InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

Just to be clear, this happened a couple of weeks ago. The after effects are ongoing though :(.
Yikes, Im staying away from extracts like that too. I want a DAB press and I think its easily worth the investment if you have the space.
Im waiting for the hydrolic part to come on sale, then I STRIKE!
If I thought that the pressed rosin would work in the carts I would give it a shot, but I'm pretty sure there's a lot of plant material that presses through the mesh bags.
Well thank goodness you're ok even if left with anxieties from it, hopefully they'll soon fade away. On the bright side, there so many ways to skin a cat when it comes to our favourite weed and you're good at a lot of them!
Thanks Stunger!
Damn Shed, hope you are feeling better mate
Thank you Celt. It comes in waves and freaks me out. If it doesn't get better with time I'll have to get some help for it.
Highya ITS,
So sorry to hear about the methane ordeal. I can't even imagine something so awful. Real glad you're away from it now and feeling a little better! I'm so glad I'm still satisfied with the bong. The Candida looks like a sativa with the thin leaves. All the babies are looking good. Happy Smokin'
Thanks Bode! The extracts was really so my son could smoke what I grow since he is almost entirely a vaper.
Glad to hear you're recovering ,Shed...Your experience may save others a lot of pain...
Your new little ladies are off to a great start, and they're
just going to get better from here on in!
Thank you Carcass. So far so good!
Why isn't TCK3 getting 1g/gal of MC? Candida is on day 8, too.
What Boo said! It was the slow starter tangled up in itself, so I'm giving it time to catch up.
OMG, Shed! What a horrible experience. It's too bad you don't use cannabis yourself because CBD would really help with the mental after effects. Do you use your topicals? You could try applying it to your neck, forehead and belly button (as per SS's direction). It could help ease some of the anxiety.
I do take CBD oil every morning. I should probably be taking more now, more often. And I'm pretty sure that belly button thing was hogwash.
oof! So sorry that happened Shed, and glad you are doing better. What would we do around here without you?
Thanks Boo! You seem to be doing pretty well. ↓ :)
I’m going to guess that TCK3 isn’t getting MC yet because she doesn’t have her second set of true leaves?
Damn shed, glad you’re okay brother. Wouldn’t be 420mag without you.
Aww thanks Chef!
So glad to hear you're okay, Shed.
Thank you GDB!
Glad you're still with us! Scary shit reading that. I'll stick with running with scissors. Sounds much safer.
Running with scissors is much safer. If I had to recommend one of them, that would be it.
Hugs for Shed!! :hug: I’m so sorry that happened, sending you lots of healing loves!
Thanks double H. :hug:
Geez Shed, I’ll put that on my do not want list. Glad you’re still with us and able to talk about it. I wish you a speedy full recovery.
Definitely pass on that! Thanks DAB.
Sorry sb, been around the site but not here! Not much happening in my grow at the moment.

So how about a Monday update? Of course!

Here is the satellite aerial view of the babies this morning (labeled so you don't have to remember from last time :) ):

Here is the flyover/oblique aerial:

The Tin Can Kush 1 and 2 and the Red Dragon are all on day 10, and the TCK3 and Candida are on day 8. They are all getting 1g/gal of MC except the TCK3.

Red Dragon is getting some nice growth on:

And check out the roots:

TCK 1 and 2 both have similar root growth.

And here is a closeup of the Candida, which has skinnier leaves than my first two Candidas:

Could this be the sativa leaning pheno? I hope @Amy Gardner can tell me when it gets older!

Moving on to something more personal, I want and don't want to talk about the QWET-to-cart project some of you have been following and probably wondering what happened to it. I've called it off and the reason is really difficult for me to reflect on. I'll plow through this but I don't want to get into a back and forth for what will become obvious reasons.

In a nutshell, it turns out that the 200 proof Extractohol uses methanol to get the ethanol from 190 to 200, with no mention of that on the bottle or their website. So while doing the extraction in my kitchen with the windows and doors open, I suffered methanol toxicity and was down for three and a half days. I really thought I was never going to recover, and have since developed what I guess is a type of PTSD from the experience. Even writing this I have sweaty palms, racing heart, and feelings of anxiety. I asked my wife to get rid of the stuff at the hazardous waste dump and can't even look at the equipment without feeling uneasy. I have difficulty falling asleep from thinking about it, and the smell of antiseptic hand wipes freaks me out.

So I doubt that I will be able to even try to use regular 190 proof ethanol even though it would be much safer. So for that reason (and with apologies to @GetIspire ) I can't continue to create solvent extract to test the carts and batteries with. Maybe I'll find space for a press sometime and see if there is a way to use that in carts, but in the meantime that pursuit is dead.

Thanks to Ispire for sending me all the cool products, and I know my son is enjoying the batteries with his pre-filled carts from other vendors.

