InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

So many people talking like once autos show sex their life is over-
Queen G showing sex at day 18, topped at day 21
so tiny. Never gonna amount to anything, so sad.

Queen G 85 days.

with the right tweaking and stress they will keep going (sometimes) and they don’t need to get huge, just heavy.
This one made 5 ounces which isn’t my biggest but she’s bred for taste and strength, not GMO type bud production. Solid snowy nugs is what I am after.

Hoping your Ruby Tuesday gets bigger than mine did, I only ended up with a bit over 2 oz. Tasty but tiny.

Autos are a bit of a crapshoot and people are sometimes afraid of using more aggressive techniques, up potting, topping, pruning, back building….but they love it all. And then to be ignored 😂

My farmer mate earlier this year ran 5000 autos totally outdoor and LOS

Short and stocky was order of the day. Those are all Serious Seeds White Widow. There’s a few fields there. I have some way cooler pictures but they have big name politicians and celebs in so no!

Because its near 12/12 here year round autos are great for fire and forget 4-5 times a year. Zero electricity costs too.

It was very nice weed, grown up in the Golden Triangle.about 90 minutes flight away. He flew up every two weeks to manage it. Zero light pollution out in the sticks

His greenhouse though down here, ran 4-5000 photos, keep them in veg with some cheap solar charged lights from 6:30pm to midnight until flip. That he sold as indoor. It was better than 80% of the indoor grown you can buy here.great big 2-3m beasts.

So a bit like Shed and probably you @Justin Goody ? I wanted to take Autos seriously - I’d just throw numbers at them?

Accept some are going to not really deliver and move on?

My farmer mate earlier this year ran 5000 autos totally outdoor and LOS

Short and stocky was order of the day. Those are all Serious Seeds White Widow. There’s a few fields there. I have some way cooler pictures but they have big name politicians and celebs in so no!

Because its near 12/12 here year round autos are great for fire and forget 4-5 times a year. Zero electricity costs too.

It was very nice weed, grown up in the Golden Triangle.about 90 minutes flight away. He flew up every two weeks to manage it. Zero light pollution out in the sticks

His greenhouse though down here, ran 4-5000 photos, keep them in veg with some cheap solar charged lights from 6:30pm to midnight until flip. That he sold as indoor. It was better than 80% of the indoor grown you can buy here.great big 2-3m beasts.

So a bit like Shed and probably you @Justin Goody ? I wanted to take Autos seriously - I’d just throw numbers at them?

Accept some are going to not really deliver and move on?
Thats crazy, how many armed gaurds during the night
Highya ITS,

I was looking forward to seeing more pictures. Ruby Tuesday looks very strong. She'll give you some solid nugs!! Very nice looking auto. Maybe a couple more pics next time?!? Happy Smokin'
Thats crazy, how many armed gaurds during the night
they have big name politicians and celebs

Up there its like medieval England. Lord of Manor and serfs. I know what happened to a trim lady caught stealing, they reckon as much as half an ounce a day for a week! They had 4 full size shipping containers of dried and cured at one point. Probably lost more to waste every 15 minutes.

Not violent or anything awful like that but she lost her home, everything. Excommunicado from the area she’d been born in, schooled, worked in her whole life and had never really left. I’m not saying Asians don't steal but you lose your wallet in HK or Thailand. Decent chance its returned with the money in. Buddhist leaning countries take theft real serious.

Pick up a penny and all day long you’ll have good luck!

My Nan used to sing that to me as a kid. Here its the opposite. Yesterday walking down the street I saw a one baht coin on the floor. About 3c USD. I walked on by. Considered unlucky to pick up money off the floor that’s not yours.

They have security there anyway because whatever that’s how they roll. But not for theft. Its super rare.
Sorry about the only one pic earlier Bode, so I thought I would make it up to you while you sleep...

Saturday night update so let's dive in. First up is the Ruby Tuesday auto on day 31 that you got a glimpse of earlier:


Every node is being trained one way or another. The top 4 are being kept flat and the bottom one has been tied upward in the middle. It's the only node not fully in flower.

Speaking of flowers, here's one starting to stack:

And the one I posted earlier:

I started training on the Queen G auto today (day 28):

The top three nodes have been laid out while I wait for the lower two to catch up.

