I Ain't Afraid Of No Ghost - Seedsman's Purple Ghost Candy Comparative Grow SIP/SCROG

Day 77 - Vegged for 56 - Day 2 of the days between.

They are still coming along nicely! Still no new signs of anything funky going!



I forgot to get a pic of after the tuck & weave. Damn near front and back edges on both plants.

New dehumidifier is doing great and I think I will test the waters just running it and turn the original one off. But it’s great to know that I can keep the tents RH in the mid 40’s. Going to need that come late flower.

Well that’s it for now. Time to get dinner ready. Love this time of year when the maters from the garden are booming!!
Going to be a sweet flower show!
I sure hope so.

I’ve discovered an issue. These damn buckets I bought can not hang. Both buckets I am pretty sure of are cracked on the bottom again.

Not sure how I am going to address this yet, and especially with the ladies all up in that net!

I’m going to have to figure out some sort of bottom reinforcement moving forward as this is the 3rd of these buckets to have this issue! Damn cheap Zon buckets
Maybe I can toss a bead of silicone around the buckets and the drip trays. And just permanently join the two!

I think trying to pull the net and then flex sealing the bottom again and then on the other one is not going to be as easy as silicone.

I can get to that this weekend if not sooner. Until then top watering twice daily.

Will get to an update tomorrow :)
Day 79 - Vegged for 56 - Day 4 of the days between:

Ok I have laid a think bead of flex seal around the base of the buckets and the drip trays to at least slow down the leaks!

I’m going to buy proper buckets from the hardware store and then paint them black moving forward unless anyone has a link to a known bucket that works! These cheap ones from the Zon blow hard!!

Anyway here are todays pictures:


And after the tuck & weave:


New growth is looking a tad light in color IMO and I am chalking that up to the reservoirs not hold water properly. Hopefully I have fixed and or slowed that down. Letting the flex seal set now and will fill the reservoirs in about an hour or so.

As you can see the nets are almost full. I will keep tucking until all of the edges are full and then stop. I will add in the second net probably next week so that it is there to support the colas and can be used to take the stretch if need be.

Well I think that’s it for now! Been a rollercoaster of a week, I’m glad to have a community like this right now that’s for sure!
I think they look great, and she is growing I do not think that new growth yellow is a problem. :thumb: :lot-o-toke:🍋

I second that notion. I see no issues in your sweet ass plant man.
Thank you both! I think I am just a little sensitive with this grow considering all of the issues I’ve had hahaha

On the plus side it appears for now that the flex seal did the trick. I let it set up until it was dry to the touch and then filled their reservoirs. Not a single bit of water coming out into the drip tray!

Will keep an eye on them over the next hour or so and see if there any patch jobs that need doing!
You're a great ad for FlexSeal! Also, are you counting the hours to flip and do you have 3' above the light? :)
I LOVE flex seal!!

flipped 4 days ago :)

And yes just about 3’ that’s why I’m going to add in that second net. Just in case I need to do some weaving towards the end of flower :)
You're a great ad for FlexSeal!
FlexsSeal for the win!! Still no leaks and everything is dry :)

Here is to a smooth grow from here on out. I have had enough bumps in the road so far LOL

Sorry I must have been distracted by the great recovery!
They are looking so much better! Thanks again for all of the help man!
I’m going to buy proper buckets from the hardware store and then paint them black moving forward unless anyone has a link to a known bucket that works! These cheap ones from the Zon blow hard!!
I use the dark blue buckets from Lowes in the States. They have them in 2 and 5 Gallon sizes.
I use the dark blue buckets from Lowes in the States. They have them in 2 and 5 Gallon sizes.
Sounds good to me. Have one not far away. Do you paint them or tape them or anything or is the dark blue good enough of a light diffuser?
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