How to grow in Coco: Feed schedule

Hey wiley420 so today i just finished my last week of transition tomorrow should it go 12/12 or should i do it now since itll shut off at 9am tomorrow morning
Yes, lower ppm just means lower nutes. Like 1/4 dose nutes will have a much lower ppm readibg then say a full dose, now water quality, supplements can alter that but basically that's what ppm is. Seedlings need very little or no nutes at all as they usually have all the nutes they need for first week or 2.
Yes, lower ppm just means lower nutes. Like 1/4 dose nutes will have a much lower ppm readibg then say a full dose, now water quality, supplements can alter that but basically that's what ppm is. Seedlings need very little or no nutes at all as they usually have all the nutes they need for first week or 2.
Using as much rain water for my grow rain barrel side of house holds 185 litre sometimes plus thinking of a second one for the summer.
Ok thanks. So i supercroped a few and the steam was so thick that it split open, im guessing i fucked that one up

Tape her up and move on!\
Using as much rain water for my grow rain barrel side of house holds 185 litre sometimes plus thinking of a second one for the summer.

Are you buffering the rain water before you add your base nutes?

I use rain water (2 ppm)and RO (12 ppm) and was told by Canna reps to buffer those waters to approx 120 ppm. Can use tap water, but I use GH Cal/Magic. I don't run Canna A&B at their recommended/grow guide rates, in veg it's 300 ppm A&B and in flower 400 ppm. I do use Cannazym at the recommended rates but I lower both the Rhizotonic and Boost. Using the recommended rates I was constantly experiencing burn, I since going to this program, growth is great and no overfert.

Are you buffering the rain water before you add your base nutes?

I use rain water (2 ppm)and RO (12 ppm) and was told by Canna reps to buffer those waters to approx 120 ppm. Can use tap water, but I use GH Cal/Magic. I don't run Canna A&B at their recommended/grow guide rates, in veg it's 300 ppm A&B and in flower 400 ppm. I do use Cannazym at the recommended rates but I lower both the Rhizotonic and Boost. Using the recommended rates I was constantly experiencing burn, I since going to this program, growth is great and no overfert.

No i have not buffer when I test ppm it is around 40 ppm ish. I add small amount of my trio of an Nute line ph perfect so ph down is only the first week or so until I add my ph perfect trio. I do let rain water sit for 24 hrs before adding. Or using. Just to be safe.
So I've switched from canna a&b to ionic grow and bloom and I'm already seeing much better results. Went away for 4 days and my ak47s which were already 1 month from seed went from this -

To this-

Yes that is 4 days I kid you not. The problem I have is that they still have another months veg left and they're taking over!

Anyhow, Im coming to the end of my bottles of canna bloom and rhizotonic and I'm wondering what I should be using as a replacement from your initial list? Time to start spending .

EDIT - I've checked the dates and that first photo was taken 2 days before I thought, so this was 6 days difference and not 4.
Hi Cult
I'm a 1st time indoor grower and have been reading so much info online, a lot of it contradictory but have just stumbled upon your guide here and feel like I can forget all the other forums etc! I've got 38 seedlings in coco/perlite in a 1.2 x 1.2 meters tent and another 2 x 2 m tent ready to erect. I ordered seeds from loads of sites but the only ones to get past Customs are regular and 5 BigBud feminized last week.
I've got Canna Coco nutes, Rhizo, pH up & down, Canna Classic nutes (before I decided on Coco), pH pen, ppm pen, air pump with 2 stones, water pump, big black rubbish bin for reservoir, 4 little fans, 6 inch exhaust fan, timers, SuperPro CHRONO controller.
I germinated in Rapid Rooters then when the tap root appeared I transplanted into Solo Cups. I'd like to transplant into fabric shopping bags soon. Should I wait until the males can be culled? Oh, I've been searching my whole city for Mycchorizae but have none. So I'll order online tomorrow. And foolishly, before enough research, I bought 2 x 600W & a 300W LEDs for about $150 - $180 each. I should've done what I'm doing now which is ordered a Mars2 or Meizhi 1200W for $500.
So do I need to replace my Canna nutes with the ones on your list ASAP? And, do my little seedlings need to be watered or fed only when they're very dry? So every 2-3 days? They have 3rd set of leaves on average. And thanks SO much for this guide btw.
hi and welcome. you need to feed nutrients everyday as its hydroponic growing. I hate the canna base nutes they always cause problems for me.

thats a lot of seedlings. lets say 50/50 male female, you still going to 18 plants in that 2x2. i would go 16 max and preferably 12. infact with the lights you have id go 10. you dont have a lot of light output for that many plants unless you keep them real small which osnt ideal when growing from seed. most important things in any grow are light and airflow so keep that in mind.

