InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

Moving off the absurd personality classifications of astrology, let's get back to plants. When I did the root pruning on the mothers, StRoostifer asked the following:
Do the plants take long to recover?
Here they were day of, and yesterday (9 days later):
20200914_082316 Mothers before and  1 week after root pruning.jpg

Completely recovered and growing again!
Moving off the absurd personality classifications of astrology, let's get back to plants. When I did the root pruning on the mothers, StRoostifer asked the following:

Here they were day of, and yesterday (9 days later):
20200914_082316 Mothers before and  1 week after root pruning.jpg

Completely recovered and growing again!
Thanks shed! Really appreciate the before and 9 days later pics. This is something will certainly remember. :high-five:
After looking at the trichomes all over both plants, I decided to take down the Power Plant today and let the Chocolope ride out another week.
Congrats on the Power Plant harvest - looks like a smashing success!
I never have any idea of what to expect when I harvest, so it's all a surprise when I get the buds to 62% RH and weigh them. And I always wet trim. Wash, hang for 4 hours in front of a 2' box fan, pull the big leaves off, trim, hang for as close to a week as I can. By wet trimming I can find mold, caterpillars, and easily trim off sugar leaves that had PM on them. Too late to do any of that when they're dry.
:thumb: What he you said ^^^
The citric acid spray is a 1% concentration, so 500ml (which is 500g) of distilled water gets 5g of food grade citric acid and 4 pipette drops of dish washing liquid. Scale up or down as needed, but I find that my full grown plants take almost 1500ml (and 15g and 12 drops) to spray every nook and cranny where the PM hides.
Hey Shed,
Sorry to harp on this, when do you find the best time to spray, early in the morning before sunrise or after sun set so it has time to work over night?
Thanks for your help
:peace: :passitleft:
I'm not shed, but I do all my spraying in the morning after the sun comes up, so they'll have a chance to dry out before bud rot sets in. It's that season, here. Happy Smokin'
Congrats on the Power Plant harvest - looks like a smashing success!
Thanks BL! I hope it stays purple as it dries.
What he you said
No need to apologize...see you in February :cheesygrinsmiley:
Hey Shed,
Sorry to harp on this, when do you find the best time to spray, early in the morning before sunrise or after sun set so it has time to work over night?
Thanks for your help
Good question! I spray them in the morning before the sun is on them. I want the mix to have time to work before it evaporates, but as Bode mentions below, I don't want it lingering and cause rot. So nighttime would be the wrongtime.
I'm not shed, but I do all my spraying in the morning after the sun comes up, so they'll have a chance to dry out before bud rot sets in. It's that season, here. Happy Smokin'
Thanks Bode!
Good question! I spray them in the morning before the sun is on them. I want the mix to have time to work before it evaporates, but as Bode mentions below, I don't want it lingering and cause rot. So nighttime would be the wrongtime.
Thanks Bode!
Great thanks @InTheShed and @Bode :Namaste:
When I pulled the Chocolope out of the shed this morning I noticed this right on top:

Looks like it's rotten, so off with its head!

Not sure if those margins are clean enough, so I'll check again when I move it back in the shed tonight:

Maybe leaving it for another week wasn't the best decision? :hmmmm: I hope the rest hangs on for a few more days.
Maybe leaving it for another week wasn't the best decision?
If we had some sun it probably wouldn't matter- but this smoky,sunless, high humidity stuff we've got going on now is like the perfect storm for bud rot, and, evidently PM...
A couple of my buds also have some curled up tan/brown leaves on them- I blasted them with straight H2O2,
and they haven't gotten any worse yet, but I've got quite awhile to go out there.
Hope you don't find any more!
If we had some sun it probably wouldn't matter- but this smoky,sunless, high humidity stuff we've got going on now is like the perfect storm for bud rot, and, evidently PM...
A couple of my buds also have some curled up tan/brown leaves on them- I blasted them with straight H2O2,
and they haven't gotten any worse yet, but I've got quite awhile to go out there.
Hope you don't find any more!
Was outside looking at the cool reddish specks/tips on the GG- then figured out it was a moldy head :eek:

Sorry Shed, mold and smoke sucks
I chopped one chunky lady because she started a little bud rot with real big colas. We haven't had much 60' temp and 70% humidity. I was concerned that when the conditions are right here, I'd lose a bunch of buds. Happy Smokin'
I chopped one chunky lady because she started a little bud rot with real big colas. We haven't had much 60' temp and 70% humidity. I was concerned that when the conditions are right here, I'd lose a bunch of buds. Happy Smokin'
First harvest of the year Bode! Nice, I hope!? Which one was it? Did she have mature enough bud to smoke?
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