How To - 7 Gal Rim Mount SCROG Pots In 2 X 4 Tent - 8.25 Sq Ft

On my blue cheese one seems to be stretching out and the other the nodes barley have any spacing between them as of yet. Both same distance away from light as well. Obviously one hooked up before the other.

Yup its all about the START. I am still looking for a perfect start, maybe next time :)

On mine the Blackberry Kush Poped 2 days before the other but the
GSCE is drinking faster, Did not get a good set of branches at the 1st node
but think she is making up for it by bushing out so well
Yup its all about the START. I am still looking for a perfect start, maybe next time :)

On mine the Blackberry Kush Poped 2 days before the other but the
GSCE is drinking faster, Did not get a good set of branches at the 1st node
but think she is making up for it by bushing out so well

Yup I'm just hoping I don't got more feminized males lol. When the last one of the passions took off from the rest I started thinking same about it and I think my assumption came true for frig sakes. Hopefully the bluecheese don't follow
Yup I’m just hoping I don’t got more feminized males lol. When the last one of the passions took off from the rest I started thinking same about it and I think my assumption came true for frig sakes. Hopefully the bluecheese don’t follow

For sure that does suck and I would be very unhappy about it.
I am sure you paid 10 X more for a feminized. I have been lucky
so far
For sure that does suck and I would be very unhappy about it.
I am sure you paid 10 X more for a feminized. I have been lucky
so far

Yup first time I've ever got male when buying femmed seeds and for sure paid more cause they were supposed to be femmed. First time ever using that company as well and last time probably.
Just doing a text update this time,
I did take the pictures at 2 day steps so if anyone has to see the
pictures I will be happy to post :)

12 / 04 / 2017 to 12 / 25 / 2017

12 / 04 / 2017 - Planted / Germination (12 hr Kelp seed soak & Clear H2O Pot Dunk)
12 / 07 / 2017 - Ground Break BLACKBERRY KUSH (3 days to Pop)
12 / 09 / 2017 — Ground Break GIRLE SCOUT COOKIE EXTREEM (5 days to Pop)
12 / 12 / 2017 — ¼ Cup clear H2O (3" around & away from stem)

12 / 12 thru 12 / 13 Low Humidity Issue

12 / 15 / 2017 — ¼ Cup clear H2O (3" around & away from stem)
12 / 19 / 2017 — ¼ Cup clear H2O (3" around & away from stem)
12 / 21 / 2017 — ¼ Cup clear H2O (3" around & away from stem)

12 / 22 / 2017 — 1st Transplant Drench / DUNK (BlackBerry was in need so did both)

Time line to 1st Trans/Dunk
18 days from Germination Dunk
13 days for the Girl Scout Cookie &
15 days for the Blackberry Kush days from POP

Each 1 gal pot was given a stronger than usual dose of
0.5 Ounce Transplant
2.5 Mils Tea
in 1.25 Gal H2O

Had an early issue with 2 days of Low Humidity but now steady
DAY Holds steady between 55 & 63 (mostly 60 RH) with temps at 77 to 79f
NIGHT Holds between 55 & 59 (mostly 58 / 59 RH) with temps between 66 and 68f

12 — 26 — 2017

12 / 26 / 2017 — VEG Day 1 (5 nodes with last set of leafs at or > than 5 blades)
12 / 26 / 2017 — ¼ Cup clear H2O (3" around & away from stem)
12 / 27 / 2017 — Topped Both (was Supposed to be a FIM but messed it up)
12 / 29 / 2017One Week From 1st Dunk
12 / 30 / 2017 — Lowered Both Plants 1" Inch from lights (back to 18" inches)
12 / 31 / 2017FIRST BRIX @ 0.9 mil in 1 oz H2O Both Plants

01 / 03/ 2018 — Lowered Both plants 1"
....................... Pinched/Squeezed 2 center tops of GSCE
....................... Checked Lux at top of plants 26,000 [/CENTER]

01 / 05/ 2018
— GSCE has officially lost both Embryonic Leafs &
....................... is Starting to take the single blade leafs
01 / 06/ 2018 — BLACKBERRY Just starting to take her Embryonic Leafs
01 / 07/ 2018 — Started to Tie Down branches on both plants
....................... THIRD DUNK — Blackberry ONLY

01 / 08 / 2018 — 2nd Transplant Drench / DUNK (BlackBerry ONLY)

01 / 08 / 2018 (7 Days since last Dunk)
Was going to do a GE Dunk but then decided
to go with a stronger Transplant Dunk Instead
Since I am trying to keep these as short as I can for the
SCROG NET I thought it best not to have a growth spurt just yet
Used Only 6 Cups of H2O this time, Since I know how much
Each pot holds its more exact, (6 cups in, 0.5 cup run-off)
1.0 Mils Transplant
0.2 Mils Tea
with 6 Cups H2O

½ Cup Run-Off

01 / 09/ 2018 — All Humidity / Temp readings have been holding steady at
DAY — 60/61 RH and 77/79F
NIGHT — 60/63 RH and 66/68F​
I'm in Gazoo! I read the latest update but need to go back to the start which I will do later. I like how you separate the pics. Do you enter the equal signs one at a time or is there a trick to that?

