Illz Grow - 300 Mars - 450 Dormgrow LED - Coco - Soil - DWC

Heres a small update. Theres not going to be any for this journal. Calling it for a few minutes
I meant new beans for this journal. The last to go through are the clones. Something something later. More pics to come though. They arent finished.
I meant new beans for this journal. The last to go through are the clones. Something something later. More pics to come though. They arent finished.
As long as we get to see these girls finish ;P

Hope your good dude, halfway through winter bro .
Oh ill be the first to let me kno i won a mars eco 98 from the mars cup. Its probably the first thing ive won and just goes to show that buds love light and mars will be in it for the long haul.
Congrats again illz! You deserve it with all those awesome plants
For sure good seeing the sun in the morning.
What? where? I know its there somewhere cause it's light out... just can never tell when the sunrise becomes the sunset these days.....
Congrats Illi on your Mars Cup win, well deserved Brother! .
Penny i owe alot to you because yo7ve been there since i first joined up and chimed in to your thread. You've been a great help and inspiration. This community also is my muse. Cant count how many times ive been on here and had get my gardening gloves on because ive gotten so damn much inspiration from everyone here. Thanks 420 mag
Heres a couple. Every time i ste p away it falls on its side. I had to transplant into a new net pot and it isnt liking it. Wont stay put.

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