I Ain't Afraid Of No Ghost - Seedsman's Purple Ghost Candy Comparative Grow SIP/SCROG

Day 74 - Veg Day 54 of 58ish:

Todays pics:


And after the tuck & weave:


I got a little more aggressive with the tucking today and pull the net up and laid everything down that I could without getting to crazy.

The green is looking much better now too!

I also hooked up the tube that came with my humidifier so that I can direct the humidity towards the plants and probe and no towards the dehumidifier’s:

And wife was going through stuff in the hall closet and found a mango seed she had put in to sprout about 6 months ago and it’s still alive!! So in the tent it goes.

Not sure what will happen with it. Especially since I’m going to be flipping in the matter of days but let’s see LOL.

Kids got free tickets to go to Vikings preseason game today so wife and I are going to grab a bite and a drink.

Have a great weekend all!

The ladies are looking much better, good job reviving them. Are you gonna flip them soon?
Day 75 - Veg Day 55 of 58ish:

Todays pics:


And after the tuck & weave:


Ok so another fairly aggressive tuck again today trying to get everything under the net. And it’s almost full now as well.

I am thinking it might be time to flip now as well while I still have a little bit of net left!!

They look like they are healthy again with no new signs of any issues so I think they would take the flip well.

I also had a “collision” of hobbies last night and think I found the cause of my controller failing my last grow. It’s RFI and a couple of ferrite beads should do the trick.

I was hamming it up last night, which the set up is in the grow area, and this morning I went to look at the controller and how the overnight RH was with the new dehuey in there. Well guess what, the sensor prob deactivated just about the same time I got onto the radio…..



Well now I know the cause and how to fix it, but the tent was HUMID this morning!! I opened it up for 30 mins or so, reset the sensor probe and all is right again!

So back to the flip, as I’ve been typing this post out I have decided that today will be the final day of veg and they are going to go lights off at 7pm tonight for the first of their 12/12 cycle!

And so it begins!!
Day 75 - Veg Day 55 of 58ish:

Todays pics:


And after the tuck & weave:


Ok so another fairly aggressive tuck again today trying to get everything under the net. And it’s almost full now as well.

I am thinking it might be time to flip now as well while I still have a little bit of net left!!

They look like they are healthy again with no new signs of any issues so I think they would take the flip well.

I also had a “collision” of hobbies last night and think I found the cause of my controller failing my last grow. It’s RFI and a couple of ferrite beads should do the trick.

I was hamming it up last night, which the set up is in the grow area, and this morning I went to look at the controller and how the overnight RH was with the new dehuey in there. Well guess what, the sensor prob deactivated just about the same time I got onto the radio…..



Well now I know the cause and how to fix it, but the tent was HUMID this morning!! I opened it up for 30 mins or so, reset the sensor probe and all is right again!

So back to the flip, as I’ve been typing this post out I have decided that today will be the final day of veg and they are going to go lights off at 7pm tonight for the first of their 12/12 cycle!

And so it begins!!

Everything appears to be doing Great! ❤️ if we deleted the last 10 pages, Noone could know you ever had any problems!

It's time to flip! ❤️
Day 75 - Veg Day 55 of 58ish:

Todays pics:


And after the tuck & weave:


Ok so another fairly aggressive tuck again today trying to get everything under the net. And it’s almost full now as well.

I am thinking it might be time to flip now as well while I still have a little bit of net left!!

They look like they are healthy again with no new signs of any issues so I think they would take the flip well.

I also had a “collision” of hobbies last night and think I found the cause of my controller failing my last grow. It’s RFI and a couple of ferrite beads should do the trick.

I was hamming it up last night, which the set up is in the grow area, and this morning I went to look at the controller and how the overnight RH was with the new dehuey in there. Well guess what, the sensor prob deactivated just about the same time I got onto the radio…..



Well now I know the cause and how to fix it, but the tent was HUMID this morning!! I opened it up for 30 mins or so, reset the sensor probe and all is right again!

So back to the flip, as I’ve been typing this post out I have decided that today will be the final day of veg and they are going to go lights off at 7pm tonight for the first of their 12/12 cycle!

