How To - 7 Gal Rim Mount SCROG Pots In 2 X 4 Tent - 8.25 Sq Ft

Coming along real nice. Few question why the bubble wrap around pots? Why do you not remove 1 gallon pots before putting into bigger pots? Sorry if you already explained I’ve missed a lot of journals when I was sick and trying to catch up

Thanks Buddy, Hope to get them filled in during the GE Growth Spurt :)
and from my 1st run experience that should not be a problem

Great Question, Looking back I see I never explained.
The Bubble wrap is for insulation from the 3 Small COOL MIST Humidifiers,
want to keep the Pots from getting Chilled. The air in the bubbles are
good insulation plus I needed something that would not Soak up the water mist
along with being thin / Neat & cheap I could not resist.

I may have not been clear on the 1 gal pot thing, the picture you are probably referring
to, were the 1 Gal pot is in the larger pots soil, was to show how I made the DIVOT for an
exact fit when transplanted.

If i miss-understood please try again :)
Thanks Buddy, Hope to get them filled in during the GE Growth Spurt :)
and from my 1st run experience that should not be a problem

Great Question, Looking back I see I never explained.
The Bubble wrap is for insulation from the 3 Small COOL MIST Humidifiers,
want to keep the Pots from getting Chilled. The air in the bubbles are
good insulation plus I needed something that would not Soak up the water mist
along with being thin / Neat & cheap I could not resist.

I may have not been clear on the 1 gal pot thing, the picture you are probably referring
to, were the 1 Gal pot is in the larger pots soil, was to show how I made the DIVOT for an
exact fit when transplanted.

If i miss-understood please try again :)

Nope sorry misread on the up potting situation. Very sorry
I can tell a huge difference since I bumped up to 1-1.5 oz of drench instead of the 1ml per gal of soil for the dunking.

Idk why, but seems like I struggle in 1 gal pots, do good in 2 or bigger. Finally got mine in good shape now

I Find it very hard to keep them happy in the 1 gal long enough to be able to
flip at Transplant. But if I can flip them sooner maybe I can make it work ? its that
or I will need to go a little bigger for the Germination/Sprout starter Pot.

I can't put a handle on the DUNK amounts ? Except for the initial Germination Dunk,
I don't expect I will be doing it any longer. I need to dial this in first before I will be
able to understand the ration for Dunking. Should be easy, this run its 1.5 Mil per gal of soil,
Next run it will be 2.0 Mil, upping each run until I find either a steady point or a dropping off
point. Once I have that Base Line I can move up to Dunking again.

But either way it all seems to be working wonderfully, Just want to find the Sweet spot.
I Find it very hard to keep them happy in the 1 gal long enough to be able to
flip at Transplant. But if I can flip them sooner maybe I can make it work ? its that
or I will need to go a little bigger for the Germination/Sprout starter Pot.

I can't put a handle on the DUNK amounts ? Except for the initial Germination Dunk,
I don't expect I will be doing it any longer. I need to dial this in first before I will be
able to understand the ration for Dunking. Should be easy, this run its 1.5 Mil per gal of soil,
Next run it will be 2.0 Mil, upping each run until I find either a steady point or a dropping off
point. Once I have that Base Line I can move up to Dunking again.

But either way it all seems to be working wonderfully, Just want to find the Sweet spot.

That's the main thing gazoo find what works for you. I'm going to keep going docs way till I master and fully understand this kit.

Looking at how fast these seem to be filling up the net I have decided to start the
"20 day TIME CHANGE" tomorrow, Veg Day 36 (week5, day 1).

Since I will be moving from a
16 on / 8 off
11 on / 13 off, (-5 hr day light change)
and changing only -15 min a day, this will take 20 days or just under 3 weeks.

There is still a 2 week growth window, DURING my time change, before hitting
the 12/12 flower trigger so I am expecting another 2 weeks of veg growth. Plus
I have not given any GE yet, Next water should be sometime within the next 5 to 7 days.

