InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

The citric acid spray is a 1% concentration, so 500ml (which is 500g) of water gets 5g of food grade citric acid and 4 pipette drops of dish washing liquid. Scale up or down as needed, but I find that my full grown plants take almost 1500ml (and 15g and 12 drops) to spray every nook and cranny where the PM hides.
Beautiful, thanks :thanks: I have ordered a bag of non-gmo food grade..

Sure thing K420, and :welcome: to my very perpetual grow journal!
:rofl: Long time lurker, thank you for sharing your knowledge. Much appreciated:Namaste:
Awesome! All ladies!
Two out of three would be fine!
Happy Birthday Shed!
I say top left #1 female as well as #2 on the bottom!
Noted on the spreadsheet :).
I would say both are males due to the erectioness of the stems.
Duly noted MrS. Excellent deductive reasoning, though saddening results.
I will place my vote for two females. I mean, that’s what we want, right?
One would be fine. Two means I have to figure out what to do with the second one (BigGulp cup anyone?). :cheesygrinsmiley:
I have ordered a bag of non-gmo food grade..
Great! I edited the post to read "distilled water" as I have no idea if what's in my tap water would disable any of the PM-killing properties in the mix.
I was just a few hours early when I posted last night, because by the time I went to bed all three were up! That's 48 hours from tails in the water to breaking ground, which is pretty quick in my book.

That said, I'm calling today day 1 (day 255 of the year for easy reference). Here they were this morning when I woke up:

Time to get them into solo cups in the overcast orange glow! As I have mentioned before, I tear open the bottoms of my peat pots before I drop in the seed, so that tap root doesn't get caught in the mesh (notice the tiny tap root in there?):

And before I plant them, the entire cover comes off:

Many folks say it makes no difference to the roots to leave it on, but any obstruction to the roots is a negative in my book.

And here they are in the solo cups (red are the Colombian Gold, pink is the Durban Poison):

Anyone want to guess the sex on the CG's yet? #1 is top left and #2 is on the bottom. Get your votes in early! :)
I’m calling them both females :thumb:
Indeed we are! We bought a new house so in the transition stage of packing and boy is it a royal PITA lol

Congrats on the new house, Dutch!
I'll send you one if they are :).

I'll probably still be working on my Candida seeds when these show us the goods.

Nah, I knew you were first in spirit. :high-five:

Thanks dynamo, but it's the sprouts birthday :). Mark me down for February!

Are you an Aquarius or a Pisces? I'm going to guess Aquarius. :battingeyelashes:
I watered for a few months with DE but I didn't notice a difference in the plant's ability to fight off powdery mildew, so I really don't know if it was taking up much silica. Mine wasn't food grade but I have no idea if that made a difference.

Oh btw, :welcome: to my perpetual journal Schnookie!

Thank you fine Sir... I've been a lurker in most people's journals for a year now while asking a few questions and making my own journals. :bongrip::bongrip:
Late to the party, but I personally enjoy having a week-long birthday. :laughtwo::ganjamon:


Thank you so much for all your advice and support. :Namaste::green_heart:
Took down just the Power Plant. Update later!
Are you an Aquarius or a Pisces? I'm going to guess Aquarius. :battingeyelashes:
My birth was about 9 years too early for the dawning of the age of Aquarius.
There both ladies shed the power of positive thinking!
Thanks smokey!
Damn I missed a birthday?
Well Happy belated Birthday brother. Hope you had one hell of a great day. And take it into the weekend too.
You didn't miss my birthday Derby, it was the new sprouts that had a birthday!
Thank you fine Sir... I've been a lurker in most people's journals for a year now while asking a few questions and making my own journals.
Asking questions is the best way to learn!
Best to be sure and say Happy Birthday in February Shed! :laughtwo: :love: February!
Hi Shed my vote is there both Females , There a gorgeous dark green :yummy: I know it was nice to get some that CG way back when
Females it is then. We'll see how the guesses play out as we go :).
Late to the party, but I personally enjoy having a week-long birthday.
Thank you so much for all your advice and support.
It was the new sprouts that had a birthday, not me. But thanks many months in advance!
Hey @InTheShed doing a drive by , getting tired of looking from the outside. Gonna stay in so I can communicate. I thought about starting the Columbian Gold also for the mix in my capsules, congratulations on there birthday.
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