And so it begins!!
Love the bolt on your Amp. That RFI will get you everytime. We have several customers in "T" band that are getting hammered from interference. You might have to get a Faraday cage. Lol
Love the bolt on your Amp. That RFI will get you everytime. We have several customers in "T" band that are getting hammered from interference. You might have to get a Faraday cage. Lol
Day 75 - Veg Day 55 of 58ish: Todays pics:
And after the tuck & weave:
Ok so another fairly aggressive tuck again today trying to get everything under the net. And it’s almost full now as well. I am thinking it might be time to flip now as well while I still have a little bit of net left!! They look like they are healthy again with no new signs of any issues so I think they would take the flip well. I also had a “collision” of hobbies last night and think I found the cause of my controller failing my last grow. It’s RFI and a couple of ferrite beads should do the trick. I was hamming it up last night, which the set up is in the grow area, and this morning I went to look at the controller and how the overnight RH was with the new dehuey in there. Well guess what, the sensor prob deactivated just about the same time I got onto the radio…..
Well now I know the cause and how to fix it, but the tent was HUMID this morning!! I opened it up for 30 mins or so, reset the sensor probe and all is right again! So back to the flip, as I’ve been typing this post out I have decided that today will be the final day of veg and they are going to go lights off at 7pm tonight for the first of their 12/12 cycle! And so it begins!!
Day 75 - Veg Day 55 of 58ish: Todays pics:
And after the tuck & weave:
Ok so another fairly aggressive tuck again today trying to get everything under the net. And it’s almost full now as well. I am thinking it might be time to flip now as well while I still have a little bit of net left!! They look like they are healthy again with no new signs of any issues so I think they would take the flip well. I also had a “collision” of hobbies last night and think I found the cause of my controller failing my last grow. It’s RFI and a couple of ferrite beads should do the trick. I was hamming it up last night, which the set up is in the grow area, and this morning I went to look at the controller and how the overnight RH was with the new dehuey in there. Well guess what, the sensor prob deactivated just about the same time I got onto the radio…..
Well now I know the cause and how to fix it, but the tent was HUMID this morning!! I opened it up for 30 mins or so, reset the sensor probe and all is right again! So back to the flip, as I’ve been typing this post out I have decided that today will be the final day of veg and they are going to go lights off at 7pm tonight for the first of their 12/12 cycle! And so it begins!!
Great recovery!
Love the bolt on your Amp. That RFI will get you everytime. We have several customers in "T" band that are getting hammered from interference. You might have to get a Faraday cage. Lol
Haha yeah 14mH is known for RFI and my house just seems to be a mess from a grounding standpoint!!

I’ve driven 5 separate grounding rods and have one dedicated to just RF and every single piece of equipment goes to 1 single grounding bar that is on its own grounding rod right out of the window. At most it’s a 5’ run using 2” flat strap.

That didn’t fix my RFI issues completely so everything also had ferrite at both ends and that pretty much fixed it…. Will get some on the controller as well :)
Haha yeah 14mH is known for RFI and my house just seems to be a mess from a grounding standpoint!!

I’ve driven 5 separate grounding rods and have one dedicated to just RF and every single piece of equipment goes to 1 single grounding bar that is on its own grounding rod right out of the window. At most it’s a 5’ run using 2” flat strap.

That didn’t fix my RFI issues completely so everything also had ferrite at both ends and that pretty much fixed it…. Will get some on the controller as well :)
How far apart are the ground rods? I know grounding theory is a convoluted subject. I have sat thru the R56 course twice.

Those ground rods should probably be bonded together and all equipment be bonded to one potential. Get the cadwelds.
Yes all electrical grounds bonded to a single point and all rf bonded to a a single point electrical is in the backyard and RF is in the front. No chances of circulating RF back through the system. Single point for everything :)

Then that goes directly to the ground rod

I also have grounding rods for the antennas as well to help keep static from the wind off of them to try and reduce the chance of taking a direct lightning strike and if I do it has a path to ground.
Yes all electrical grounds bonded to a single point and all rf bonded to a a single point electrical is in the backyard and RF is in the front. No chances of circulating RF back through the system. Single point for everything :)

Then that goes directly to the ground rod

I also have grounding rods for the antennas as well to help keep static from the wind off of them to try and reduce the chance of taking a direct lightning strike and if I do it has a path to ground.
Your on point buddy!
Took me about 4 years to get it worked out so that I had no RF leaking into my mic, making the lights dim, opening the garage door, and all sorts of weird other stuff!!
Took me about 4 years to get it worked out so that I had no RF leaking into my mic, making the lights dim, opening the garage door, and all sorts of weird other stuff!!
I bet your neighbors love all the weird shit happening to their electrical devices. Lol
Day 76 - Vegged for 56 - Day 1 of the days between.

I know this is going to get @InTheShed LOL

So we are all on the same page haha

Today is their 76th day above soil
I vegged them for 56 days, this means they had 20 days that I counted them and we lil sprouts.
Today is day 1 of the days between veg and flower :)

Just a quick update today:



I didn’t really have time to tuck & weave today, just means more work for me tomorrow.

Ladies dont seem to mind the flips of yet and are looking healthy.

Supplemental Dehuey works good, maybe a little too good will ride it for a few more days and see how it goes.

They are going through their reservoirs fast, I’m guessing has to do mostly with the dehumidification!

And that’s all there is for today!
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