I Ain't Afraid Of No Ghost - Seedsman's Purple Ghost Candy Comparative Grow SIP/SCROG

Sounds good to me. Have one not far away. Do you paint them or tape them or anything or is the dark blue good enough of a light diffuser?
Well, indoors your light is straight down so as soon as the canopy is wide enough to overlap the sides, the light is no issue. Outdoors the dark bucket will heat up from the sun so covering it by hanging burlap or a pillow case or something from the top rim both shades and insulates the bucket a bit from both light and heat.
Well, indoors your light is straight down so as soon as the canopy is wide enough to overlap the sides, the light is no issue. Outdoors the dark bucket will heat up from the sun so covering it by hanging burlap or a pillow case or something from the top rim both shades and insulates the bucket a bit from both light and heat.
Even better is a wet towel sitting in a saucer of water!

Day 80 - Vegged for 56 - Day 5 of the days between:

Well they are sucking through their reservoirs like crazy!!! Not sure how long they are actually lasting but they are empty in 24 hours that’s for sure. Ladies don’t seem to mind going dry at all and the promix isn’t dry so I’m sure they are fine!

Getting ready to start adding in some Potassium Silicate probably starting tomorrow.

Nets are damn near full and I will just keep going with the tuck & weave until there is no more room. Then they can start going vertical. Probably by the end of the weekend at this rate!

They have a great smell, and for some reason I still get the smell of mint off of them!

I tested removing the old humidifier and turns out I do need both of them as my VPD is a bit lower than I want. Will reach into the tent in a few and plug that back in.

Todays pics:


After the tuck & weave:


Wasn’t able to get them as flat today. Didn’t have the patience for it. Will faff around with it more during tomorrows tuck.

Well that’s it’s for now!

And in case you don’t know. I ain’t afraid of no ghosts!
I would stop tucking and let them stretch up at this point if you want those Tok/P9 length colas!

Are you adding potassium silicate for the potassium or the silica? Silica is more helpful in veg (I run it at 50ppm) and I drop it to 30 in flower.
Copy that on the tuck! Up they go!!!

I just made some jugs of nutes and added build a soil Agsil16H Potassium Silicate to make a 7.8% solution like FauxTek using @farside05 method of Making your own silica. I made it up at 50ppm for the Si and will drop to 30 once the stretch is over :)
Day 81 - Vegged for 56 - Day 6 of the days between:

I filled their reservoirs this morning and then had to top them off again just now. My thought process is to try and keep the reservoirs full this weekend as much as I can to try and get the water table established in efforts of keeping them from going dry in a 24 hour or less period.

As I mentioned yesterday, they are just now getting a little bump in potassium silicate to help with the stretch a bit, and hopefully keep them from needing too much support :)

I am also going to add in a little Ammonium Sulfate to bring up my NH4+ number up just a tad, its a bit low as it stands. And once flowering starts I think that I will need to bump up my Potassium just a tad as well. I will need to do some research on that to see what to add in.

Here is todays pic:

No more weave and tuck for them so its up they go. It is a good possibility that I am going to have to re arrange the upper portion of my tent to have room for the lights to go up as high as they can. I will do that if and when it needs doing.

For now I am making sure that there is PLENTY of airflow from below the canopy, 3 fans in total from below and then 2 more fans blowing across the top of it. I am determined to not have bud rot this round and I am making sure that there is nothing funky going on before flowering actually starts :)

Also this is the first update that I have done from my computer, wow it is sooooo much easier!!!

Forgot to plug in the secondary dehumidifier last night so that did not get turned on until today.

Looking back at what my weekly goals were, I am thinking it is time to start getting back to it for the most part. However, I am not going to follow my original plan when it comes to DLI. According to my original plan I was to drop DLI form 45 to 25 this week. and then start working back up to 40 over the next few weeks.

I am scared with the potential of stretch with these PGC and lowering the DLI that I am only going to encourage the stretch. Not what I am looking to do.

So instead my new plan is to keep them at a DLI of 45 or higher, unless they show signs of light stress, and then start to taper down the last 2-3 weeks of flower. I feel that this makes more sense and in my head is what happens with natural sunlight as the season comes to an end.

From a VPD standpoint I am going to keep on track with that as it goes right in line of making the air drier as flowering progresses. Again in my head this is what happens outside as well, humidity drops as we get into the end of the growing season. Well I think that is enough of my ramblings :)

Hope everyone has a great weekend!
OK soooo I might have to question my own intelligence at times hahaha.

I was drafting an email to a buddy about DLI and in doing so discovered that I had not saved the right factor in my formula for PPFD and completely forgot to adjust the Day light hours from 20 to 12 in the DLI formula……

So I was actually running right at a DLI of 25 since flip.

I’ve adjusted and I am currently back to my goal of 45.

