InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

Today's winter grow flip news is back over here!

Plants all look great, Brother!
Thanks Mr Krip!
Always vibrant at your farm Shed! Those two are rockin!
Kind words Otter, thank you. :)
Honestly your plants look like they belong on a movie, set in Beverly Hills - sleek, clean bags and totally smart, full green leaves. Love ‘em
Thanks Nick...I'll see if anyone wants them for their latest flick! 🎥

And there's nothing quite as sharp as a brand new @GeoPot grow bag I must say.
So nice to see the the plants outdoors in the sunshine again. They have to be just loving it and you know they sure appreciate the schlepping.
I sure hope they do because they get a lot of it. I do worry about disturbing the roots when I first upcan into cloth, but at this stage the pot feels completely solid when you hold it.

Thank you Nev!
As a matter of interest what is the distance in foot steps of the schlepp? They do love the sun.
LOL, actually not as many these days with the tent in the office. Probably about 40 per plant to get them out and go back for the next one. Still better than sitting on my ass at work all day. 🍑

The days I get the most steps are nute mixing days! 💧
Monday update of the winter grow, now on flip day 2! They were flipped on Saturday night (day 66 for the Le Creme CBG, day 65 for the Amnesia Lemon Kush) and I've set an alarm for 7:45pm to remind me to get the auto out before the lights go off. ⏲️

Here they are in the sun this morning after another rainy day indoors on Sunday. ALK on the left, LeC on the right:

ALK SaugaView® at 24" wide:

LeC SaugaView® at 26" wide:

They've already done a bit of stretching so I'm not sure if @BeezLuiz's spreadsheet will be totally accurate, but here are the heights this morning.

ALK at 20" tall:

LeC also at 20" tall:

Delicious Seeds has the ALK at 60-65 days of flower, which puts the harvest around March 21st. and Ventura Seed Co says the LeC is "Early September Fast Finish." We'll see what that means at 12/12...

[A blurple warning for those who are sensitive to pics like this. I couldn't find my blurple-correcting glasses.]

Finally here is a shot of the LeC auto this morning when I went to pull it out of the box with the MarsHydro 300:

I'm not sure if you can read the meter on the bottom but it's 48% RH and 72º. Nice. :)

I hope you all had a great weekend and maybe even have the Martin Luther King holiday off! :peace:


Fair enough. We've waited this long I'm sure we can hold out until May. :thumb:

Ceiling? You are Lucky! I needed a helicopter to retrieve mine. :rolleyes:

Some days moving the plants are the only steps I get in. 🚶‍♂️

Oof, sorry Carmen. :( Here's to a better day ahead!

She's younger than I am, though she's also happy not to have 10 gallon pots anymore. :cheesygrinsmiley:

Your wife is a keeper, but I think Carmen was talking about mine. ;)

Noice! GDB's LazyMeter® would approve.

All of our friends appreciate our largesse!

Always glad to help and share Captain. :thanks:
Girls are looking happy n healthy soaking up some rays.👀😎 CL🍀
Here they are in the sun this morning after another rainy day indoors on Sunday
I blinked and missed the sun here..
Your plants sure do look good, Shed!
Even the little blurple one..:cool:
Lovely vibrant pristine plants Shed! I am glad that you are getting some nice sunshine at your location (at least for the photo taking).
Thanks Stunger! Nice to get them out for fresh the rest of us.
Girls are looking happy n healthy soaking up some rays.CL
If it would only stick around!
Enjoy the sun too Shed.
I wish! "Can we have work outside today?"
I blinked and missed the sun here..
Oof, sorry. :( I hope it will be back sometime this week. ☀️
Your plants sure do look good, Shed! Even the little blurple one..
Thanks Carcass! I'm definitely going to search for those glasses, because I have to turn the light off before I can even reach in and pull the plant out...that's how annoying the blurple is. 😵‍💫
that's how annoying the blurple is. 😵‍💫
I'm glad they weren't still a "thing" when I started growing again...that color just hits a nerve or something...
But, ugly color or not, they apparently work pretty well...
I'm glad they weren't still a "thing" when I started growing again...that color just hits a nerve or something...
But, ugly color or not, they apparently work pretty well...
I had some "blurple" Viparspectras when I first got in. I hated the color but I will say this. I got my best crop and biggest buds ever off of those lights. I think the spider farmers were actually a bit "too much" for my setup. God do I ever miss growing...
I'm glad to see that the plants have rebounded from the new growth "not looking so hot".

They've already done a bit of stretching so I'm not sure if @BeezLuiz's spreadsheet will be totally accurate, but here are the heights this morning.
Got it. :thumb:
Back on track I actually have plants on wheels as of ten minutes ago.
You call those wheels? Here's plants on wheels: :cheesygrinsmiley:
Thanks GDB! I'm not sure it's heat-related since the light stays cool and only the driver gets warm. It's about 75º in there with the flap closed.

But there is a funny reaction that I've seen plants have when they're close to LEDs, even if the lux are on the lower end. It's like the intensity is there even when the brightness is not. I saw it happen with marcus' Sour G's when they were younger.

It's tough for me to gauge since these plants may spend 48 hours in the tent, out in direct sun for 7, and then back in the tent for another 48. With this week's break in the rain I should have a better chance to see what they'd look like under my normal growing schedule. They'll only be under the MarsHydro SP250 from about 4-8pm when the dark starts, for a while anyway...who knows what Mother Nature has in store for later!
Yep. Lmao
You call those wheels? Here's plants on wheels: :cheesygrinsmiley:
Naaaaw!!!!! HERE'S plants on wheels!!!!! :ciao:

But I will admit "Carts" are more versatile!!!
I'm glad to see that the plants have rebounded from the new growth "not looking so hot".

Got it. :thumb:

You call those wheels? Here's plants on whe
Them’s some good looking wheels 🛞 CL🍀
Looking Good Shed
Thank you sb!
Wow!! nice looking trees
Thanks con! And those are only in 5 gallon pots. Normally I'd be in 7 gallons and flipping closer to 100 days around 36" tall, but not if they have to live together in a 2x4 tent every night. :)
I'm glad to see that the plants have rebounded from the new growth "not looking so hot".
Me too, me too. :thumb:
You call those wheels? Here's plants on wheels:
Yeah I got owned there
Hard to win a wheel competition with BL, but then there's:
Naaaaw!!!!! HERE'S plants on wheels!!!!! But I will admit "Carts" are more versatile!!!
Nice one greenjeans! Ergonomic design, excellent portabilty, and your choice of four different wheel styles!
I find that the sour g is really finicky and picky about how much light it wants
Might just be your lights, but as more folks grow those beans out we'll have a better idea if it's the variety or the environment.
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