And finally, it was transplant day for the QGa2, on day 19:

The roots held together even though it's much less rooty than my usual upcan timing:

I put it in a plastic pot that's probably just under 3 gallons:

This one will live outside on most sunny days and hang out with its brethren in tent the rest of the time:

QGa on the left is around 35,000 lux, QGa2 is just under 30, and RTa is about 40. I bumped the watts to 190 and raised it up to get better spread and penetration.

That's it from me tonight. My son made it back safely and is isolating in the garage for the next couple of days while we wait to see if he tests positive. As for me, I've still got a couple more hours of painting and then the adulting of my daughter's room will be finished. Phewf... :slide:

Happy Sunday! ☀️

lmao! Is everyone in holiday mode?!
Very likely! As long as they make it back after the 1st to vote in the year end contests, I'm good. :cheesygrinsmiley:
I'm so confused now. When did you top the Ruby Tuesday, or hasn't that been done yet? I'm interested to see what you do with 6 nodes on the Queen G now.
I topped RTa on Dec 6th, which was day 20. I left node 1 on and it has 5 nodes, as does QGa (they're much tighter) after losing the 1st node here.
So neem for pm in veg? I did not know that.
Indeed. It works for bugs and PM in veg, but I don't use it in flower.
Looking great Shedster!!!
Thanks NTH, and nice to have you stop by!
Topping an auto? You like to live dangerously Shedster. I don’t think if I ever grew one again I would do anything that might stunt it. Fingers crossed though. CL🍀
I'm following the wisdom of folks who grow autos better than I ever have, so I can blame them it anything goes sideways. So far so good though. :thumb:
Hope things pick up soon or knowing you you will drop a photo seed
Things tend to get busy whenever Nick has too much time on his hands (he must need another tent!), and no photos seeds will be dropped for months. :)
I'm definitely in holiday mode! Nice topping Shedster!
Always good to hear, thanks Otter!
Woah made it in the end. Felt like I had narcolepsy there at times Look like they’re just days away from buds?
Hope the nap was refreshing, and RTa is definitely feeling the flower power. 👊
Buds is Not what Shed want to hear Nick where you been ? closest thing to buds they got Broccoli lol
LOL you said it sb!
I know he doesn’t want to hear that. That’s why he stopped growing autos!
Indeedee doo! But better to grow autos than be bored with my own grow, yes?
I’m just hoping Shed figures it out so I can copy him!
Uh doubtful! I think we'll just keep muddling through and wondering how Jon and LKA and Justin and Boo and Carcass and VG (et al.) manage to do it.
Smart man he is Shed! Hoping for none of that!
Ruby Tuesday was a pretty good song in its day though a bit of a breakup song! I'm a Stones fan.
Thanks Otter, and if not for the Stones would we even be talking about it?
Holding thumbs he doesn't come down with Covid! Poor bloke. Will he be isolated for a few days, or just masked and sanitizing?
Congrats on flowers.
Thanks Carmen, and as long as he's in the garage he's maskless. When he needs to come in the house he'll mask up.
Ruby's about to start showing off on every day of the week!
Thank you GDB! Already a bit of stacking going on so what could be bad. 🏗️
Covid its clearly considered a thing then in the US? Just some states?
In HK and Thailand not a whisper bar some stuff coupled in with annual flu jab reminders. Same the UK. No one tests anymore.
Dunno about which states have the most cases but it's definitely still a thing all over. I know two folks in London with it!
Isn’t it some kind of franchise restaurant/ bar? CL🍀
You bet your sweet bippy!
Flower allready how many days since it sprouted ? looks good though
Thanks con! Day count is listed in the pics, but to save you from having to scroll back up: RTa is day 31 and QGa is day 28.
So many people talking like once autos show sex their life is over-
Historically that was true for mine so I must be one of those people!
Queen G showing sex at day 18, topped at day 21 so tiny. Never gonna amount to anything, so sad.
I'm thinking that this is going to be a feel-good story rather than a let down...
Queen G 85 days.
with the right tweaking and stress they will keep going (sometimes) and they don’t need to get huge, just heavy.
This one made 5 ounces which isn’t my biggest but she’s bred for taste and strength, not GMO type bud production. Solid snowy nugs is what I am after.
Oh Goody, I was right! :welldone:
Hoping your Ruby Tuesday gets bigger than mine did, I only ended up with a bit over 2 oz. Tasty but tiny.
Autos are a bit of a crapshoot and people are sometimes afraid of using more aggressive techniques, up potting, topping, pruning, back building….but they love it all. And then to be ignored
I have no expectations when it comes to autos, so the only one who might be disappointed with the harvest is the breeder. :laugh:
My farmer mate earlier this year ran 5000 autos totally outdoor and LOS
Short and stocky was order of the day. Those are all Serious Seeds White Widow. There’s a few fields there. I have some way cooler pictures but they have big name politicians and celebs in so no!
Because its near 12/12 here year round autos are great for fire and forget 4-5 times a year. Zero electricity costs too.
It was very nice weed, grown up in the Golden Triangle.about 90 minutes flight away. He flew up every two weeks to manage it. Zero light pollution out in the sticks
His greenhouse though down here, ran 4-5000 photos, keep them in veg with some cheap solar charged lights from 6:30pm to midnight until flip. That he sold as indoor. It was better than 80% of the indoor grown you can buy here.great big 2-3m beasts.
So a bit like Shed and probably you @Justin Goody ? I wanted to take Autos seriously - I’d just throw numbers at them?
Accept some are going to not really deliver and move on?
Those autos all looked to be about the same size, so there's consistency in the untrained plant. Not something I would do but as long as he was happy!
I was looking forward to seeing more pictures. Ruby Tuesday looks very strong. She'll give you some solid nugs!! Very nice looking auto. Maybe a couple more pics next time?!? Happy Smokin'
I hope that post did the trick, and thanks for craving pics Bode!
Sorry about the only one pic earlier Bode, so I thought I would make it up to you while you sleep...

