Humid Temperate Colombian Andes Greenhouse Organic Grow

The ones in the back, right side are flowering. Are you using night interruption lighting? Must do.
As mentioned before, the ones in the back right are a re-veg situation.
The lightning schedule is 6 AM until 9 PM, so 15/8.

The ones in the back, left side are lacking nutrients.

Yes, and I am asking myself what to do about it. I think the only thing I can do is to pull those out of the Azi cup, and make some more of the bluter cups, because the bluter cups have a reservoir in the lower 1/3.
The only thing is, some of the clones in the bluter cups also look pale! So I am obviously doing something wrong, but I do not know what.
I would say in general you are leaving too much leaf on the cuttings.

Yes, I could trim the faded upper leaves but I want to leave those. The only leaves I can cut are the lower leaves, but they are still green! So I think I need to make a bliter-style reservoir cup and fill it with a light fertigation solution.
I'll take a photo of my clones so you can see what I mean. Do you see any roots coming out the bottom? That's what I cue on... when I see some roots out the bottom, I up-pot to 1 gal.
No, I have not seen anything like that. And it is the clones that fail, but when I pull them out there's really no roots. There are like 10 little sad pieces of perlite sticking to the stem, but no roots.
So, I asked myself, maybe those are the ones that have no roots because those are the ones that failed?
I am hesitant to break apart the existing Azicups, but the ones in the back left need some nutrition for sure, so I think I might have to chance it. (And if it does not work, I think I have some more of the seeds somewhere.)

Haha, guess I need practice taking clones?
I am hesitant to break apart the existing Azicups, but the ones in the back left need some nutrition for sure, so I think I might have to chance it. (And if it does not work, I think I have some more of the seeds somewhere.)
Try a foliar on them before breaking them apart.
Try a foliar on them before breaking them apart.
Oops! 😬 too late!
I just got your post. I was already started.


The left stem is mush. (Bye bye...)

The right stem still has some firmness but it doesn't look great. I trimmed it, and put it in a bluter cup with aloe vera gel, and we will see if it makes it.


I trimmed the one in the center to just below where the roots were coming out, and I smeared it all around in aloe vera tentacle juice/gel, and then potted it up in potting soil with some mycorrhiza.
Then I put a clear plastic cup on top (with some air holes in it) for a moisture dome, and we will see how we do. (Foreground left.) there were not that many roots so probably I will leave the moisture dome for a while. Maybe next week I will start testing to see how it does without the dome.
If it works, I might try to pot up more.

I also took a whole bunch more reveg CBD Jam clones. I potted them up with aloe vera leaf juice/gel, and put them in bluter cups (foreground on right). I will probably spray them a lot for the next few days, and then once they are stable I will spray only the perlite.
I might do another Azi cup, but with aloe vera gel.

One of the Mango Biche seeds has come up. We will see if more come up.
Now that your potted clone has rooted, I wouldn't leave the dome on for too long, couple of days max. You want the plant getting its moisture and nutrients through its roots and a dome just delays that whole process.
Now that your potted clone has rooted, I wouldn't leave the dome on for too long, couple of days max. You want the plant getting its moisture and bonuses through its roots and a dome just delays that whole process.

Thanks. :thumb:
I hear it. I just want to ease the shock of going from perlite to aloe-and-soil (if there is any).
(I am hoping there will not be shock, and I cannot imagine why there would be shock from going from perlite to soil, but I do not want to wake up in the morning to a wilted clone.)
I will try to pull the dome tomorrow, and check each 5 or 10 minutes, to see how she does.

If this works, I want to pot up some more.
I am hopeful about the aloe vera.


PS EDIT and the girl who just came up was NOT a Mango Biche. She was a Sour Tsunami CBD.
So far no Mango Biche have come up.

I looked, and they do sell Mango Biche feminized.
Pineapple Kush is supposed to get here tomorrow, so I might plant some of those.

Maybe next year I can get three fresh photo fems of Mango Biche (and maybe some Super Lemon Haze, or Llimonet Haze.)
I am a little scared to grow full-size Mango Biche without CBD. I think if I grow 4m / 12 ft. Mango Biche's, I will need to grow 6 CBD plants to match up with each plant!
Ok, CBD Jam looks good! I took her humidity dome off this morning and she's been fine all day.


I also had a pleasant surprise! 😮
This little girl is in a Mango Biche seed cup, but she is outside of the starter cube! I think I went digging in that cube, and maybe the seed got pulled out and put in soil in the way I did not notice, and now she is up? (Ha ha, at least she knows how to think outside the cube!)
She came up with helmet head, so I had to help her with some surgery.
She is at the end of the yellow pointer stick. I almost did not see her with her helmet on! (She is a little bit more visible with her helmet off,)


I am just guessing that is a Mango Biche, so I hope she is a fem!
Hope to get time to check the CBD clones for roots tomorrow. If she is a Mango Biche then I will need lots and lots of CBD plants!

Three Pineapple Kush also came today. They are taking a bath. Since they also have no CBD, I will need more CBD plants for them also.

Slot planning:
I am just guessing that a 12 foot tall Mango Biche is going to need like 5 CBD plants to balance it, so we will call that 6 plants (including the MB).
Then I think 3 Pineapple Kush will need maybe 2 CBD plants to balance it. (So that is 5 more slots.)
So, that is 11 plants right there!
That means I only have 9 other slots to work with.
I also already have 2 Cannatonic and 2 Sour Tsunami CBD up, so that leaves only 4 slots left! 😱😱😱😱

I want several Peyote WiFi CBD (as earthy diesel 2:1 CBD just smells so good, and she is SO very frosty!), and also CBD Jam (pineapple 2:1 CBD).
I also wanted to maintain the sativa Northern Lights CBD sativa.
I am out of slots!! 😱😱😱😱
I am out of slots!! 😱😱😱😱
PS reality check!
You know, I am sure lots of people would love to have this problem! So, I should really just count my blessings.

One option is that I do not necessarily need to grow enough CBD plants to match the Mango Britches 😂 right now. Rather, I could harvest the MB, and put it into the cob, and then grow the CBD later.

Haha, does anyone make a large all-CBD sativa or indica?

I hope this will be a good clone mother!
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