How to grow in Coco: Feed schedule

ok its not a pissing contest. its easy to grow 1 or 2 plants. try doing 500 or a 1000 at once and get consistency.

People follow my threads because I know what im talking about and has been tried and tested from 4 light grows to set ups consisting of 200 or more lights. No on has to follow my advice as thats all it is but alot of people have had great grows following my regime.
im not going to argue about it. i never feed to run off until i flush. ive been doing this successfully for a real long time. This is my recipe to success. Are there other ways? sure. But if i dont know what im doing now, i never will. you need to understand coco is hydroponic and for best results should be fed multiple times per day but at least daily for the BEST results.

You don't feed to runoff? So how do you know you're getting the proper amount of nutes throughout the entire growing media? If you talked to most others who grow in coco they'll say 20-30% runoff needs to be achieved. You're gonna criticize me for one thing when you don't follow the other suggestions for coco? Like you said, what you've been doing works for you just fine. As you can see, what I do works for me.
you dont listen. I know exactly what im doing? Ive tried everything you can think of in coco. im not worried what other people say, ive been a pro grower for 10years and been growing for over 15years, non stop with no gaps. i run grows worth 100's k's in multple locations right across Europe. My work is in high demand.

I donate my experience and expertise here as a way to give back to newer growers to avoid pitfalls. No one forces anyone to follow anything i say. Ask the hundreds if not thousands of people ive helped on these forums over the past 9 years or so.

Out of interest how many grows have you done and at what scale?
ok its not a pissing contest. its easy to grow 1 or 2 plants. try doing 500 or a 1000 at once and get consistency.

People follow my threads because I know what im talking about and has been tried and tested from 4 light grows to set ups consisting of 200 or more lights. No on has to follow my advice as thats all it is but alot of people have had great grows following my regime.

There's no doubt in my mind that you know your stuff. You have 5k posts so you must. But your giving someone who has a couple plants, the advice you would give to someone with 209. Yes I have a few plants at one time but they are extremely healthy and provide me with some of the best smoke possible. You should have taken one look at my grows and agreed that how I water my stuff actually works. Been growing this way for almost two years with no casualties. I will agree that they grow much faster if watered every day. But that's not because of fresh nutes. It's the new oxygenated water introduced every time
you dont listen. I know exactly what im doing? Ive tried everything you can think of in coco. im not worried what other people say, ive been a pro grower for 10years and been growing for over 15years, non stop with no gaps. i run grows worth 100's k's in multple locations right across Europe. My work is in high demand.

I donate my experience and expertise here as a way to give back to newer growers to avoid pitfalls. No one forces anyone to follow anything i say. Ask the hundreds if not thousands of people ive helped on these forums over the past 9 years or so.

Out of interest how many grows have you done and at what scale?

You're the man around here. I get it. But you don't water till runoff and I don't water every day so we both do things most coco growers would agree are a necessity. I was only trying to help Anna understand that I don't water every day and my plants looks great. You can't deny me that.
You just said you didn't want to make this a pissing contest yet you just pissed on my shoes with all your big time grows and experience. What a guy you are! Yeah I'm small time but my plants don't lie.

3 times a week...tops
Hey Cult, would using 1/4 strength nutes @ flush be better when reusing the coco?? Or just PHd water and then recharge coco before next use. Thx, Peace!!
only time id flush with a weak nutrient solution would be if there was some sort of nutrient issue due to excessive feeds and salt build ups. Flushing with weaker nute is more effective in that case than water alone as it will put excess nutrients out of coco better and leave some fresh nutes for the plant to use.

when final flushing with water you want the medium as close to nute free as possible. this forces the plant to use up its stored energy and finish hard as it realises its coming to the end of its life cycle.

when recharging the coco its simple. just add great white mycorrhizae, base nutrient at 400ppm/0.8ec (when using ro water that is with 0.3ec/150ppm calmag added also, so total base nute would be 250ppm/0.5ec) and i would also add cannazym or similar product to help breakdown any organic matter thats left in there.
no im not afraid of salt build up. i feed to A small amount of run off when multifeed daily but not with single manual feeds.

as long as you dont feed heavy its not important. when manual feeding i recommend feeding enough so the pots are light to lift, but not dry 24 hours later. i base my grow on 13 weeks max from start to finish and factor 2 weeks flush on thay. so in essence its 11 weeks of growing with nutes. there should be no significant salt build up in that time period when using a quality base nute and good water supply.

The balance is to get the plants to use what you are giving them and keep the media at a constant equilibrium. There are schools of thought on this but i believe practical application over theory. Most good hydroponic nutes are chelated for maximum absorbstion and not as caustic as nutes from days gone by. its hard to give enough manual feeds to have salt build up unless you are excessively drying out the plants. multifeeding is a little different.
Ive found using smaller amounts of chelated nutes are all thats needed. Most people overfeed nutes big time then cant figure out why they're having so many problems. Less is more.
I agree with everything you just said except the runoff. I just can't see how the salts that were put in yesterday's feeding are gone if you don't flush them with today's feeding. I test my runoff from time to time and it's never more than 100ppm higher than what I put in. I'm at about 8ml a gallon of A and B and have a ppm of 700. My water starts at 120
Try his nute formula and feeding schedule which is rather specific. Anything else and its apples and oranges really.

It's like my friend whos been brewing his own beer for years. He has his own recipes and reasons for how he does things. But someone like myself couldn't jump into it like that so we use brew kits.
In our case it's chillated nutes like Canna. So for any grower who's just starting out, wouldn't an A an B program be more manageable?

Would the plant breed have anything to do with it? I've been growing Liberty Haze this way with no issues
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