InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

Imagine your pre-rolls with 5-10 different mixes/ratios, each with their own labeling. Find out which are the popular sellers and concentrate on marketing those.

Edit: although after giving it 2 minutes of thought, the high thc/low cbd ones are likely going to be the most popular. 🤪
We have “Energy” and “Relax” the logos are pretty cool. Same style our logo. Ours are for sale in bars not dispensaries. The people selling them are able to tell a tourist “Energy, wake you up, have big power” “Relax, make you sleepy” Sativa and Indica as told by a Thai bar girl (She’ll also likely add she’ll come home with you which ever you order)

The dispensaries carry pre rolls for up to $35 a pop. Ours are $6 to the consumer. $3 the bar. Just easy stuff - not for experts, though they smoke perfect snd get you high!
This certainly won't touch nerve pain and I don't think topical pain oil will either (other than psychologically or from the massage part). As @Azimuth mentioned not long ago, nerve pain is best dealt with with THC. Here's his quote from a conversation about CBD and pain relief:

I'm pretty sure he means smoked or edibles.

Also, @SweetSue posted this on nerve pain.

Hope this helps!
Thanks! That reminds me to make my cbd caps today! I'm such a procrastinator!
For nerve pain it seems no doubt, but for inflammatory pain I'd say that CBD is the way to go. Otter would be the one to talk to about that though!
I want to say that taking 90 mg of cbd daily and no nsaids has made a positive trend to my well being! It's over a month in and I seem to have better occipital neuralgia and migraine symptoms! Not cured but better symptoms. I'm all in for cbd reducing inflammation in my neck and having this all around effect.
I use high level thc for when pain gets in, like late in the day. A few puffs and it disappears for a while. By morning I feel relatively good. Big improvement to pain all day and night!
Damn! Sorry I forgot to visit my own thread for so long, but that's about to change. Why? Because having nothing growing other than Grandpa's Moonshine clones that I don't need isn't working for me, and since I'm not going to make it to NY this winter (again) I decided to get a couple of beans going. update

What kind of beans? Autos! :eek:

That's right, autos. I thought I'd use the tent and the oil-filled heater from the shed and see how I can do with some quality auto beans (mostly) indoors this winter. I had given away all of my auto seeds to a member-in-need a couple of years ago, but as luck would have it the Pacific Northwest Seed Fairy happened to be driving by and dropped off some of his autoflower genetics.


I had choices to make, so I went with one that no one here has grown out yet and one because I liked the name.

One is Queen G auto, which is a cross between Dr Wookies x Triangle Kush x Mephisto Pink Livers (Dr Wookies is a cross of Wookies x Cannabiogen Destroyer for those keeping score at home).
The other is Ruby Tuesday auto, which is a cross of Cannabiogen Destroyer x Triangle Kush.

I scuff all my seeds in a mini Altoids tin lined with sandpaper:

After a few minutes of shaking, they go into bowls with one third 3% H2O2 and two thirds distilled water, where they sit with paper towels on top to keep them wet all around:


After about 15 minutes of that I dump out most of the mix and replace it with just distilled water, slide the bowls into a box, and put it on the heat mat at 80ºF:

No tails this morning but it was only 12 hours.

I'll run these at either 20/4 or 18/6 in the tent under the Mars Hydro SP 250, and maybe get them out in the sun for some days once they're in flower. It doesn't get very warm in my house during the winter (never above 70ºF) but I'll do lights off in the afternoon when it will probably be the warmest in that room.

Wish me luck! :)

Fingers crossed for you Growmie!!! I'm sure you'll knock it out of the park. Hurry up and wait!!
Thanks Scottay!
Another great tutorial from the InTheShed, I hope there were watermarks on those pics!
Thanks double H, and I completely forgot. :( I doubt anyone will do a rip-off though since barely anyone makes salve!
Its top of the pile to get tested. Taken a little too soon but we’ll see by Monday. There’s a place in the village that does Gemmacert testing. Opposite the bar has pool team I “bought” (Even to me that sounds weird )
It's going to be interesting to see those numbers, and if you grew more than one and have an extra $10 around, it would be interesting to see if they're the same!
If you're looking for a combination thc/cbd effect you're probably best off growing a high thc/low cbd plant as well as a high cbd/low thc one and then mixing them together after harvest. That way you can control the ratio and make any combination you want, at least when making an extract. But trying to grow a combination strain that the breeder says tests out at a certain ratio seems to almost never end up where they claim.
What Azi said 100%. Grow indivual THC and CBD varieties and blend to the correct effect when used.
Seriously, though. Try adding a small amount of cbd (5-10%) to your high thc pre-roll mix and see if that doesn't improve the high. A bit counterintuitive since a lot of cbd can remove the high entirely. CBG might also work similar.