Saturday night update so let's dive in. First up is the Ruby Tuesday auto on day 31 that you got a glimpse of earlier:


Every node is being trained one way or another. The top 4 are being kept flat and the bottom one has been tied upward in the middle. It's the only node not fully in flower.

Speaking of flowers, here's one starting to stack:

And the one I posted earlier:

I started training on the Queen G auto today (day 28):

The top three nodes have been laid out while I wait for the lower two to catch up.

And finally, it was transplant day for the QGa2, on day 19:

The roots held together even though it's much less rooty than my usual upcan timing:

I put it in a plastic pot that's probably just under 3 gallons:

This one will live outside on most sunny days and hang out with its brethren in tent the rest of the time:

QGa on the left is around 35,000 lux, QGa2 is just under 30, and RTa is about 40. I bumped the watts to 190 and raised it up to get better spread and penetration.

That's it from me tonight. My son made it back safely and is isolating in the garage for the next couple of days while we wait to see if he tests positive. As for me, I've still got a couple more hours of painting and then the adulting of my daughter's room will be finished. Phewf... :slide:

Happy Sunday! ☀️


Very likely! As long as they make it back after the 1st to vote in the year end contests, I'm good. :cheesygrinsmiley:

I topped RTa on Dec 6th, which was day 20. I left node 1 on and it has 5 nodes, as does QGa (they're much tighter) after losing the 1st node here.

Indeed. It works for bugs and PM in veg, but I don't use it in flower.

Thanks NTH, and nice to have you stop by!

I'm following the wisdom of folks who grow autos better than I ever have, so I can blame them it anything goes sideways. So far so good though. :thumb:

Things tend to get busy whenever Nick has too much time on his hands (he must need another tent!), and no photos seeds will be dropped for months. :)

Always good to hear, thanks Otter!

Hope the nap was refreshing, and RTa is definitely feeling the flower power. 👊

LOL you said it sb!

Indeedee doo! But better to grow autos than be bored with my own grow, yes?

Uh doubtful! I think we'll just keep muddling through and wondering how Jon and LKA and Justin and Boo and Carcass and VG (et al.) manage to do it.

Thanks Otter, and if not for the Stones would we even be talking about it?

