How to grow in Coco: Feed schedule

No nutes from day 1. I start low at 0.5ec plus water value. Also adding mycorhizae and a quality roof stim. Just feed small amounts each day. And gradually build volume of feed up as roots develop.

Its true that you can give water for up to 2 weeks but you need to condition the coco to the ph and ec and you will get superior results if you do that.

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Sorry cult just not understanding the difference fully between ph reading and 0.5 ec reading? What would that be in ph reading? Sorry dumb question probably. Good at those.
I use AN 3 part nutrients and I'm flowering currently. I find with advanced nutrients the 4ml/l is way to much and you will end up building up to much salts and then have issues with lockout. Less is more. What level ppm nutrients or how much have you been feeding them so far?
I agree. I use way less and have absolutely no issues or deficiencies since using AN with mutiple strains.

Going by ppm as Cult recomends instead of ml/L is really the best way and more accurate. I kept it low ppm until the plants showed that they are hungry and then added slightly more each watering until the plants looked perfect again. If I notice the slightest tip burn I back off a little and water for run off the next time. That gave me a base line for AN nutes through various stages of growth. Then I adjust slightly for different strains based on plant feedback.

As Cult preaches less really is more. Correcting a lockout from over feeding is more harmful and slows the plants more than letting them get a little hungry.

Any ideas on whats going on heat stress ?
Thank you thank you so much penny wise and cultivator for your first post on this thread. I now realize ppm is a very important role. How does this sound cult and penny wise an Nutes ph perfect line tap water and rain water being used. Well 2 flower candy cane auto cks just fed it 305 ppm at 6.3 ph equalled to 1 ml grow 1 ml Micro 3 2.5 ml bloom 1 ml cal mag. Cal mag is powerful. Lol that k you guys greatly from the bottom of my heart guys. Cheers !
Just got fresh out of the psych ward and first thing I did was get on the 'puter to see if Culti is still alive `N` kicking.

I love this thread!!!!!!!!!!

Rebooting my own coco grow in 3...2...1...

Can't wait to be smoking my own coco-bud in 3 months!

Cheers coco-canna freaks!

Well at least you will have your own meds to use and not that bullshit they give you at the "Hotel". :party:

Just got fresh out of the psych ward and first thing I did was get on the 'puter to see if Culti is still alive `N` kicking.

I love this thread!!!!!!!!!!

Rebooting my own coco grow in 3...2...1...

Can't wait to be smoking my own coco-bud in 3 months!

Cheers coco-canna freaks!
Welcome back sir
What does everyone do from transition to flower should it be feed week1 bloom nuets with 12/12 or gradually 18/6 - 12/12 while keeping on feed chart low ppm
Personally I feed veg nutes right up to the flip then I cut it back 1/3 an add 1/3 bloom fit first week then 2/3's second week an full bloom from there on to flush but that's just how I do it an what works for me. Everyone does it differently Iam sure
Ok thanks. So i supercroped a few and the steam was so thick that it split open, im guessing i fucked that one up
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