I hope everyone's weekend went well, and that you all have heat, electricity, and your health. Stay safe. :peace:
Dang Shed that's a terrible and scary thing! Thanks for sharing that son it doesn't happen to us too! I'm at a standstill in my Ispire study now as well. My mind is working but no working fixes yet. Getting it to Live state...think, think, think. In Pooh Bears voice.
Just to be clear, this happened a couple of weeks ago.
If it doesn't get better with time I'll have to get some help for it.
I’m glad you’re doing OK. Have you been to see your doctor? He may want to do some blood and urine work to make sure your kidneys and liver functions are good. The Wikipedia article also mentions blindness. Ya might need to get your eyes checked too. Let’s hope all those things are fine. I know us men are sometimes reluctant to go to the doctor, but better safe than sorry.
Thanks Bode! The extracts was really so my son could smoke what I grow since he is almost entirely a vaper.
Get your son a dry flower vape. (Or a rosin vape) then you don’t have to worry about those nasty extracts. I believe we have a couple of Sponsors that could help with that.
Thanks to all for your good wishes and kind thoughts. I'll be getting blood work done at the end of March so I'll add those tests to the cholesterol ones they want to do to see if the Lipitor is working.

Nobody in my house seems to like flower vapes. They don't think they don't get you as high as either smoking or vaping. Maybe newer versions have improved over the last few years though...

Rosin vapes will be the next bit of research even though you have to keep loading them with rosin and soaking them in iso at night. On the plus side it will work with a press! I've heard good things about the Dynavap here.


Here is a mini Wednesday update just to show you why there is so little to update these days!

Spring grow doing well on day 12 and 10:

All the plants are getting 1g/gallon MC and they all have roots coming out of the holes at the bottom. When the soil doesn't need water I pour a bit in the outer cup to keep those roots wet, otherwise they air-prune and don't grow on transplant. I want them alive!

Here are the three Candidas...the two clones that will be used for seedmaking (this time using STS), and the mother:

And for those thinking I am actually measuring 1g/gallon, I am not. I use the 4.5g/gal mix for the Candidas and dilute it down to 1.125 with tap water (8oz of 4.5g nutes + 24oz water = 32oz 1.125g nutes). Much easier and more precise than trying to measure small amounts of MC.

I hope everyone's week is going well. Stay safe. :peace:
And for those thinking I am actually measuring 1g/gallon, I am not. I use the 4.5g/gal mix for the Candidas and dilute it down to 1.125 with tap water (8oz of 4.5g nutes + 24oz water = 32oz 1.125g nutes). Much easier and more precise than trying to measure small amounts of MC.

That's the kind of helpful information that could be helpful for me, too if only I was good at math since someone has me feeding 4g MC/gal to my DDA, 2g MC/gal to one of our Alpine Stars and 3 mg MC/gal for the rest of them. :laughtwo:

I was looking into the same thing, I actually have one of the dab pens but they are annoying to clean and only the first hit taste best the ones after are subpar. Might just setup a dab rig in the garage and use that for the most part. Who knows.

I own a vape pen from Kind Pen called V3, which can be used for concentrates (dabs) as well as flower. Personally, I only use the atomizer for concentrates as I have better flower vaporizers. But, it wasn't very expensive and it's well made. All Kind pens come with a lifetime guarantee and if you need any replacement parts, they can be ordered and you only have to pay for the shipping. And, I personally find it very easy to clean. It's definitely a lot easier to clean than my water pipe. And, taste isn't affected either as far I can tell. I do recommend it. It's a lot easier to use than a dab rig.
I was looking into the same thing, I actually have one of the dab pens but they are annoying to clean and only the first hit taste best the ones after are subpar. Might just setup a dab rig in the garage and use that for the most part. Who knows.
Interesting info...thanks Reave! Dab rigs would still produce smoke, and I think cutting down on the smoke in my house would be good thing.
That's the kind of helpful information that could be helpful for me, too if only I was good at math since someone has me feeding 4g MC/gal to my DDA, 2g MC/gal to one of our Alpine Stars and 3 mg MC/gal for the rest of them.
I own a vape pen from Kind Pen called V3, which can be used for concentrates. I do recommend it
Thanks HG!
:thedoubletake: glad to hear you survived your ordeal and are semi OK, :Namaste:
Thanks dynamo. And same to you! :love:
thanks Reave! Dab rigs would still produce smoke, and I think cutting down on the smoke in my house would be good thing

shouldnt be any more than a pen. My wife’s friend had an awesome one that was temperature controlled for different terpene taste. But yeah smoke in the house is not good.
hey shed .. i know the experiment is over ...

when making old school honey or cherry oil a vacuum chamber is used to pull fumes off when processing. it would be the same or similar to what you are trying to do.

some old well known cannabis books describe the process, but i'm not sure they are sold any more. it's not really home safe. it's a pretty big chamber they use. looks a bit like a blasting cabinet with a window and gloves built in to the side.
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