InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

Hey gang...welcome to page 1700! Now, where were we...

Too hot would be my guess. What’s your intensity setting at on your light? I assume you’ve got fans going.
I've got the light at about 190 watts and the lux is about 30,000. I raised the light about 4 clicks this morning in case that will help. It's been about 78-80º in there now that the driver is cranking and I've left the top of the flap open to let some of the hot air out.
looks like over watered or to much heat to me or possible nitrogen toxisity
I don't think it's overwatered but I'm not used to this full-time tent business obviously. In terms of the nutes it's on the same as Ruby Tuesday (so far...that one gets flower strength next time), and it doesn't look particularly green to my eyes. So much easier to let the sun do all the work, that's for sure!
Anyone know what causes leaves to do this (top of the Queen G auto)?


All curly and twisty...too hot? Too much light?

Thanks, me too!

Always thinking. ;)

Any reason works for me. :high-five:

I'm hoping mine will be better than my attempts as well. :) Thanks Bode!

That's a long time to leave it as is, but at least you've made it into a bit of your office/drying/curing/storage room! We took the stuff my daughter didn't take, packed it into a few boxes, and tossed them up in the attic. Only thing left are the kids books in the bookcase (Waiting for grand kids? Who's to say!).

According to Richards, Linda Keith was the subject of the Rolling Stones song "Ruby Tuesday."

They could have opened a business called Keith and Keith. :hmmmm:

Just the Stones, but mine is growing in popularity here just like the song...thanks sb!

Luckily I don't have sausage fingers like Mr Otter. 🖐️

Not a fan of Laugh-In or are you too young? Shame that's not on reruns anywhere!

Thanks Mel!

Thanks Jon! Unless I'm doing LST from the jump I always start my training after topping, so why not do the autos the same way. And it's definitely less ho hum now that something is happening. :thumb:

I'll pass along your support!
I seem to remember something about that when I was still an ankle biter but I could be mistaken. Idk CL🍀. :thanks: :cheesygrinsmiley:
I've had at least one auto do that for a little while- I didn't have to figure out what caused it,
because it straightened itself out in a couple of days...good thing, because I have no clue as to what made it do it..🤔
So, I'm no help, but there is a chance that she'll fix herself..
Does that automatically make me ham handed? It might! Yikes! Comments add up over time! :laugh: 🎅 :laugh: Oh dang, I'm turning into the uncle who repeats himself every holiday!
You know what they say? Everyone has that uncle and if you don’t know who he is then it’s you. lol CL🍀
I seem to remember something about that when I was still an ankle biter but I could be mistaken. Idk CL🍀.
It was pretty funny and very progressive for its time. It was on at 8pm (which was past my bedtime back dad was very strict about that), so I had to watch the early seasons peeking around the corner at the little B&W television while my parents watched!
"my sausage kielbasa fingers" OMG that is hilarious. A page of sausage finger quotes by Otter!
I did the search in case no one believed me that he actually says that about himself!
I've had at least one auto do that for a little while- I didn't have to figure out what caused it,
because it straightened itself out in a couple of days...good thing, because I have no clue as to what made it do it..
So, I'm no help, but there is a chance that she'll fix herself..
Thanks Carcass! I've lowered the temp and raised the light, so if it stops doing that we either will or won't know why. :thumb:
Does that automatically make me ham handed? It might! Yikes! Comments add up over time! Oh dang, I'm turning into the uncle who repeats himself every holiday!
LOL I wouldn't have mentioned it if you didn't have your sense of humor. :love:
You know what they say? Everyone has that uncle and if you don’t know who he is then it’s you. lol CL🍀
Everyone's long lost Uncle Otter!
Just wanted to be on page 1700. Have a winning day Shed.
Thanks Lerugged, and it's nice to see you whatever the page. :)
Your autos are looking splendid Shed! What’s the humidity like in that tent? I think I’ve had one or two do that when it’s hot and humid. They’ve straightened out though.
Thank you Boo! I don't have faith that the RH meter in there is accurate (I'm going to pull one out of a jar to check...I'll get back to you on that), but I don't think the RH high in the house this time of year. The high temp was about 80ºF so maybe it didn't like that, but if that's true I have no idea how my plants ever grew outside. I've never even thought about my growing environment before! o_O
It's amazing that I get them to do just about anything!
They do all sorts of things, and most of them they do amazingly well! :high-five:
Did I mention my wife's popsicle toes? 🫶 :Rasta:
Before I heard about the Samoan guy giving a foot massage to Mrs Marcellous Wallace and the Samoan guy subsequently falling off a roof top I’d have joked about your wife’s Popsicle Toes.

But ai’ll pass.

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