Thanks Carmen, and as long as he's in the garage he's maskless. When he needs to come in the house he'll mask up.

Thank you GDB! Already a bit of stacking going on so what could be bad. 🏗️

Dunno about which states have the most cases but it's definitely still a thing all over. I know two folks in London with it!

You bet your sweet bippy!

Thanks con! Day count is listed in the pics, but to save you from having to scroll back up: RTa is day 31 and QGa is day 28.

Historically that was true for mine so I must be one of those people!

I'm thinking that this is going to be a feel-good story rather than a let down...

Oh Goody, I was right! :welldone:

I have no expectations when it comes to autos, so the only one who might be disappointed with the harvest is the breeder. :laugh:

Those autos all looked to be about the same size, so there's consistency in the untrained plant. Not something I would do but as long as he was happy!

I hope that post did the trick, and thanks for craving pics Bode!
Good idea having a good excuse if it goes bad and the Shedster 🦸‍♂️with a restaurant link 🔗 . Another reason why follow your thread . lol 😂 CL🍀
Highya ITS,

Thank you for the pics!! You're a champ! Ruby Tuesday looks very strong for an auto. Love the numerous pistils among the vegetation. I grew auto's once. Yours will be so much better than my attempt. Nice post!! Happy Smokin'
As for me, I've still got a couple more hours of painting and then the adulting of my daughter's room will be finished. Phewf... :slide:

Happy Sunday! ☀️
Hah! Adulting the room! We still haven't done that to one of our kids rooms after 5 or 8 years away! I'm jealous! :green_heart: Can't agree to it here so I keep one room, the really small one, for myself and call it "the office" but it's my drying/curing/clothing/storage too. The other one's getting creepier by the day with the last things my daughter was interested in still on the shelves!
and if not for the Stones would we even be talking about it?
Was there a Ruby Tuesday ? "Richards explained that the lyrics are about Linda Keith, his girlfriend in the mid-1960s." From Wiki
Sorry about the only one pic earlier Bode, so I thought I would make it up to you while you sleep...

Saturday night update so let's dive in. First up is the Ruby Tuesday auto on day 31 that you got a glimpse of earlier:


Every node is being trained one way or another. The top 4 are being kept flat and the bottom one has been tied upward in the middle. It's the only node not fully in flower.

Speaking of flowers, here's one starting to stack:

And the one I posted earlier:

I started training on the Queen G auto today (day 28):

The top three nodes have been laid out while I wait for the lower two to catch up.

And finally, it was transplant day for the QGa2, on day 19:

The roots held together even though it's much less rooty than my usual upcan timing:

I put it in a plastic pot that's probably just under 3 gallons:

This one will live outside on most sunny days and hang out with its brethren in tent the rest of the time:

QGa on the left is around 35,000 lux, QGa2 is just under 30, and RTa is about 40. I bumped the watts to 190 and raised it up to get better spread and penetration.

That's it from me tonight. My son made it back safely and is isolating in the garage for the next couple of days while we wait to see if he tests positive. As for me, I've still got a couple more hours of painting and then the adulting of my daughter's room will be finished. Phewf... :slide:

Happy Sunday! ☀️


Very likely! As long as they make it back after the 1st to vote in the year end contests, I'm good. :cheesygrinsmiley:

I topped RTa on Dec 6th, which was day 20. I left node 1 on and it has 5 nodes, as does QGa (they're much tighter) after losing the 1st node here.

Indeed. It works for bugs and PM in veg, but I don't use it in flower.

Thanks NTH, and nice to have you stop by!

I'm following the wisdom of folks who grow autos better than I ever have, so I can blame them it anything goes sideways. So far so good though. :thumb:

Things tend to get busy whenever Nick has too much time on his hands (he must need another tent!), and no photos seeds will be dropped for months. :)

Always good to hear, thanks Otter!

Hope the nap was refreshing, and RTa is definitely feeling the flower power. 👊

LOL you said it sb!

Indeedee doo! But better to grow autos than be bored with my own grow, yes?

Uh doubtful! I think we'll just keep muddling through and wondering how Jon and LKA and Justin and Boo and Carcass and VG (et al.) manage to do it.

Thanks Otter, and if not for the Stones would we even be talking about it?

