InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

Baby post orphaned here! ;)

Looks like they're off to a great start! That Red Dragon looks really healthy, which is encouraging because I have one (as a freebie) that is a couple years old. I'm tentatively putting it this season's line-up.
Thanks BL! The RD was a freebie (had two) for me as well, and last year's never came up, so I'm glad this one is doing so nicely so far :).
All the babies are looking good and are off to a great start! Like Otter said nice job on the photos, it’s pretty tough to get nice clear shots of babies!
Thank you N! I figured out how to use the Pro setting on my old Galaxy S7, so I can use manual focus along with my reading glasses. :cheesygrinsmiley:

All right, BABIES!!!
Thanks Reave!
:happy-birthday: to your babies, Shed.
Cute little babies, Shed.
Yep. We were supposed to get the generator installed in January but I was in TN, then we both got the Rona, and we’ve had snow and ice and snow and ice for the last few weeks. Hopefully we can get it done thinks Mother Nature may kick me in the pants again this week tho. Oof! :cheesygrinsmiley:
Three cheers for plant schlepping!
:happy-birthday: to your babies, Shed.
Thanks HG!
Cute little babies, Shed.
I can enjoy them now that I don't have to worry about what's going on below the surface!
Good job on all the little ones Shed! I'm afraid the paint you speak of is hard to come by. I ran out earlier this year.
Oh thanks MrS! And here I thought you were just trying to make us feel better by adding the light grey paint splotches to your plants. :(
5 bouncing baby (hopefully) girls!
You make it look sooo easy!
I'm going to be killing sprouting a seed or 2 pretty soon also!
3 TKC’s above ground. Woo Hoo! That Red Dragon is looking nice.
Thanks BigD!
Per Florida state law, those are not allowed south of the Florida/Georgia line.
Am curious about the Red Dragon bean . You ever run her before? Know the founder of Barneys said it was his favorite plant. Paki/Brazilian hybrid.
I planted one last spring but it never emerged, so I'm doing better already!
Liking you are running some Sativas. The wife digging them?
They get her high. :cheesygrinsmiley:
Congrats on the babies Shed, particularly the Candida! I was starting to figure out how to send you a clone in case it didn’t pop.
Sending clones though the mail is a thing, but I'm glad you didn't have to! :thanks:
That was what i was thinking about the Candida that Shed was more concerned about coming up !! They all look good Shed keep up the good fun/work
That was the one, so now I can plan the STS seedmaking process for the future.
5 bouncing baby (hopefully) girls!
You make it look sooo easy!
I'm going to be killing sprouting a seed or 2 pretty soon also!
LOL! You are having better luck lately (or maybe that's just by not planting any?), but I have complete faith that you will once again fill that cardboard box with goodness of some variety or another!
Three cheers for plant schlepping!
Oof! Not in snow and sleet! You have it waaaay better!
You are having better luck lately (or maybe that's just by not planting any?
Ridiculous! :laughtwo:
I have complete faith that you will once again fill that cardboard box with goodness of some variety or another!
Ohhhh, so sweet! :love:
They get her high. :cheesygrinsmiley:
They get everyone high, no? :cheesygrinsmiley: You had a run of sativas in 2020 if I remember correctly. Did you grow a Chocolope? Was it a sativa?
so your family is a first in first out kinda weed smoking group
My wife is really more of a I-don't-have-any-more-room-for-weed-canisters person, so whatever fits in the cookie tin of dank is what gets smoked. To add the Chocolope and Power Plant, something else would have to get the boot, and she's not there yet.
Do you use the plant in any way to get buzzed?
I do not. I gave up getting high around 1981. The reasons behind never going back to it would be better taken up with a shrink than here. :cheesygrinsmiley:
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