Start of stretch I am hoping will be around week 7 and falling 3 weeks from the Up-Pot.
Hoping the extra time in the larger pots will be manageable? Should be a good test
to see how much extra time I can get away with.

















Looking great Gazoo. From my ScrOG days, I'm pretty sure I read somewhere that you should only fill the screen up 70% before flip. I failed pretty bad at the ScrOG though and filled it up by like 120% before flip so it was a major pita. Are you gonna trim up her lower parts?

Looking great Gazoo. From my ScrOG days, I'm pretty sure I read somewhere that you should only fill the screen up 70% before flip. I failed pretty bad at the ScrOG though and filled it up by like 120% before flip so it was a major pita. Are you gonna trim up her lower parts?


Yes another lower trim is in line, Probably after the GE since I
am expecting the usual Growth spurt once I can water again.

BTW I still have my EXTENDED SCROG NETS that can be swapped
in (same pole spacing) in case things get bigger than i
am expecting :)

Did the 3rd Brix at Lights on (10 day intervals)
(Jan 11th, Jan 21st & Jan 31st )
0.9 Mil Brix INTO 1.0 OZ H2O

Also just did some re-read on the two strains I am running this time and
see they both will most likely Need the WayAhead/Snake Oil Application
during flower (not more than twice or ROOT Burn possible)

Just planning ahead and need to keep this in the back of my mind

The Blackberry KUSH
ORIGINS = Afghani x Blackberry
info specifically says This strain
requires substantial magnesium feeding throughout its growth as well as nitrogen
for better development of nodes.

The Girl Scout Cookie Extreme
ORIGINS = Durban Poison x OG Kush
This strain is crossed with an OG so expecting a need here as well


I think I am starting to see the "BRIX Wax Shine" on a few leafs below





Looking great Gazoo! That shine is coming alone nicely, sorry id I stole your spotlight in the Q&A thread. Was not my intention, just a bit too excited about ol' Noel.
Loving your setup, and your ladies look awesome!

No Shadow noticed :) BTW I should of mentioned it earlier but your girl
is looking awesome as well. I think it really comes down to a GOOD EARLY
start hooking up with the soil is the key here and the faster we get
them talking the better it goes. Also I have uncovered a couple of Doc's
less mentioned secrets and started to document them when found

So Far, off the top of my head

GE = Lots of Calcium
WayAhead / Snake Oil = Magnesium (NEVER more than 2x or Root Burn can be caused)
thinking when using WayAhead I will go on the LIGHTER side
No Shadow noticed :) BTW I should of mentioned it earlier but your girl
is looking awesome as well. I think it really comes down to a GOOD EARLY
start hooking up with the soil is the key here and the faster we get
them talking the better it goes. Also I have uncovered a couple of Doc's
less mentioned secrets and started to document them when found

So Far, of the top of my head

GE = Lots of Calcium
WayAhead / Snake Oil = Magnesium (NEVER more than 2x or Root Burn can be caused)
thinking when using WayAhead I will go on the LIGHTER side

Thank Gazoo! Noel is doing pretty good. I think genetics also play a big role, those Wonder Woman just aren't good genetics. But this white widow is sure doing well so far. And I have been able to keep away any problems @ 4ml Drench and 1ml Tea pet 2.5qts water. I am only vegging one plant at a time. And am using a bucket that a 1gal round pot fits in with about 1/2" space all around the top. Works very well, lotsa bubble action every time!

Nice, I love how you take note of everything! It's awesome... I do a lot of copy and paste... it's great to keep all that info handy. Your ladies look very happy, I'm excited to see them full of flowers!!
Thank Gazoo! Noel is doing pretty good. I think genetics also play a big role, those Wonder Woman just aren’t good genetics. But this white widow is sure doing well so far. And I have been able to keep away any problems @ 4ml Drench and 1ml Tea pet 2.5qts water. I am only vegging one plant at a time. And am using a bucket that a 1gal round pot fits in with about 1/2” space all around the top. Works very well, lotsa bubble action every time!

Nice, I love how you take note of everything! It’s awesome... I do a lot of copy and paste... it’s great to keep all that info handy. Your ladies look very happy, I’m excited to see them full of flowers!!

