InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

Sprout update below! Quotes first...
Hope you don't find any more!
Found more, below...
Ugh. So sorry to see that Shed. :sorry:
Thanks Boo. After what you went through I know you are.
then figured out it was a moldy head
Ugh, sorry 13g13!
I was concerned that when the conditions are right here, I'd lose a bunch of buds.
Good call!
Harvesting last weekend was probably a better idea. But there are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns—the ones we don't know we don't know. C'est la vie!

Today's removal:

Washed it in straight 3% H2O2, and it will go into the salve bin. The weekend can't come soon enough!

On a brighter note, here is an update on the three sprouts (day 6)! Durban Poison in the pink, Colombian Gold in the red:

They got watered with distilled when they were planted, got tap water two days ago, and next time they will get some diluted MC. Probably around 1g/gallon, though I use diluted 4.5g/gallon so I don't have to mix tiny batches. The 4.5g/g is what I use on all my mother plants.
Oooof! on the additional budrot - always such a wrench! You’ll get it to harvest and still have some great bud I am sure!
Nice sprouts
Thanks Amy! I was hoping to get through the summer with no rot, but oh well!
Nice updates Shed. Sorry about the mold. The DP and the two males look great btdubs btw.
That still shows up in a word search here BTdubs!
:(sorry for your rotten buds, I'm rooting for Durban it's one of my keepers.
Thanks dynamo! What do you like about the [edit] Durban Poison? I've heard mixed reviews in spite of its renown.
High Shed, :passitleft: Nice sprouts! For me,DP has a distinctive smell and taste. Very energizing. Sorry about the rot. Sometimes it's good to live in a desert I guess. Stay stoned and stay stoneder.
Youngs looks Good Shed / mean ole bud rot !! If thats all not too bad though
Thanks sb! A few more but not too bad all things considered.
Nice clones on the go. I'll send you over a clone of my auto.
I'd wait until we get a new head of the post office ;).
Nice job keeping on top of the rot!
Congratulations on the new bebes, and love the colours on those solo cups.
What a difference a week makes! Something to consider for next summer when I'm deciding when to harvest. And that pink solo cup came from a Labor Day backyard party :).
High Shed, Nice sprouts! For me,DP has a distinctive smell and taste. Very energizing. Sorry about the rot. Sometimes it's good to live in a desert I guess. Stay stoned and stay stoneder.
Thanks for the smoke report Fred! I'm sure it's more than I'll get at my house ;).
Sorry about the bud rot, Brother!
I couldn't actually "Like" that post, so I just gave you a frowny face!
Sprouts look good, though!
Sprouts are doing well and the sun has been out lately, so they're living the high life!
bud rot is so 2020
You said it brother! Anything that can go wrong probably will and the years not over yet.
Friday's news did nothing to help the situation...
You got that right, frost here Saturday night and again last night with even lower temps, dropped below freezing here.
Brrr...I hope you make it to the amazing harvest you deserve Celt :thumb:
Does anyone know where to get some Christmas tree strain seeds ? I would Love to grow some of those for next years Holydays
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