Thanks Carmen, and as long as he's in the garage he's maskless. When he needs to come in the house he'll mask up.

Thank you GDB! Already a bit of stacking going on so what could be bad. 🏗️

Dunno about which states have the most cases but it's definitely still a thing all over. I know two folks in London with it!

You bet your sweet bippy!

Thanks con! Day count is listed in the pics, but to save you from having to scroll back up: RTa is day 31 and QGa is day 28.

Historically that was true for mine so I must be one of those people!

I'm thinking that this is going to be a feel-good story rather than a let down...

Oh Goody, I was right! :welldone:

I have no expectations when it comes to autos, so the only one who might be disappointed with the harvest is the breeder. :laugh:

Those autos all looked to be about the same size, so there's consistency in the untrained plant. Not something I would do but as long as he was happy!

I hope that post did the trick, and thanks for craving pics Bode!
Good to know that my bippy is sweet. Now if I only knew wtf a bippy was I’d be happy 😊. lol CL🍀. :thumb: :cheesygrinsmiley:
Sorry about the only one pic earlier Bode, so I thought I would make it up to you while you sleep...

Saturday night update so let's dive in. First up is the Ruby Tuesday auto on day 31 that you got a glimpse of earlier:


Every node is being trained one way or another. The top 4 are being kept flat and the bottom one has been tied upward in the middle. It's the only node not fully in flower.

Speaking of flowers, here's one starting to stack:

And the one I posted earlier:

I started training on the Queen G auto today (day 28):

The top three nodes have been laid out while I wait for the lower two to catch up.

And finally, it was transplant day for the QGa2, on day 19:

The roots held together even though it's much less rooty than my usual upcan timing:

I put it in a plastic pot that's probably just under 3 gallons:

This one will live outside on most sunny days and hang out with its brethren in tent the rest of the time:

QGa on the left is around 35,000 lux, QGa2 is just under 30, and RTa is about 40. I bumped the watts to 190 and raised it up to get better spread and penetration.

That's it from me tonight. My son made it back safely and is isolating in the garage for the next couple of days while we wait to see if he tests positive. As for me, I've still got a couple more hours of painting and then the adulting of my daughter's room will be finished. Phewf... :slide:

Happy Sunday! ☀️


Very likely! As long as they make it back after the 1st to vote in the year end contests, I'm good. :cheesygrinsmiley:

I topped RTa on Dec 6th, which was day 20. I left node 1 on and it has 5 nodes, as does QGa (they're much tighter) after losing the 1st node here.

Indeed. It works for bugs and PM in veg, but I don't use it in flower.

Thanks NTH, and nice to have you stop by!

I'm following the wisdom of folks who grow autos better than I ever have, so I can blame them it anything goes sideways. So far so good though. :thumb:

Things tend to get busy whenever Nick has too much time on his hands (he must need another tent!), and no photos seeds will be dropped for months. :)

Always good to hear, thanks Otter!

Hope the nap was refreshing, and RTa is definitely feeling the flower power. 👊

LOL you said it sb!

Indeedee doo! But better to grow autos than be bored with my own grow, yes?

Uh doubtful! I think we'll just keep muddling through and wondering how Jon and LKA and Justin and Boo and Carcass and VG (et al.) manage to do it.

Thanks Otter, and if not for the Stones would we even be talking about it?

Thanks Carmen, and as long as he's in the garage he's maskless. When he needs to come in the house he'll mask up.

Thank you GDB! Already a bit of stacking going on so what could be bad. 🏗️

Dunno about which states have the most cases but it's definitely still a thing all over. I know two folks in London with it!

You bet your sweet bippy!

Thanks con! Day count is listed in the pics, but to save you from having to scroll back up: RTa is day 31 and QGa is day 28.

Historically that was true for mine so I must be one of those people!

I'm thinking that this is going to be a feel-good story rather than a let down...

Oh Goody, I was right! :welldone:

I have no expectations when it comes to autos, so the only one who might be disappointed with the harvest is the breeder. :laugh:

Those autos all looked to be about the same size, so there's consistency in the untrained plant. Not something I would do but as long as he was happy!