Exactly that's the thing, its the combination of things and
the only way to make sense of it is to NOTE and keep every
type of data/information logged in to the best of my ability.

Thanks for including your amounts, that with the pictures
helps Bracket this in :)

Information, Data, Math = the PATH

Most of the info I collect does not help much NOW
but I never know when a light bulb will go off were that
info will fall into place and make sense.

Love the challenge to improve until PERFECT and then
Improve the process, so it never ENDs.

Looking good NOEL (Christmas Carol Noel) she was born Christmas Eve Right ?
Exactly that's the thing, its the combination of things and
the only way to make sense of it is to NOTE and keep every
type of data/information logged in to the best of my ability.

Thanks for including your amounts, that with the pictures
helps Bracket this in :)

Information, Data, Math = the PATH

Most of the info I collect does not help much NOW
but I never know when a light bulb will go off were that
info will fall into place and make sense.

Love the challenge to improve until PERFECT and then
Improve the process, so it never ENDs.

Looking good NOEL (Christmas Carol Noel) she was born Christmas Eve Right ?

That's right Gazoo, All that info will definitely come in handy some day.
She was a little late actually, she came up on the 27th. But I still saw it fitting to keep her with a Christmas theme. Gotta figure out what I wanna pop next and what to name her. Thinking I may pop a Destroyer by Ace seeds.
That’s right Gazoo, All that info will definitely come in handy some day.
She was a little late actually, she came up on the 27th. But I still saw it fitting to keep her with a Christmas theme. Gotta figure out what I wanna pop next and what to name her. Thinking I may pop a Destroyer by Ace seeds.

100% Sativa Nice
Checking there description the Destroyer is 12-14 week Flowering indoors
do you think the soil will last that long ? will most likely need extra Recharge
somewhere along the way ?

My Next will be GDP & ? maybe try running the OG Kush again, Now
I need to re-grow everything to see what results I get from the High Brix
Exactly that's the thing, its the combination of things and
the only way to make sense of it is to NOTE and keep every
type of data/information logged in to the best of my ability.

Thanks for including your amounts, that with the pictures
helps Bracket this in :)

Information, Data, Math = the PATH

Most of the info I collect does not help much NOW
but I never know when a light bulb will go off were that
info will fall into place and make sense.

Love the challenge to improve until PERFECT and then
Improve the process, so it never ENDs.

Looking good NOEL (Christmas Carol Noel) she was born Christmas Eve Right ?

When I read this I thought of this awesome environmental control system, Growduino I know you will love it but unfortunately they are not shipping to the us at the moment as shipping would likely cost more than the unit. Control remotely by wifi and it records a bunch of data. I also think you might be able to control more than 1 space as it has space for up to 12 different sensors.

Have a Rockin night Gazoo!

I'd definitely consider that if you still have the seeds around. Can't hurt, and you have data to compare it with. That'd be pretty interesting to see actually .
Oh yea, if I did recharge and ECW @ 3 weeks post flower, I'd probably do it again around 9 weeks or so. Plus making sure to take it easy on the foliars,
I'm thinking a run that long and the soil could start getting kinda salty?
When I read this I thought of this awesome environmental control system, Growduino I know you will love it but unfortunately they are not shipping to the us at the moment as shipping would likely cost more than the unit. Control remotely by wifi and it records a bunch of data. I also think you might be able to control more than 1 space as it has space for up to 12 different sensors.

Have a Rockin night Gazoo!


I like, More tools more tools :) More Numbers, More Data whats not to love
I’d definitely consider that if you still have the seeds around. Can’t hurt, and you have data to compare it with. That’d be pretty interesting to see actually .
Oh yea, if I did recharge and ECW @ 3 weeks post flower, I’d probably do it again around 9 weeks or so. Plus making sure to take it easy on the foliars,
I’m thinking a run that long and the soil could start getting kinda salty?

Combine that with the statement that ACE run estimates have been said to be on the short side,
and The Kit can add a week or 2, I can see a interesting run
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