Well-Known Member
Thanks for your help Suntana!! No, currently I'm using Nutrifield Coco nutes (Aussie brand) but they sell Coco A. & Coco B to be used throughout veg AND bloom...and although I'm a newb indoor grower (clearly!) it doesn't seem right to me not to change nutes after flip.
Before I'd decided on using Coco, I bought Canna Vega A & B for hydroponic not Coco, so I was wondering if I could use them instead now on my Coco veg plants? Probably not I'm thinking! I'll just order some AN online for bloom. (I can't get them here in W.Austalia). Which ones for Coco bloom do I buy? Sorry for the stupid questions.
You can use the vega, coco is high in natural potassium so it's recommended to use coco specific nutes that compensate for the potassium balance and calcium/magnesium. Which I and most others add anyway. It will work but you might encounter some deficiencies that will ultimately affect yield/quality.