How To - 7 Gal Rim Mount SCROG Pots In 2 X 4 Tent - 8.25 Sq Ft

.Now you got me scared.
Maybe I should get a few more runs under my belt first? Runs that’s go 8-10 weeks.

Edit: I could pop a Panama...

Oh wait, don't let me discourage you I am sure your results
would be great

BTW I just picked up there
Orient Express x Nepal Jam Feminized
Flowering indoors 8-10 weeks

so that will go along side the Grand Daddy Purple next run
Just up from doing a little lower branch trimming, and
while turning the 7 gal pot I found a large white mass of
Roots in the tray ! Looks like I will have to use BOTH 10 gal pots
next time for sure.

So with this development I will have to speed up the time
change and started going -30 min. a day now.

By the feel of the pots I will be able to GE Soon and will
finish the switch to 11/13 at that time no matter were it falls.

Also checking and thinking I will need to put the Extended Net
on the Blackberry since she is filling faster.
Na, its all good. Ima still run it. Ive never run one that long, so actually I may wait to see what kinda yield I get from my wonder woman currently in flower. That should give me an idea if I'll have enough to see me through that long run. That will be my deciding factor, running outa smoke is not an option!
Veg day 43
6 weeks, Day 1 of veg
(Official Time Change to 11/13)

Nets were filling to fast so had to​


I Won’t change out the bulbs from blue to red until after the STRETCH, this should help
keep the stretch down some.

Also did the RECHARGE & EWC on both pots (7 & 10 gal)
used 1142.2 GN (grains) of RECHARGE per plant

NOTE: Just realized I should have added more RECHARGE in the 10 Gal pot.
My original amounts were based on “6 - Seven Gal Pots” so some fast math
says the 10 Gal should have been 1631.7 GN RECHARGE.

EWC was added at 14 Oz into each pot (2 Seven Oz Dixie Cups each)
All Scratched in with a spoon, once for the RECHARGE and again for the EWC.

WATERED IN with GE & TEA using the following amounts

7Gal Pot = 1 Gal Clear H2O With
1.0 Mil Tea &
10.5 Mil GE (1.5 Mil per gal of soil)

10Gal Pot = 22 Cups Clear H20 ( Just shy of 1.5 Gal)
1.0 Mil Tea &
15.0 Mil GE (1.5 Mil per gal of soil)


Will need to change out the Net on the BLACKBERRY to the EXTENDEDED Net.
This will be done when I change to the HPS and lower the pots, after the

NOTE on Grain to gram Comparision.
What weighs 1 grain?
Grain, unit of weight equal to 0.065 gram, or 1/7,000 pound avoirdupois.
One of the earliest units of common measure and the smallest, it is a
uniform unit in the avoirdupois, apothecaries', and troy systems.

Will Add some PICTURES LATER Tonight
Just up from checking today and they are exploding with growth as expected
after the GE

These pictures were yesterday while GE 'ing











Looking like everything is going well. What do you normally pull from area this big

Thanks Guys, Aussie, Dark

Yup its running very smoothly at the moment (subject to change at OR after CAT) and hoping I
will not run out of soil steam before the finish, will do another Recharge mid bloom.

I have only run in this tent I think 4 times (last time only one plant)
but it has produced fairly well I think.

Dried and Cured
last run only 1 plant left at finish just over 7 oz (dried & cured)

Another run with 2 plants resulted in 13 oz

3 plants was like 14 oz but to crowded and that I am sure
resulted in a smaller total.

Looks like 2 10’s are the Sweet Spot but still need to run TWO 15’s
to know for sure what the best approach for my style and space.
Once all the variables are in I can start to Dial it all in

EDIT: This is the first run in 10 gal pot, previously all the above
numbers were 7 gal pots so looks like I am consistently getting
1 oz per gal of soil in the 7's hoping for a little more in ten's
Playing with a couple lenses I found hidden away

Both The BlackBerry And The GSCE Are now officially in flower
week 1 day 2
Still stretching but should stop soon. Interesting the GSCE I showing
a lot of Red deep in the new bud sites.

More pictures tomorrow When I figure out how its done :)

Well that worked so lets try a picture of the
GSCE Same time frame week1 day 2 flower

Second picture is just a CLOSER look of the first picture


Good Morning again

Ok lets add a few more from last nights photo session
Week1 Day 2 FLOWER

Front View Tent




Looking great Gazoo!! Those ladies are coming along nicely!

Thanks buddy Not sure what to think of that Red in the GSCE Bud sites, Not
sure if its good or bad ?

Just hanging out At the BOTTOM of the RABBIT HOLE with Alice,
Talking Folklore & Mythology
Found these while Looking for better STARTER POTS

1 gal root builder pots ? Ordered a few so will be trying these next run

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