You could do a variety pack for the tourists. You know, like the small box variety packs for cereals. Find the one you like and buy a big box of that!
I still have CBG flower around so I'm going to see how that works mixed in with the THC flower.
We have “Energy” and “Relax” the logos are pretty cool. Same style our logo. Ours are for sale in bars not dispensaries. The people selling them are able to tell a tourist “Energy, wake you up, have big power” “Relax, make you sleepy” Sativa and Indica as told by a Thai bar girl (She’ll also likely add she’ll come home with you which ever you order)

The dispensaries carry pre rolls for up to $35 a pop. Ours are $6 to the consumer. $3 the bar. Just easy stuff - not for experts, though they smoke perfect snd get you high!
Energy! Relax! Take me home!
Thanks! That reminds me to make my cbd caps today! I'm such a procrastinator!
Always glad to give you a needed kick in the tush. 🍑

I just made another 70 capsules this weekend!
I want to say that taking 90 mg of cbd daily and no nsaids has made a positive trend to my well being! It's over a month in and I seem to have better occipital neuralgia and migraine symptoms! Not cured but better symptoms. I'm all in for cbd reducing inflammation in my neck and having this all around effect.
I use high level thc for when pain gets in, like late in the day. A few puffs and it disappears for a while. By morning I feel relatively good. Big improvement to pain all day and night!
I :love: :love: :love: this!
Damn! Sorry I forgot to visit my own thread for so long, but that's about to change. Why? Because having nothing growing other than Grandpa's Moonshine clones I don't need isn't working for me, and since I'm not going to make it to NY this winter (again) I decided to get a couple of beans going.

What kind of beans? Autos! :eek:

That's right, autos. I thought I'd use the tent and the oil-filled heater from the shed and see how I can do with some quality auto beans (mostly) indoors this winter. I had given away all of my auto seeds to a member-in-need a couple of years ago, but as luck would have it the Pacific Northwest Seed Fairy happened to be driving by and dropped off some of his autoflower genetics.


I had choices to make, so I went with one that no one here has grown out yet and one because I liked the name.

One is Queen G auto, which is a cross between Dr Wookies x Triangle Kush x Mephisto Pink Livers (Dr Wookies is a cross of Wookies x Cannabiogen Destroyer for those keeping score at home).
The other is Ruby Tuesday auto, which is a cross of Cannabiogen Destroyer x Triangle Kush.

I scuff all my seeds in a mini Altoids tin lined with sandpaper:

After a few minutes of shaking, they go into bowls with one third 3% H2O2 and two thirds distilled water, where they sit with paper towels on top to keep them wet all around:


After about 15 minutes of that I dump out most of the mix and replace it with just distilled water, slide the bowls into a box, and put it on the heat mat at 80ºF:

No tails this morning but it was only 12 hours.

I'll run these at either 20/4 or 18/6 in the tent under the Mars Hydro SP 250, and maybe get them out in the sun for some days once they're in flower. It doesn't get very warm in my house during the winter (never above 70ºF) but I'll do lights off in the afternoon when it will probably be the warmest in that room.

Wish me luck! :)


Thanks Scottay!

Thanks double H, and I completely forgot. :( I doubt anyone will do a rip-off though since barely anyone makes salve!

It's going to be interesting to see those numbers, and if you grew more than one and have an extra $10 around, it would be interesting to see if they're the same!

What Azi said 100%. Grow indivual THC and CBD varieties and blend to the correct effect when used.

I still have CBG flower around so I'm going to see how that works mixed in with the THC flower.

Energy! Relax! Take me home!

Always glad to give you a needed kick in the tush. 🍑

I just made another 70 capsules this weekend!

I :love: :love: :love: this!
autos ? you must be bored, nice can't wait to see them grow up, how long has it been since you grew a auto ?
Thanks con, I am bored! Last autos I grew were 3 aphid-infested DDAs in one pot back in August 2020. Got 43 grams total off all of them and I bet I still have that jar. Nobody likes the DDA in my group.
i'll be watching this one for sure
Damn! Sorry I forgot to visit my own thread for so long, but that's about to change. Why? Because having nothing growing other than Grandpa's Moonshine clones I don't need isn't working for me, and since I'm not going to make it to NY this winter (again) I decided to get a couple of beans going.

What kind of beans? Autos! :eek:

That's right, autos. I thought I'd use the tent and the oil-filled heater from the shed and see how I can do with some quality auto beans (mostly) indoors this winter. I had given away all of my auto seeds to a member-in-need a couple of years ago, but as luck would have it the Pacific Northwest Seed Fairy happened to be driving by and dropped off some of his autoflower genetics.


I had choices to make, so I went with one that no one here has grown out yet and one because I liked the name.

One is Queen G auto, which is a cross between Dr Wookies x Triangle Kush x Mephisto Pink Livers (Dr Wookies is a cross of Wookies x Cannabiogen Destroyer for those keeping score at home).
The other is Ruby Tuesday auto, which is a cross of Cannabiogen Destroyer x Triangle Kush.

I scuff all my seeds in a mini Altoids tin lined with sandpaper:

After a few minutes of shaking, they go into bowls with one third 3% H2O2 and two thirds distilled water, where they sit with paper towels on top to keep them wet all around:


After about 15 minutes of that I dump out most of the mix and replace it with just distilled water, slide the bowls into a box, and put it on the heat mat at 80ºF:

No tails this morning but it was only 12 hours.

