InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

My lights don't have dimmers.
There's no obvious dimmer on the SP250, but I removed the MeanWell driver from the top and there is a rubber plug on the bottom that covers the voltage adjustment. I can lower it all the way down to 40 watts or crank it up to around 240.
Hey Shed wouldn’t you rather someone else’s plants suffer? CL
Not me CL!
And just like that it’s a new week. I can’t wait to see what’s in store.
Me neeths. :)
Now thats new for today ,A graft for Lux ! Dam you go ahead of me anyway ! I find it just plane weird that you go to all that trouble of moving the plants around like that anyway Shed that sets you out from anyone else on here I think .
I can't see wasting all the beautiful sunshine we (usually) get here by growing indoors only, but I also can't see being limited to one grow a year. So here I am, a schlepper!

In other news, the leaves are looking better today on flip day 1 (they were out for about 4 hours), so thanks to all for your help and suggestions.

There' s no obvious dimmer on the SP250, but I removed the MeanWell driver from the top and there is a rubber plug on the bottom that covers the voltage adjustment. I can lower it all the way down to 40 watts or crank it up to around 240.

Not me CL!

Me neeths. :)

I can't see wasting all the beautiful sunshine we (usually) get here by growing indoors only, but I also can't see being limited to one grow a year. So here I am, a schlepper!

In other news, the leaves are looking better today on flip day 1 (they were out for about 4 hours), so thanks to all for your help and suggestions.

Anyone who would schlep for his plants is all right by me. But have you ever thought about making something for mobility? lol CL🍀
Anyone who would schlep for his plants is all right by me. But have you ever thought about making something for mobility? lol CL🍀
Do you mean something like putting them on wheels? I can't do that because of the different levels and stairs they need to traverse. Anyway, I haven't had a problem carrying them, yet.

I did stop using the 10 gallon pots though because when they were just watered, they were a bit too heavy for me!
Muchas Gracious mi Hermano. Cool 😎
Glad to help. :thumb:
Do you mean something like putting them on wheels? I can't do that because of the different levels and stairs they need to traverse. Anyway, I haven't had a problem carrying them, yet.

I did stop using the 10 gallon pots though because when they were just watered, they were a bit too heavy for me!

Glad to help. :thumb:
Stair lifts easy 😂 and put them on those robot vacuum cleaner things and program the route 🤣

I shifted 20 yesterday and it was a PITA. But the wheels arriving today apparently. Lucky its a tiled then polished concrete floor so it works. Its a good work out shifting and turning pots and carrying 10s of litres of water upstairs. Cancel that gym membership 😅
I give up. It's really not my day. I just wrote quite a long post about schlepping, tried to link in two quotes, pressed wrong buttons, got taken on a wild goose chase and when I found my way back the post had disappeared. I was wondering how your wife manages the schlepping when you can't do it? 10 Gal wet with plant is heavy a.f.
She’s like a boere maisie but Thai. She can schlepp in the farm all day my bru and then cook me a lekker braai with pap and a big klippies, in the evening, just how I like it while I chat kuk with the other okes on my stoep.


(Translation - She’s a hardcore farm girl, cooks great, takes care of me and I’m a lazy good for nothing)
Thanks Jon, nice to see you 'round these parts!

Candida is almost entirely CBD, and every day my wife and I take the oil I make. I've had two different batches tested so I know exactly what the numbers are, which makes consistent dosing possible. Since it's no longer available for sale I like to keep the mother around so the CBD/THC content will match the tests I had done. At $75 a pop it seems easier to do than to start from scratch with another CBD variety next time I get close to running out of flower.

I had a few different varieties with me that night, but all of it was ground and all were back at the house where the party was. :)
Man I bet I’d have a good time at a Shed party. Thanks for the info on the Candida!
Man I bet I’d have a good time at a Shed party. Thanks for the info on the Candida!
I’d party with Shed anytime just to get some of those many recipes/cures he knows + he’s a righteous brother. CL🍀
Monday update of the winter grow, now on flip day 2! They were flipped on Saturday night (day 66 for the Le Creme CBG, day 65 for the Amnesia Lemon Kush) and I've set an alarm for 7:45pm to remind me to get the auto out before the lights go off. ⏲️

Here they are in the sun this morning after another rainy day indoors on Sunday. ALK on the left, LeC on the right:

ALK SaugaView® at 24" wide:

LeC SaugaView® at 26" wide:

They've already done a bit of stretching so I'm not sure if @BeezLuiz's spreadsheet will be totally accurate, but here are the heights this morning.

ALK at 20" tall:

LeC also at 20" tall:

Delicious Seeds has the ALK at 60-65 days of flower, which puts the harvest around March 21st. and Ventura Seed Co says the LeC is "Early September Fast Finish." We'll see what that means at 12/12...

[A blurple warning for those who are sensitive to pics like this. I couldn't find my blurple-correcting glasses.]

Finally here is a shot of the LeC auto this morning when I went to pull it out of the box with the MarsHydro 300:

I'm not sure if you can read the meter on the bottom but it's 48% RH and 72º. Nice. :)

I hope you all had a great weekend and maybe even have the Martin Luther King holiday off! :peace:

I've been working on an anti-gravity pot but..... it's been cold!!!
Fair enough. We've waited this long I'm sure we can hold out until May. :thumb:
I tried some antigravity pot once I really liked it,but it’s pain in the arse trying to get it off the ceiling. CL
Ceiling? You are Lucky! I needed a helicopter to retrieve mine. :rolleyes:
I shifted 20 yesterday and it was a PITA. But the wheels arriving today apparently. Lucky its a tiled then polished concrete floor so it works. Its a good work out shifting and turning pots and carrying 10s of litres of water upstairs. Cancel that gym membership
Some days moving the plants are the only steps I get in. 🚶‍♂️
I give up. It's really not my day. I just wrote quite a long post about schlepping, tried to link in two quotes, pressed wrong buttons, got taken on a wild goose chase and when I found my way back the post had disappeared.
Oof, sorry Carmen. :( Here's to a better day ahead!
I was wondering how your wife manages the schlepping when you can't do it? 10 Gal wet with plant is heavy a.f.
She's younger than I am, though she's also happy not to have 10 gallon pots anymore. :cheesygrinsmiley:
She’s like a boere maisie but Thai. She can schlepp in the farm all day my bru and then cook me a lekker braai with pap and a big klippies, in the evening, just how I like it while I chat kuk with the other okes on my stoep.
(Translation - She’s a hardcore farm girl, cooks great, takes care of me and I’m a lazy good for nothing)
Your wife is a keeper, but I think Carmen was talking about mine. ;)
Back on track I actually have plants on wheels as of ten minutes ago.
Noice! GDB's LazyMeter® would approve.
Man I bet I’d have a good time at a Shed party. Thanks for the info on the Candida!
All of our friends appreciate our largesse!
I’d party with Shed anytime just to get some of those many recipes/cures he knows + he’s a righteous brother. CL
Always glad to help and share Captain. :thanks:
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