use pure coco if thats possible. dont use a perlite mix. reason for this is that it will require multiple daily feedings and if you are hand watering you want to feed x1 daily. i dont understand why people mix perlite with coco its not necessary and can be detrimental if you dont know what you are doing.

id switch the base nutes to AN ph perfect 3 part but you can run the canna and see how you get on first.
I recently switched to canna coco and can't believe the explosive veg growth!! I use maxi gro and bloom powder nutes. Super simple and only ran into problems in bloom as I wasn't lowering my feed pH low enough. I use tap water and apple cider vinegar for pH down. If I pH to 5.5 it rises through the pH range perfectly. I love coco!! Peace!!
Thank you very much. I will call the less healthy seedlings. My other foolish purchase was a Growlush set-up for my small tent cos it seemed easier than making my own (I'm not a DIY girl). But now I have it set up, it's not practical- even using the reservoir underneath purely as a run to waste receptacle as it's hard to empty. I'll re-read your guide so I won't have to ask you questions already covered.
Regards & Respect from Australia

I'm sorry I've not got the photos sorted cos now I can't show you my set up but I've noticed the roots have largely reached the bottom of my Solo Cups. I've got 5 x 3 gallon fabric-ish pots to transplant some into that came with the Growlush set up, so I've transplanted one of the seedlings into one just as a test run. But I'll need to do another 10-15 in a coupla days cos I need enough to fill both tents (12sq feet. & a 24sq feet) after culling males. I'll forget the Perlite this time cos you advised me to. But may I ask you what pots I should use, please? I'm thinking either recyclable hessian shopping bags (cheap) or square buckets with lots of holes cut out (by myself)? I've been offered the loan of 5 pots with bubble holes (some name like that) manufactured especially for growing pot in. I've got 5 ring drip feeders and a pump for one tent. But I'm liking your idea of watering/feeding once per day by hand for this first grow so I can get a feel for it more. And like today, I tried to water just enough to moisten the medium with very little run off and hoping to have them dry enough for another feed tomorrow. I think that is your system?! Honestly, I've had SO many kind people advising me online but so much contradictory information that I'm now gonna just stick with YOUR program! It makes sense to me, I guess.
& btw - if you can see one of the pics, it's the silly Growlush thingy I bought...just so you know what I'm talking about.
Thank you!! I was a pretty nifty outdoor grower 20 years ago, as we have ideal weather down here but the market has changed. I lived in Amsterdam for a year 18 yrs ago and saw some amazing grow ops there! But whole different scale to my little tents.
the growlush set up looks simple enough, its recirculating right? use hydro specific base nute for that and coco specific base nute for the coco plants.

id go with fabric pots if possible. i like 20-25litre pots but you could grow in 12litre plus. just depends how big you want your plants. i generally veg 5-6 weeks from seed germination and get quite big plants from that.

dont allow the coco to dry put completely ever, it will damage the roots. the trick is to water enough so that 24hours later the pots are still moist but light to lift up. thats the best guage when hand feeding x1 daily. you cant really over water coco but if left too wet it will attract fungus gnats and contribute to possible bud rot at later stages of growth. But i def recommend hand feeding until you get a feel for growing indoors then you could set up an automated system.

Amsterdam and Holland is a dangerous place to grow these days. infact most of the weed supplied in coffee shops comes from spain now. the dutch system is crazy, illegal every step of the process until the weed passes the threshhold of a coffee shop where it is then legal to sell small amounts.
Thank you Sir Cultivator! (Hahaha...Has a nice ring to it)
The Growlush pots are 21 litre so I'll buy more fabric ones that size. I saw a video showing how to make your own out of landscaping material that looks easy and cheap but I'll work on sewing those for the next grow. This one will go in the shoppes bags. One concern is my tap water. Today straight out of the tap was 250 ppm. But yesterday after 24 hours it was 320! I bought a filter and two extra cartridges - put it thru and it made zero difference. So what water should I buy? And if you had to buy lights for 16 sq feet (my 2nd tent - for bloom) which would you buy from the cheaper LED ones..Mars2, Viparspectra, Meizhi, Apollo or HPS? For the 2nd grow I'll upgrade to Kind or AdvPlatinum or Solar550 etc. I can spend about $600 atm. I guess I don't HAVE to fill it for this 1st grow. I have solar power so I can run regardless of power costs during the day.
And finally - how do I watch you on YouTube? If I can watch them I wouldn't have to hit you up with these dumb questions! Thanks !! From
your number 1 protégée/ fan from Western Australia.
your water will be fine. i use 400ppm tap water at the moment and plants are fine. you would need to buy a lot of water otherwise. you could instal a reverse osmosis filter if it really worried you.

i prefer hps over led. the quality leds are expensive and hps are cheap to set up and reliable with results. Id go 4x 600w hps in the flower tent. just make sure you have adequate extraction no matter how you do it.
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