InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

I’ve got one DDA seed left and am not a big fan of the smoke either. I like to decarb it and make a tincture with everclear. 1ml in my morning coffee is what my doctor prescribed. :rolleyes:
Shed mentioned the DDA mishap so he didn’t get any of the DDA crosses I’ve made, some of which are good mellow autos. I liked DDA for edibles and tinctures as well.

The Queen G and Ruby T are WAY on the other end of the flavor (and strength) Spectrum.
For anyone who missed today's news, it's here!

I’ve got one DDA seed left and am not a big fan of the smoke either. I like to decarb it and make a tincture with everclear. 1ml in my morning coffee is what my doctor prescribed.
Interesting info Caddie! As long as you're getting some use out of it that's a good thing, and I've got more than a few seeds in my collection I feel no compulsion to grow. Eventually they'll find a good home.
Shed mentioned the DDA mishap so he didn’t get any of the DDA crosses I’ve made, some of which are good mellow autos. I liked DDA for edibles and tinctures as well.

The Queen G and Ruby T are WAY on the other end of the flavor (and strength) Spectrum.
You definitely made an excellent choice to skip the mellow autos. The tolerance level in my family is off the charts! :laugh:
Highya ITS,

I'm glad you're growing again, and auto's to boot. They'll be done just in time for spring warm-up. Should be a laid back grow, hopefully!! Just doesn't seem right without growing some cannabis ladies now! Happy Smokin'
Well, this auto grower has jumped into Clone World because I got an offer, and who am I to turn down free plants!

DDA, eh? The 4 I had remain resolutely lost maybe in the house still but really weird they vanished - but you’re one of a few with not much good to say about it.

Congrats on he popping, love the sandpaper tin, my 16 year old did the seeds I popped yesterday. She’s much less likely to have dropped them like me and L would have done so maybe I’ll be borrowing your technique next time out!.

I’ll say this about the CBD Warlock…. It got me high! I had to have a hit of OG Kush to take the edge off and send me to sleep 😂

May your Autos be more successful than mine!

DDA, eh? The 4 I had remain resolutely lost maybe in the house still but really weird they vanished - but you’re one of a few with not much good to say about it.
Me and Caddie I guess, but that's what makes horse races!

Also, you'll quote anything won'tcha? :laugh:
Congrats on he popping, love the sandpaper tin, my 16 year old did the seeds I popped yesterday. She’s much less likely to have dropped them like me and L would have done so maybe I’ll be borrowing your technique next time out!.
Thanks! I started with a matchbox, but first time a seed flew out (never to be seen again) I went to something that snapped closed. :thumb:
I’ll say this about the CBD Warlock…. It got me high! I had to have a hit of OG Kush to take the edge off and send me to sleep
Oh you poor thing! I'm glad you had another variety on hand then.
May your Autos be more successful than mine!
Than that one for sure!
Me and Caddie I guess, but that's what makes horse races!

Also, you'll quote anything won'tcha? :laugh:

Thanks! I started with a matchbox, but first time a seed flew out (never to be seen again) I went to something that snapped closed. :thumb:

Oh you poor thing! I'm glad you had another variety on hand then.

Than that one for sure!
I use an empty Marlboro box 📦 lined with fine grit sandpaper. Then shake the bajesus out of them for a couple of minutes. lol CL🍀
Happy Wednesday update all! 24 hours after dropping the seeds in water, this is about the best you can ask for:

Nice tails! So into the peat pucks they went. I cut open the bottom of the wrapping on my pucks before I drop the seeds in, and I cut them off completely when I plant them.

Takes a second, lasts a lifetime!

Then they got placed into the Shoebox of Light® which sits on the heatmat:

My desklamp fits right in there, and the 23w CFL puts out a nice level of heat from above:

Jesus, can't anyone get any privacy?

I keep my pucks moist until I see the seedling pop up, and the temp gauge lets me know if I'm close to my 80º target. And now we wait.

Honestly, I just came here for the Sheds growing Autos jokes.
LOL thanks Lerugged!
Good luck Mr Shed. Knock it out of the park as usual.
That would be unusual for me and autos but I'll take it. :)
I use an empty Marlboro box lined with fine grit sandpaper. Then shake the bajesus out of them for a couple of minutes. lol CL🍀
Ideally you wouldn't have a Marlboro box hanging around, as West Hippie said from his hospital bed:
...those darn cigarettes please everyone stop save your life .
Damn! Sorry I forgot to visit my own thread for so long, but that's about to change. Why? Because having nothing growing other than Grandpa's Moonshine clones that I don't need isn't working for me, and since I'm not going to make it to NY this winter (again) I decided to get a couple of beans going. update

What kind of beans? Autos! :eek:

That's right, autos. I thought I'd use the tent and the oil-filled heater from the shed and see how I can do with some quality auto beans (mostly) indoors this winter. I had given away all of my auto seeds to a member-in-need a couple of years ago, but as luck would have it the Pacific Northwest Seed Fairy happened to be driving by and dropped off some of his autoflower genetics.


I had choices to make, so I went with one that no one here has grown out yet and one because I liked the name.

One is Queen G auto, which is a cross between Dr Wookies x Triangle Kush x Mephisto Pink Livers (Dr Wookies is a cross of Wookies x Cannabiogen Destroyer for those keeping score at home).
The other is Ruby Tuesday auto, which is a cross of Cannabiogen Destroyer x Triangle Kush.

I scuff all my seeds in a mini Altoids tin lined with sandpaper:

After a few minutes of shaking, they go into bowls with one third 3% H2O2 and two thirds distilled water, where they sit with paper towels on top to keep them wet all around:


After about 15 minutes of that I dump out most of the mix and replace it with just distilled water, slide the bowls into a box, and put it on the heat mat at 80ºF:

No tails this morning but it was only 12 hours.

