Homer's Legal 4-Plant Max Perpetual Minimalist Garden In Ontario

You’ve got the real deal, there should be 3-4 nice phenos in a pack to choose from for a mom.
Thanks, Penny, your stamp of approval is reassuring. I will proably make S1's from them all!!
Technically you’d be making S2’s. You can choose an S1 you get from Katsu to make S2 and lock in the traits you choose.
Yes, I stand corrected. I am putting the horse before the cart again because they still have to make it through customs... :oops:
I was just being cute - it is (Pre98 Bubba Kush x Pre98 Bubba Kush) - the 2 is supposed to be the mathematical symbol for "squared"
I actually thought it was supposed to be "squared" because where I saw it written the 2 was raised but I had no idea what the significance of it was to the strain, D'oh...

Penny recommended it to me and after listening to your interview I am really looking forward to how they turn out. Blunt force trauma sounds right up my alley. :bravo: I have 6 soon to be sent from JBC Seeds and I am praying they get through customs. Not easy getting your beans in Canada but it seems they will be well worth the effort. :)
All the seeds I’ve bought and only had one package seized.
That is encouraging and since growing is legal here now I wouldn't think they would be that serious but you never know where some zealot may be.
Here is my NL from Sensi on the left which has only been under the MegaLight for few days and the OG Kush from Dinamed on the right budding up nicely. The OG is still not that sticky but has some nice sized dense buds so it looks like she will be a good producer. I am glad I didn't cull her because I know now my system is pretty stable because upping the nutes to the recommended max of 6.2g/gal has fixed her right up.






I gave the NL a little lower branch trimming to cut down on the flarf.



My NL plant I plan on reversing is coming along nicely and the training I am doing so it isn't over the pot so pollen collection is easier is coming along good but next time I am also going to plant the thing at an angle with the stalk right at the edge of the pot, D'oh... Live and learn.


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