Thanks, I sperate the photos with a string of double ============== .
I enter the line, edit using the "GO ADVANCED" TAB (color & Highlight) and
then just "COPY PASTE" at the end of each picture line.

I also do space formating by by entering a string of ................... and changing

Also just realized I cant get back to the ADVANCED EDIT page once the 420
minutes expire the posts can no longer be edited which means I can't just copy and
past the original "time line" post since it wont open to the edit page which is were
the HTML code is hidden. So to solve this problem I have now copied this formatted
post (html version) and saved for later update and re-post (will not have to re-do all
the formating again)
God, I love the fact that so many of you love the action figures. :laughtwo:

They're coming along nicely. Do you find yourself changing any of your techniques since following the apprentice thread? I've gone heavier on the Transplant drenches, significantly heavier than yours, as a matter of fact, so I think I may reign it back a bit going forward. I've been using a bit more water too, which accounts for some of it, but I'm thinking it still may be a bit up there. Lol!

I'm also looking at the one gallon plastic pots and considering this problem I'm having getting my fabric pots to dry out, when suddenly it occured to me that the problem may be that I'm dipping them, and with fabric pots it may be smarter to water from above. It hadn't occured to me until right this moment that dunking may be working against me. Doc has never worked in fabric pots. I wonder if anyone else has a problem with dipping fabric pots?

Actually, it's poor air movement keeping those fabric pots wet longer. Hmmm.... A new fan is now on the list. :battingeyelashes: This isn't the time of year to find one on sale, is it?

Never dull, is it? :laughtwo: Lol!
God, I love the fact that so many of you love the action figures. :laughtwo:

They're coming along nicely. Do you find yourself changing any of your techniques since following the apprentice thread? I've gone heavier on the Transplant drenches, significantly heavier than yours, as a matter of fact, so I think I may reign it back a bit going forward. I've been using a bit more water too, which accounts for some of it, but I'm thinking it still may be a bit up there. Lol!

I'm also looking at the one gallon plastic pots and considering this problem I'm having getting my fabric pots to dry out, when suddenly it occured to me that the problem may be that I'm dipping them, and with fabric pots it may be smarter to water from above. It hadn't occured to me until right this moment that dunking may be working against me. Doc has never worked in fabric pots. I wonder if anyone else has a problem with dipping fabric pots?

Actually, it's poor air movement keeping those fabric pots wet longer. Hmmm.... A new fan is now on the list. :battingeyelashes: This isn't the time of year to find one on sale, is it?

Never dull, is it? :laughtwo: Lol!

Howdy there partner :)

In the past FABRIC pots was preferred, easier to transplant and easier to
DUNK but I found they took for ever to dry out, could it be because of the air-pruning
the roots never get to the sides so pots stay heavier longer ? Not sure but I
can without a doubt say I am for the first time getting roots out the side holes.

I think there may be some advantage to going Square Plastic but have not
used before so cant say for sure just yet but all indications are I will not be
going back to the felt. :)

EDIT: Almost forgot as to the Stronger Feedings, Seems I have been tip-toeing up
and think I could actually be going a bit stronger. BTW I have no intention of upping
the GE, want to see how this works first :)
Oh man I just realized there is a TYPO in my last "TIME LINE" Post
the SECOND DUNK is were we are at, Looks like I wrote third dunk
on the line above that

Can't Edit/Fix it now but will the next time I update & re-post the info.
OK Guys and Dolls

I was just over at the apprenticeship thread and see how DOC and everyone
is talking DOUBLE or TRIPLE feed amounts ? WTF Changed this kit has been around
for a long time and now all of a sudden everything needs to be DOUBLED OR TRIPLED ?

OK Giving this some more thought I have decided I will
need to STOP DUNKING until I can figure out what amounts
are truly needed.

Only way I will be able to figure it out is to water by Bottom Pan
and slow top down method, I know exactly how much each pot will hold
so there will be a known amount added, unlike a dunk, where I have left over
and do not know how much was really added to the soil.

Going forward I will NOW only do feedings & watering's by
bottom Pan and slow top down watering.
OK Guys and Dolls

I was just over at the apprenticeship thread and see how DOC and everyone
is talking DOUBLE or TRIPLE feed amounts ? WTF Changed this kit has been around
for a long time and now all of a sudden everything needs to be DOUBLED OR TRIPLED ?


From my understanding this is how my old bottles read. mix 1oz drench to 5gallons of water. Hopefully doc will speak up if wrong about that. That's why I feed 30-60ml depending on how much water I use for dunking. That's where I got my measurements from. Trying to find an old bottle
From my understanding this is how my old bottles read. mix 1oz drench to 5gallons of water. Hopefully doc will speak up if wrong about that. That’s why I feed 30-60ml depending on how much water I use for dunking. That’s where I got my measurements from. Trying to find an old bottle

Thanks but I think I will only be happy if I do the
work and actually tip-toe up a grow at a time. Seems the
amounts are subject to change at any given moment so I
need to do the work :)

Appreciate the input, thanks again
Blackberry is droopy, at this point in the past I would UP-POT.
There are roots poking from side and bottom holes and with the
droopy look I really have to keep my self from doing an up-pot, lets
see how long I can hold out :)

I will need to download and then post the pictures taken tonight
Day 21 VEG you will see what I mean by Droopy looking
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