I'll run these at either 20/4 or 18/6 in the tent under the Mars Hydro SP 250, and maybe get them out in the sun for some days once they're in flower. It doesn't get very warm in my house during the winter (never above 70ºF) but I'll do lights off in the afternoon when it will probably be the warmest in that room.

Wish me luck! :)


Thanks Scottay!

Thanks double H, and I completely forgot. :( I doubt anyone will do a rip-off though since barely anyone makes salve!

It's going to be interesting to see those numbers, and if you grew more than one and have an extra $10 around, it would be interesting to see if they're the same!

What Azi said 100%. Grow indivual THC and CBD varieties and blend to the correct effect when used.

I still have CBG flower around so I'm going to see how that works mixed in with the THC flower.

Energy! Relax! Take me home!

Always glad to give you a needed kick in the tush. 🍑

I just made another 70 capsules this weekend!

I :love: :love: :love: this!
Those two autos are tickling my fancy Shed! Nice picks!
Thanks con, I am bored! Last autos I grew were 3 aphid-infested DDAs in one pot back in August 2020. Got 43 grams total off all of them and I bet I still have that jar. Nobody likes the DDA in my group.
Tough crowd! :laugh: Good luck!
Nice little tails Shed. You're on the road to Autotown!

Happy travels. :Rasta:
Happy Wednesday update all! 24 hours after dropping the seeds in water, this is about the best you can ask for:

Nice tails! So into the peat pucks they went. I cut open the bottom of the wrapping on my pucks before I drop the seeds in, and I cut them off completely when I plant them.

Takes a second, lasts a lifetime!

Then they got placed into the Shoebox of Light® which sits on the heatmat:

My desklamp fits right in there, and the 23w CFL puts out a nice level of heat from above:

Jesus, can't anyone get any privacy?

I keep my pucks moist until I see the seedling pop up, and the temp gauge lets me know if I'm close to my 80º target. And now we wait.


LOL thanks Lerugged!

That would be unusual for me and autos but I'll take it. :)

Ideally you wouldn't have a Marlboro box hanging around, as West Hippie said from his hospital bed:

I’m really trying but it’s not ez, especially after eating or with my morning coffee ☕️. I had quit smoking for 3 months until I started working with my old boss. Everyone else was taking cig breaks but me. Him telling me that you don’t smoke 🚭. That was all it took to get me smoking again. Stupid, I know but it pissed me off. CL🍀
I got behind on your thread again, Shed and I haven't caught up. But, I am happy to see you'll be growing something this winter. Will you grow one or both the SIP way?
Those two autos are tickling my fancy Shed! Nice picks!
Thanks Otter! They're both supposed to lean sativa so they filled the bill there.
Tough crowd! Good luck!
IKR? Only two varieties have ever gotten a meh review: DDA and Durban Poison.
Nice little tails Shed. You're on the road to Autotown!
Happy travels.
Beep beep... 🚗 Thanks GDB!
I’m really trying but it’s not ez, especially after eating or with my morning coffee ️. I had quit smoking for 3 months until I started working with my old boss. Everyone else was taking cig breaks but me. Him telling me that you don’t smoke . That was all it took to get me smoking again. Stupid, I know but it pissed me off. CL🍀
I'm sure it's incredibly hard to quit between the nicotine (as addictive as heroin) and the habits we form around it (like coffee), but I hope you find a way to scroll it back. :goodluck: and good health to you Captain!
I got behind on your thread again, Shed and I haven't caught up. But, I am happy to see you'll be growing something this winter. Will you grow one or both the SIP way?
Thanks HG! No SIPs for these, they'll be in 5 or 7 gallon cloth pots with FF Happy Frog. Since they're autos (with no time to correct any stalls), I wouldn't want to take a chance. I know it can be done with autos (and done well as @LKABudMan immediately comes to mind), but if I decide to do any more SIP testing, it would be with photos.
Thanks HG! No SIPs for these, they'll be in 5 or 7 gallon cloth pots with FF Happy Frog. Since they're autos (with no time to correct any stalls), I wouldn't want to take a chance. I know it can be done with autos (and done well as @LKABudMan immediately comes to mind), but if I decide to do any more SIP testing, it would be with photos.

I just got caught up on @Chuckeye 's current journal and he just pulled in 10.46 oz for an auto he grew in a SIP. If you want / need a lot of bud, it seems like SIPs are the way to go for autos, in my opinion.

I'm not trying to change your mind. I just wanted to share Chuck's incredible autoflower yield.
Thanks HG! I'm sure it can be done, but the idea that it could be done by me seems far-fetched at this stage. :)
Thanks for that information ℹ️ on smoking Shedster 🦸. I’m going to call ☎️ my doctor tomorrow morning about a prescription for that medicine 💊 for nicotine cessation. CL🍀. :thumb: :cheesygrinsmiley:
Thanks HG! I'm sure it can be done, but the idea that it could be done by me seems far-fetched at this stage. :)
I did an auto SIP and got about 3.5 oz so just know that can be done as well 😂.
And I appreciate you running these in a familiar way (as opposed to the maiden voyage of a new method) they are gonna be great.
Yay! New auto life in the Shoebox of Light® ! I'm super excited for this grow, Shed. Doing a happy dance :goof:

Thanks for that information ℹ️ on smoking Shedster 🦸. I’m going to call ☎️ my doctor tomorrow morning about a prescription for that medicine 💊 for nicotine cessation. CL🍀. :thumb: :cheesygrinsmiley:
You've got this Cap. I finally forced myself to quit two years ago when one of my best friends died of lung cancer. Get that Wellbutrin or whatever they prescribe, and bite the bullet. The first three days are hell. The fourth it starts easing. You can do it!
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