I am going to have to keep a close watch on them as that DLI is going to increase as they stretch, which is fine as lights have some room to be moved up and are currently at 100% power so plenty of room to lower power to get to my goal.
OK Well that draws too much power and pops my power strip. So Lights back to 75% and closer to the plants. I think the addition of that 3rd light is what is doing it, but it really helps keep the DLI even across the canopy so it is staying in there. All @ViparSpectra baby!!
At this stage you don't need much in terms of penetration so you can do what you did without any penalty. :thumb:
That’s what I figured. The canopy is set and everything is now growing up towards the lights :)
Day 82 - Vegged for 56 - Day 7 of the days between:

Well I kept popping the power strip so i just lowered the power on my middle light and lowered it to be in line with the other lights. Average canopy is at a DLI of 40.5 at this moment but as they stretch they will grow into the 45 zone probably in the next few hours at this rate :)

They are still chomping through their reservoirs but media is never getting dry so fine there.

Todays pics:


Also starting pre-flower now :)

They are looking happy and healthy and will get some small additions to their nutes once flower has officially started :)

Time to go update the outdoor auto sip I just started :)
Day 83 - Vegged for 56 - Day 8 of the days between:

They are certainly growing!! I am interested to see how much they stretch! I went in yesterday and cleaned up a little under the net, nothing dramatic but I tried to get rid of any of the leaves that were still showing damage to help improve air flow through the canopy and because I was sick of looking at them!

New growth still seems a bit on the light green color to me but everything else is a nice dark green. Will probably have to raise the lights up a bit by mid week depending on how fast they grow.

Ammonium Sulfate gets here today to help bump the NH4+ number a tad and then Potassium Chloride will be here by Friday to bump up the K a tad as well. Once I have added those my @Greenleaf Nutrients MegaCrop will decrease a bit as well, or it should, I will play with that and make sure :)

Still struggling with humidity a bit and realized this morning that one of the windows in the grow room was still cracked open and its been pretty sticky outside, which is currently 82% out.... and 67% in the tent with a VPD of .97 so low. I need to get that sorted out before flower gets to far along or I am going to have issues no matter how much air I have blowing across them! Still time though so not too concerned about it, and as time moves on the humidity outside is going to start falling as well so that should help.

Here are todays Pics:

And in case you don't know, I aint afraid of no ghosts!
Day 83 - Vegged for 56 - Day 8 of the days between:

They are certainly growing!! I am interested to see how much they stretch! I went in yesterday and cleaned up a little under the net, nothing dramatic but I tried to get rid of any of the leaves that were still showing damage to help improve air flow through the canopy and because I was sick of looking at them!

New growth still seems a bit on the light green color to me but everything else is a nice dark green. Will probably have to raise the lights up a bit by mid week depending on how fast they grow.

Ammonium Sulfate gets here today to help bump the NH4+ number a tad and then Potassium Chloride will be here by Friday to bump up the K a tad as well. Once I have added those my @Greenleaf Nutrients MegaCrop will decrease a bit as well, or it should, I will play with that and make sure :)

Still struggling with humidity a bit and realized this morning that one of the windows in the grow room was still cracked open and its been pretty sticky outside, which is currently 82% out.... and 67% in the tent with a VPD of .97 so low. I need to get that sorted out before flower gets to far along or I am going to have issues no matter how much air I have blowing across them! Still time though so not too concerned about it, and as time moves on the humidity outside is going to start falling as well so that should help.

Here are todays Pics:

And in case you don't know, I aint afraid of no ghosts!
looks super healthy!
looks super healthy!
Thanks! They love your MegaCrop 1 part that's for sure. Adding in a little bit here and there to hit my target numbers but nothing major.

Should take a look back in this journal here and see how far off track this grow actually got! Had some media ph issues and it got BAD! with a ton of support from these forums and some TLC they are back to being in good shape again!
VPD Update:

Closing of the window did not help a whole lot. So I moved the intake fan right to the AC register, I also move the intake hose inside the tent so that it aims at a circulating fan to help distribute the cooler drier air. I also flipped the charcoal filter around to use the other half of it as I was noticing positive air pressure in the tent. I might have to replace that charcoal here in the next week or so ready for flower :) I am now hovering right around my target with the fans actually slowing down and turning off! So good for now!
As I recall 45 is the max for DLI, so you should be okay from here on out! Looking excellent in there. :thumb:
According to the charts out there this is correct, though there are others out there that go way above that with no additional c02. I will let them ride though and try to keep them right around that 45 target :)

They are looking so much better though! And flower is starting to happen, they are throwing pre-flowers at every node above the net :)
Day 84 - Vegged for 56 - Day 9 of the days between:

Well well I am thinking the stretch is on in my best Glenn Frey voice:

The stretch is on
In the tent
Inside the stems
On every leaf

Anyway they are certainly growing and more pre flowering going on all over the place! I also had to raise up the lights a tad and they are right at 45 DLI now. I raised after the pics :)

Noticing the baby green is fading in some of the newer leaves and getting darker which is good. Not seeing hardly any leaf burn at all in the tips of anything and they seem to be happy little plants now :)

Here are todays pics:

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