I Ain't Afraid Of No Ghost - Seedsman's Purple Ghost Candy Comparative Grow SIP/SCROG

Day 85 - Vegged for 56 - Day 10 of the days between:

I took @gwhunran advice and decided to tuck and weave 1 last time and I really had to weave them all over the place! I’m hoping I wasn’t too aggressive!



And after:


After handling them my hands are a bit sticky and the smell of candy, like sweet tarts is all that I can smell on them!!

Nute additions are all here now and today was the first dosing of that!

Daytime VPD is a cinch. Nighttime on the other hand is a struggle! I might need to bump my night time temps up from 70° to 72° to engage the heater a little more in efforts of drying it out a bit.

Other than that it’s been a smooth ride over here for the past few weeks and I’m loving it!!

Now time to watch the stretch!!!
Looking great!
Day 86 - Vegged for 56 - Day 1 of flower:

Well I am counting today as the first day of flower!!

Plants are looking good and everything perked back up from yesterday’s tuck & weave!

Todays pics:




That’s about it for today! Just kicking back and enjoying the show from here on out :)
Day 87 - Vegged for 56 - Day 2 of flower:

Dana's SIP is leaking again from the bottom so I am letting that dry out so that I can score the surface of the drip tray and reapply, I mean smear the fuck out of some FlexSeal, all around it :)

They are certainly stretching and I will likely install the second net this weekend for some added support. I do not think that I am going to weave anything into it as I am aiming for big colas with minimal larf. For some reason my brain is telling me that if I use the second net to weave it is only going to create larf. Not sure if my brain is right or not....

Anyhoo here are todays pictures:

Not too much else to ramble on about so I think that is it for now.
OK I have a random question regarding SCROG. My thought process has been that the net, or string, or wire, or whatever it is that one uses to make their SCROG is used to help lay the branches back down sideways over and over and over again using whatever means it takes to make this happen outside of "too much" physical damage to the plants. And that in doing this the plant sends the hormones, or nutes or what ever it is that makes the top of the plant know it is at the top to the "new" tops as the old top is now horizontal. and by doing this is creates much more main cola sites throughout the plant rather than just a couple.

This is the method I used with the above described though process. The reason I am asking is I have seen far too many other SCROGs that appear to have just a net, or other means of making a SCROG with the plant just growing through it and that is it. Am I missing something here? It is a Friday night and I am having one so maybe I am on a tangent but I want to make sure that I went about this the right way LOL
OK I have a random question regarding SCROG. My thought process has been that the net, or string, or wire, or whatever it is that one uses to make their SCROG is used to help lay the branches back down sideways over and over and over again using whatever means it takes to make this happen outside of "too much" physical damage to the plants. And that in doing this the plant sends the hormones, or nutes or what ever it is that makes the top of the plant know it is at the top to the "new" tops as the old top is now horizontal. and by doing this is creates much more main cola sites throughout the plant rather than just a couple.

This is the method I used with the above described though process. The reason I am asking is I have seen far too many other SCROGs that appear to have just a net, or other means of making a SCROG with the plant just growing through it and that is it. Am I missing something here? It is a Friday night and I am having one so maybe I am on a tangent but I want to make sure that I went about this the right way LOL
But those growers usually do some LST before the branches reach the screen so those hormones took effect earlier to a similar, though more limited, effect. But you've got it, bending the stems back through another square sends a signal to the plant that that branch is somehow compromised and it should send hormones to other sites in an effort to get that main, dominant cola.

Then, once you stop training sideways, each of the bud sites is on a relatively similar plane at the screen level so you get many more equal colas, but each will be smaller than one main cola that got a larger percentage of the total hormones available.
Day 89 - Vegged for 56 - Day 4 of flower:

Ok still haven’t been able to get Dana’s bucket to stop leaking… next step is liquid flexseal so I can just pour it onto the area that is still leaking. Letting is dry out and will apply later this afternoon so I can try to stay on the normal feeding time.

I ended up tucking a couple of branches yesterday as they were just getting a little out of control.

Everything is starting to come along well though and bud sites are starting to build well. There is more stretch between the nodes than I would like on everything above the net but that is certainly not from a lack of light :)

Speaking of light I need to get in and do a DLI check. If I had to guess I would think they are still sitting at an average of 45 but that some of them are closer to 50. But I’m not seeing any signs of too much light so I’m going to let that ride for now.

I went in this morning and did the slightest amount of defol, and mainly just stuff that I had hoped would hit the net but just never did and left all of the fan leaves for the plant to consume later in life if needed

In doing so I found this leaf right in the middle of everything. Seems like a lone rider but I’m going to keep a close eye

Other than this one off here is how they are looking:




Looking good KeOncp. Sorry about the leaky bucket. Have a great Sunday.
Day 89 - Vegged for 56 - Day 4 of flower:

Ok still haven’t been able to get Dana’s bucket to stop leaking… next step is liquid flexseal so I can just pour it onto the area that is still leaking. Letting is dry out and will apply later this afternoon so I can try to stay on the normal feeding time.

I ended up tucking a couple of branches yesterday as they were just getting a little out of control.

Everything is starting to come along well though and bud sites are starting to build well. There is more stretch between the nodes than I would like on everything above the net but that is certainly not from a lack of light :)

Speaking of light I need to get in and do a DLI check. If I had to guess I would think they are still sitting at an average of 45 but that some of them are closer to 50. But I’m not seeing any signs of too much light so I’m going to let that ride for now.

I went in this morning and did the slightest amount of defol, and mainly just stuff that I had hoped would hit the net but just never did and left all of the fan leaves for the plant to consume later in life if needed

In doing so I found this leaf right in the middle of everything. Seems like a lone rider but I’m going to keep a close eye

Other than this one off here is how they are looking:




Wow got all caught back up and what a turnaround. They look great at the start of flower. Hopefully they will reward you with some nice purple phenos! Especially because you got over your fear of ghosts... đź‘»
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