I hope that post did the trick, and thanks for craving pics Bode!
Your autos are gorgeous. Killer green. Awesome training. I see you do it like me in terms of when you begin training. I wait a while too, usually until I top. Gotta have something to train to train, right? Lol. Great work. Is it still sorta ho hum for you? I’d love to see you try one in that tent with size as the specific goal. Great work Shed.
Anyone know what causes leaves to do this (top of the Queen G auto)?


All curly and twisty...too hot? Too much light?

Looking good can't wait to see where they end up
Thanks, me too!
Good idea having a good excuse if it goes bad
Always thinking. ;)
and the Shedster with a restaurant link . Another reason why follow your thread . lol CL🍀
Any reason works for me. :high-five:
Thank you for the pics!! You're a champ! Ruby Tuesday looks very strong for an auto. Love the numerous pistils among the vegetation. I grew auto's once. Yours will be so much better than my attempt. Nice post!! Happy Smokin'
I'm hoping mine will be better than my attempts as well. :) Thanks Bode!
Hah! Adulting the room! We still haven't done that to one of our kids rooms after 5 or 8 years away! I'm jealous! Can't agree to it here so I keep one room, the really small one, for myself and call it "the office" but it's my drying/curing/clothing/storage too. The other one's getting creepier by the day with the last things my daughter was interested in still on the shelves!
That's a long time to leave it as is, but at least you've made it into a bit of your office/drying/curing/storage room! We took the stuff my daughter didn't take, packed it into a few boxes, and tossed them up in the attic. Only thing left are the kids books in the bookcase (Waiting for grand kids? Who's to say!).
Was there a Ruby Tuesday ? "Richards explained that the lyrics are about Linda Keith, his girlfriend in the mid-1960s." From Wiki
According to Richards, Linda Keith was the subject of the Rolling Stones song "Ruby Tuesday."

They could have opened a business called Keith and Keith. :hmmmm:
We have the Ruby Tuesday's restaurant here , was it the Beatles at first ? The song .. Anyway you got them baby's spread out good
Just the Stones, but mine is growing in popularity here just like the song...thanks sb!
i find it a PIA to get in there and tie the little ones up till they get bigger but you do a good job .
Luckily I don't have sausage fingers like Mr Otter. 🖐️
Good to know that my bippy is sweet. Now if I only knew wtf a bippy was I’d be happy . lol CL🍀.
Not a fan of Laugh-In or are you too young? Shame that's not on reruns anywhere!
Thanks Mel!
Your autos are gorgeous. Killer green. Awesome training. I see you do it like me in terms of when you begin training. I wait a while too, usually until I top. Gotta have something to train to train, right? Lol. Great work. Is it still sorta ho hum for you? I’d love to see you try one in that tent with size as the specific goal. Great work Shed.
Thanks Jon! Unless I'm doing LST from the jump I always start my training after topping, so why not do the autos the same way. And it's definitely less ho hum now that something is happening. :thumb:
Go Ruby go!
I'll pass along your support!
Anyone know what causes leaves to do this (top of the Queen G auto)?


All curly and twisty...too hot? Too much light?

Thanks, me too!

Always thinking. ;)

Any reason works for me. :high-five:

I'm hoping mine will be better than my attempts as well. :) Thanks Bode!

That's a long time to leave it as is, but at least you've made it into a bit of your office/drying/curing/storage room! We took the stuff my daughter didn't take, packed it into a few boxes, and tossed them up in the attic. Only thing left are the kids books in the bookcase (Waiting for grand kids? Who's to say!).

According to Richards, Linda Keith was the subject of the Rolling Stones song "Ruby Tuesday."

They could have opened a business called Keith and Keith. :hmmmm:

Just the Stones, but mine is growing in popularity here just like the song...thanks sb!

Luckily I don't have sausage fingers like Mr Otter. 🖐️

Not a fan of Laugh-In or are you too young? Shame that's not on reruns anywhere!

Thanks Mel!

Thanks Jon! Unless I'm doing LST from the jump I always start my training after topping, so why not do the autos the same way. And it's definitely less ho hum now that something is happening. :thumb:

I'll pass along your support!
looks like over watered or to much heat to me or possible nitrogen toxisity
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