really brought us along on her journey when she was here, and even the beginning was a great ride. 🚗
The little autos are doing good, just autoing along....
IKR, and that's the main problem I have with autos: I want them to be Shedding along!
Already?....damn it- I hate that stuff....
I'm not really surprised since I always face it outside. It's not like the house is ever sealed up tight.
Squint a little, pull out a comedy Sherlock Holmes magnifying glass and that Queen G looks just like one of my Autos, bigger than mine though.
LOL thanks Nick. Bigger autos than yours is always a plus. :thumb:
looking good, i'm watching closely on this style of training
Thanks con! This training is the same I do on my photos, at least for as long as I can before they really start autoing along. :cheesygrinsmiley:
I waited 2 days after mine showed sex because it was really small. Ended up being fine!
Oh thanks Justin! I won't feel like I have to watch it like a hawk then. 👀
Looking nice mate 👍
Monday greetings all, and here is an update on the two tent autos! Not much going on in there, and with them being autos and without the schlepping, it's a pretty dull grow I have to say. That doesn't mean there's nothing going on though, so herewith...

First off, the top branches on the Ruby Tuesday auto (on day 24) were long enough to start some training:

So out came the StankClips® to tie them to their corresponding fans:

But those fans weren't laying flat, so they needed to be tied down to the lip of the pot:

As the branches grow out I slide the clips further along until they're long enough to be tied down themselves. Tomorrow I may have to grab the next two nodes and tie them flat as well as they're almost at the canopy.

I needed to do some Extreme Leaf Tucking to get the next biggest fan leaves out of the way:

I also saw some PM on the RTa:

So out came the 0.25% citric acid spray:

Sprayed with the lights on, stayed with the lights on (they're on 24/0), and not a single burn mark this morning, just some dried water spots which rub off with a finger:

I continue to take the lower growth off the first node so that only the end flowers will grow when it blooms, that is unless I completely remove one of both of them instead.

And just so it doesn't feel left out, here is the Queen G auto, today on day 22:

It might be showing sex in the next day or two, which means it will be time to top it (I hear!), so that will be a challenge on a plant this small.

:thanks: for stopping by. I hope your weekend went well and you're cruising into the holidays like a boss!


Nothing shuts 'em up like some Sour G! Thanks for the report Maritimer. :)
Hey Shed,
Your Ruby Tuesday is going great guns! Your little Queen G is small but well formed. I bet that plant will go places when it gets a growth spurt.
I'm enjoying having you as a fellow auto grower, even if just for a season!
Since you insist, here's a shot of the Queen G auto (day 24) and its would-be replacement (day 15) side by side in the tent:

The little one was just there for the pic as it spends its days in the sun. I'm not sure what to do with it, but maybe I'll move it into a 3 gallon when it's ready and stick it in the middle between the other two. :hmmmm:

Always looking so green here. They look good Shed. Hoping they do it for you.
Thanks Lerugged! I'm liking the growth on the Ruby Tuesday auto but the QGa looks too much like most of my past autos, so I'm less inspired by the left side of the tent. We'll see...
Looking nice mate
Thanks Absorber!
Your Ruby Tuesday is going great guns! Your little Queen G is small but well formed. I bet that plant will go places when it gets a growth spurt.
Thank you Carmen, and it actually had a growth spurt last night:

Even though there's a pistil or two down in there I'm going to wait until I can top it without FIMming the growth below it.
I'm enjoying having you as a fellow auto grower, even if just for a season!
Aww thanks! :blushsmile:
Nice training , plants look good too .
Thanks sb!
Go autos go!
Fo sho!
Monday greetings all, and here is an update on the two tent autos! Not much going on in there, and with them being autos and without the schlepping, it's a pretty dull grow I have to say. That doesn't mean there's nothing going on though, so herewith...

First off, the top branches on the Ruby Tuesday auto (on day 24) were long enough to start some training:

So out came the StankClips® to tie them to their corresponding fans:

But those fans weren't laying flat, so they needed to be tied down to the lip of the pot:

As the branches grow out I slide the clips further along until they're long enough to be tied down themselves. Tomorrow I may have to grab the next two nodes and tie them flat as well as they're almost at the canopy.

I needed to do some Extreme Leaf Tucking to get the next biggest fan leaves out of the way:

I also saw some PM on the RTa:

So out came the 0.25% citric acid spray:

Sprayed with the lights on, stayed with the lights on (they're on 24/0), and not a single burn mark this morning, just some dried water spots which rub off with a finger:

I continue to take the lower growth off the first node so that only the end flowers will grow when it blooms, that is unless I completely remove one of both of them instead.

And just so it doesn't feel left out, here is the Queen G auto, today on day 22:

It might be showing sex in the next day or two, which means it will be time to top it (I hear!), so that will be a challenge on a plant this small.

:thanks: for stopping by. I hope your weekend went well and you're cruising into the holidays like a boss!


Nothing shuts 'em up like some Sour G! Thanks for the report Maritimer. :)
Dull grow at the moment perhaps. You should begin to see an acceleration nowish. I find they really start to take off when you begin the training. Looking great so far still!
Dull grow at the moment perhaps.
LOL dull is the word Jon! You're the only comment on my pics from yesterday.

You should begin to see an acceleration nowish. I find they really start to take off when you begin the training. Looking great so far still!
I've been laying out the bigger Ruby Tuesday and it's still pretty dull. I open the tent in the morning to tighten the ties, and then peek in on them at night and that's it. Not sure if it's because I've never done a completely inside grow, because they're autos, or some combination of the two. :hmmmm:
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