I'll run these at either 20/4 or 18/6 in the tent under the Mars Hydro SP 250, and maybe get them out in the sun for some days once they're in flower. It doesn't get very warm in my house during the winter (never above 70ºF) but I'll do lights off in the afternoon when it will probably be the warmest in that room.

Wish me luck! :)


Thanks Scottay!

Thanks double H, and I completely forgot. :( I doubt anyone will do a rip-off though since barely anyone makes salve!

It's going to be interesting to see those numbers, and if you grew more than one and have an extra $10 around, it would be interesting to see if they're the same!

What Azi said 100%. Grow indivual THC and CBD varieties and blend to the correct effect when used.

I still have CBG flower around so I'm going to see how that works mixed in with the THC flower.

Energy! Relax! Take me home!

Always glad to give you a needed kick in the tush. 🍑

I just made another 70 capsules this weekend!

I :love: :love: :love: this!
The Spogster I mean The Shedster 🦸 is doing Auto’s? This should be entertaining. Oh I’m definitely 💯 gonna be following this project. And let me say good luck 👍. Lmao :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :cheesygrinsmiley: :goodluck: CL🍀
:woohoo: for an autoflower grow by SHED! Didn’t think I’d ever see it again. Now I need to be faithfully watching it. I just dropped another autoflower seed today. Lemon Pie - hopefully it germinates…
Thanks Boo! :goodluck: to us both on the germination. 🌱
The Spogster I mean The Shedster is doing Auto’s? This should be entertaining. Oh I’m definitely 💯 gonna be following this project. And let me say good luck . Lmao CL🍀
LOL thank you Captain! I'm going to try to keep the spogs® at bay and see if I can provide a more stable environment in veg. It's short veg times that have always kicked my ass with autos, which is why I quit. If I have to spend 70+ days growing something I'd like a reasonable ROI!
You can do it!
Thanks VG!
If I can grow autos,anyone can....
That's a lie and I'm the proof. :)
Thanks Boo! :goodluck: to us both on the germination. 🌱

LOL thank you Captain! I'm going to try to keep the spogs® at bay and see if I can provide a more stable environment in veg. It's short veg times that have always kicked my ass with autos, which is why I quit. If I have to spend 70+ days growing something I'd like a reasonable ROI!

Thanks VG!

That's a lie and I'm the proof. :)
The only good thing I can honestly say about Auto’s is that they made me want to learn how to grow some decent plants. After I learned how to grow Pygmy plants I started using photos and that changed everything. CL🍀. :morenutes: :cheesygrinsmiley:
Because having nothing growing other than Grandpa's Moonshine clones I don't need isn't working for me
Me neither. :straightface:

I decided to get a couple of beans going. update

What kind of beans? Autos!
Something's happened to my internet connection! 🤪


Looking forward! :Rasta:
The only good thing I can honestly say about Auto’s is that they made me want to learn how to grow some decent plants. After I learned how to grow Pygmy plants I started using photos and that changed everything. CL🍀.
I did exactly the same, but I thought I would give it the old winter try. Worst case scenario is it's the same as it ever was and then I'll run my photos when the weather turns warm.
Me neither.
Thanks GDB!
Something's happened to my internet connection!
IKR? Glitch in the matrix. o_O
Looking forward!
Best direction to look. Here's to good plants ahead! :high-five:
Just treat them like photos but skip the flip... :cheesygrinsmiley:

You're going to do great with them, Shed👍
I did exactly the same, but I thought I would give it the old winter try. Worst case scenario is it's the same as it ever was and then I'll run my photos when the weather turns warm.

Thanks GDB!

IKR? Glitch in the matrix. o_O

Best direction to look. Here's to good plants ahead! :high-five:
Honored to have you throw down a couple of these new beans. You’re the only other person in the world growing Queen G. 5 of my favorite strains went into making her. Can’t wait to see how she does in a totally different environment, state, different everything 😂 I hope she surprises everyone! We will see in (probably) 75-80 days :yummy: I know you’ll bring out the best in them
Just treat them like photos but skip the flip...
So I've heard! :laugh:
You're going to do great with them, Shed
Thanks Carcass, I'm going to do my best to show off the genetics, and speaking of...
Honored to have you throw down a couple of these new beans. You’re the only other person in the world growing Queen G. 5 of my favorite strains went into making her. Can’t wait to see how she does in a totally different environment, state, different everything I hope she surprises everyone! We will see in (probably) 75-80 days I know you’ll bring out the best in them
Thanks Justin! I'm honored to be able to grow them out for you and see if I can get them big and pretty. It's gonna be a challenge (based on my autoflower history) but I appreciate being given a shot.:thumb:
Thanks con, I am bored! Last autos I grew were 3 aphid-infested DDAs in one pot back in August 2020. Got 43 grams total off all of them and I bet I still have that jar. Nobody likes the DDA in my group.
I’ve got one DDA seed left and am not a big fan of the smoke either. I like to decarb it and make a tincture with everclear. 1ml in my morning coffee is what my doctor prescribed. :rolleyes:
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