How to grow in Coco: Feed schedule

Thanks so much. Actually, as we're going into Winter, I can use HPS lights for this grow and swap over to LED's for Summer. And I'm relieved to hear I don't have to start lugging water containers home from supermarket! Thanks again.
I am changing from my normal DWC to coco, to much heat in res and already started roots problems, I found this bag at Walmart or tomorrow I can hit the hydro shop and get a different brand that's better if needed, also what's a good mix I use fox farm happy frog for my mothers in fabric 5 gallon pots or my plastic pots holes drilled in so oxygen to roots but please give me a good recipe for a coco start
and fox farm happy frog, clay pebbles in bottom of fabric soil pot
if you read page 1 you will get my basic recipe for success.

as for the pots they will be fine. tbe holes dont provide oxygen to the roots but they will air prune them forcing new root growth. you will need bigger pots though, minimum 12litres.

im not familiar with that brand of coco. id suggest getting a pre treated coco that is pre washed.
and go straight coco, dont add perlite or anything else.
I always use fabric smart pots, I thought some holes would air prune roots sending out new feeders, I am a dwc guy so I air prune in that by letting res DROP to almost nothing for 12 hours
And tomorrow my hydro shop is open so I'll go there and grab good quality coco and let it get me out of dwc during hot months, I am terrified about getting a nice plant grown then losing it bc of root problems
Hey Cultivator (my Coco Guru)
I realised today that I've been using Nutrifield Coco A & B...not Canna (I know...dumb-dumb) and it's been kinda worrying me that you're supposed to use both throughout grow & bloom. Is that normal? Have you ever tried them? I know you've got your nute/additives recipe for success page 1, all of which I intend to order for my next grow - cos they take quite awhile to ship stuff way down here to Australia. But...if you reckon this grow might be doomed to failure with just Nutrifield Coco, Canna PK13-14 (?), Seasol, Epsom Salts & Great White (not yet but coming from UK soon I hope) then I'll buy the only other alternative brands available to me locally - Canna Coco etc or Dutch Master. I know you didn't find Canna very good but perhaps it's better than Nutrifield?
Btw- most of my babies are really enjoying the feeding ~50mls every ~ 6 hours. I'd been told to not water or feed more than once every 3-4 days prior to stumbling on to your guide!! Thanks.
Thanks shaggn.

Only problem is i dont know how much ionic bloom to start using! No ppm pen so i need a rough amount to use per L ..

Sorry if im thread jacking!

Johnny I'm using 7ml/L at all stages, veg and flower. Not totally sure if that's the recommended level by cult, but it's what ionic recommends and aside from signs of N toxicity caused by using canna a&b earlier in the grow, plants are looking very healthy and buds are exploding.

6 sativas under 600W 12/12 from seed.

Those girls look lovely! May I ask, what sort of light is that you're using? I've just ordered 2 x 600W HPS lights for my second tent (to be used as a bloom space) which is 4 square metres. I'm wondering if added to a 600W LED (but not a quality brand one) whether that will be enough light? And what is yours, JohnnyBlaze? Any opinions welcomed! Oh, the strain is BigBud xxl btw.'s my 1st indoor grow.
Thanks for that cm ill give it a try! Unfortunately think ive got a male or hermie in the tent, gonna have to make a trip today to see for myself hope its not ruined!

Annabanna i agree with you, them buds look very frosty!

In my tent 1.2x1.2m Im using 600w dimmable lumi ballast and dual spec bulb which has some power boost thing on the ballast to increase it to i think 660w.

My strains are SSD (strawberry sour diesel) and SC (Devils Harvest version, SSD x Exodus Cheese)
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