InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

Why would someone not in hydro buy the two part system? I remember some guy here bought just part 1 of the two parter and it took us about a week of trying to sort out his plant issues before that fact came out!
:rofl: :rofl:

I remember that
PK was his username if I remember correctly
Congratulations on the 4.7ozs of Sour G in the jar but I would absolutely be looking for an electric grinder for the flower if I had 7ozs to grind for the bong :cheesygrinsmiley: the MC would be replaced with the GF. But then I like the GF.
I would also be cautious about building a brick pizza oven out back as it could melt your grass!
Congratulations on the 4.7ozs of Sour G in the jar but I would absolutely be looking for an electric grinder for the flower if I had 7ozs to grind for the bong :cheesygrinsmiley: the MC would be replaced with the GF. But then I like the GF.
I would also be cautious about building a brick pizza oven out back as it could melt your grass!
I had to sling an emoji in regards to the grass thingy. Fekenlarious!!

Happy Monday update to all you folks with tents, huts, sheds, closets, cabinets, and lean-to's!

Let's start with a final weight on the Sour G that was chopped back on January 16th. It's a little hard to read the pic but it's 134g or 4.7 ounces:

Congrats on the harvest! Was this the stressed Sour G that will be compared to regular Sour G flower?

It's been hard to get the turkey bags to settle at 62% because the RH in my area has been in the low 30's lately, and turkey bags are not airtight. I would add bread slices to them and get them to 70% and a day after I took them out the bags would be down at 57%. Anyway, both the Jack Herer and Sour G got jarred this weekend (3 jars each) and they'll sit in the dark now for another 3 weeks before they get ground up for the bong.

Bud dryness appears to be the problem I'm having with making rosin. What do you recommend for increasing humidity in the mason jars? The Boveda packs seem to work better on lowering humidity rather than raising it.

On Saturday it was warm and dry so I figured it was the perfect time to grind down the MegaCrop balls so I can stop thinking about the ball-to-powder ratio as the latest bag gets closer to empty. I thought I would combine that with my next bag to help with homogeneity. Here are the bags and my old Krups grinder:

This is what my current bag looks like as I approach the bottom:

And this bag, which has been sealed and stored in the shed, was practically a rock when I opened it:

I had to slam it on the brick to get it moving.

Anyway, after about 3 containers-full of grinding, the grinder stopped and never recovered. I took it apart, greased it, checked the connections, but I guess the motor just gave up from the ball stress.

I'm looking for a replacement grinder now, so if anyone has suggestions let me know! This one was great because the container and blade came apart and were easily washable. Haven't seen another like that yet.

Wow! Busy thread. I had to read 3 pages from yesterday to today. And, for science, here's what my Mega Crop looks like:

Mega Crop.jpg
U know who you are, and I love you guys. Boo is pretty close to being right. I did enjoy the time off. You're right too Shed. I'm in Olympics mode for the next couple of weeks. My sleep schedule is so messed up right now.

On a note related to growing, I think I am due for an update tonight. Thanks for thinking of me.
Tuesday update and for the record, I now have pistils on the Doug's Varin. I don't count pistil days personally but some folks ask when such and such plant showed pistils, so for the record it's flip day 13.

Here it was in the tent this morning before heading outside:

I put it in the shade and sprayed it with iso/water because I saw a few aphids on the tops, and before I left for work it went into the sun for the day. It gets about 7.5 hours of direct sunlight/day now, and the rest of the 12 hours it's under pretty low lighting in the tent...probably around 20,000 lux. I may bump that up after stretch finishes, very slowly to keep the tops from burning. It's only a 6' tent so I'll have to hang the light from the top bars rather than the hangers.

That's it for me today! Stay safe and be well and happy. :peace:

Congratulations on the 4.7ozs of Sour G in the jar but I would absolutely be looking for an electric grinder for the flower if I had 7ozs to grind for the bong :cheesygrinsmiley: the MC would be replaced with the GF. But then I like the GF.
I would also be cautious about building a brick pizza oven out back as it could melt your grass!
I don't even barbecue on the "lawn"! And at VG's suggestion I got the Ninja Express Chop for $20 at Target yesterday (thanks Mrs Shed!), so I could grind all 4.7oz in a single go. :) I won't of course, because I like to maintain my grip strength with this 4" monster.
I had to sling an emoji in regards to the grass thingy. Fekenlarious!!
Congrats on the harvest! Was this the stressed Sour G that will be compared to regular Sour G flower?
Thanks HG! This was the unstressed version to try to get a vague unscientific comparison to the droughted one from October.
Bud dryness appears to be the problem I'm having with making rosin. What do you recommend for increasing humidity in the mason jars? The Boveda packs seem to work better on lowering humidity rather than raising it.
You could try a slice of apple or a piece of moist bread. Bread works fastest.
Wow! Busy thread. I had to read 3 pages from yesterday to today. And, for science, here's what my Mega Crop looks like:
That looks like what VG is happy with!
Wow shed. First time I ever came to your journal didn't have 4-5 pages . Lmao
Glad to slow things down for you 7D2. :cheesygrinsmiley:
U know who you are, and I love you guys. Boo is pretty close to being right. I did enjoy the time off. You're right too Shed. I'm in Olympics mode for the next couple of weeks. My sleep schedule is so messed up right now.
On a note related to growing, I think I am due for an update tonight.
...and :popcorn:
What do you recommend for increasing humidity in the mason jars?
I like to use small broken pieces of Terra Cotta pots soaked for a few hours.
Make sure they are clean. H2O2 or bleach then let them dry thoroughly before soaking them in water.

I saw that Raw brand was selling small nicely pressed pieces of Terra Cotta for humidification pieces for a ridiculous amount.
Or you could try a paper towel section sprayed with a very small amount of water and put in jar.

Your DV looks awesome, ITS! Happy Smokin'
I like to use small broken pieces of Terra Cotta pots soaked for a few hours.
Make sure they are clean. H2O2 and bleach then let them dry thoroughly before soaking them in water.
I saw that Raw brand was selling small nicely pressed pieces of Terra Cotta for humidification pieces for a ridiculous amount.
Thanks VG!
Or you could try a paper towel section sprayed with a very small amount of water and put in jar.
Your DV looks awesome, ITS! Happy Smokin'
And thank you Bode! I have to say I'd be wary on the wet paper towel thing since it will be resting against the buds and transferring a lot of moisture to one specific location.
Sorry Shed. “Lawn”. Sounds like I stepped on a touchy one. I’m sure it was a lesson well learned
LOL no worries Nev! Never happened and never will. And it's actually called "turf," but I thought "lawn" worked better with your original comment. :)
no wasted energy
:cough:I love wasting energy! :rolleyes:;)
Thanks N! The thought of having to trim the stuff that would grow down there sends chills down my spine. :eek:
I need to be more prudent about taking off lower growth. Still learning how to judge what will make it and what won't.
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