Homer's Legal 4-Plant Max Perpetual Minimalist Garden In Ontario

If your iPhone camera has a manual color temp setting in the Advanced mode (or whatever Steve Jobs decided to call it), move the slider back and forth while pointing the camera at a white piece of paper. When it's white, that's the color temp of the lights!

If there is one I can't find it when I just looked. I think it is probably 3 or 4K and if my old light meter is accurate I think I am right around the intensity that is recommended of about 66k lumens so I am just going leave it for this grow since it is going so well and try and raise it incrementally over the next few grows.
Now that I have the grow room kind of straightened out my biggest weakness I think is my curing. Most of my buds at the end of curing smell kind of musty and not like the original bud so much. I do air them out. I don't see any signs of mold or rot. I am curing at between 60 to 65% and I suspect that may be a little high because I read here tonight 45-55% is recommended?
Yes, I have only wet trimmed so far but since you suggest it I will dry trim this time. Never heard before that affects taste and aroma; will be interesting to see the results, thanks...
It should increase taste and aroma, wet trimming causes bruising and cutting wet causes the buds to turn dark.
Oh, that makes sense because I remember premium bud was mostly green when dried with brown hairs but my bud is an unappealing brown overall. Will definitely trim dry. Do you think there is much advantage to the paper bag and refridgerator method I have read about?
I cut the buds off of the branches then into paper bags in the fridge. I only remove fan leaves before the drying.
Ok, that is great because I knew I wasn't getting the best results with my method. I know Sauga was doing the bag and fridge method. I rarely smoke but usually just do infused olive oil but I puff one occasionally plus I give a lot away so it would be nice to have a primo cure. Thanks again.
I cure in Turkey bags, I put them in 5 gallon buckets. Pull them out daily for the first week. Every 2-3 days the second week. That’s it until the cure is finished.
I cure in Turkey bags, I put them in 5 gallon buckets. Pull them out daily for the first week. Every 2-3 days the second week. That’s it until the cure is finished.
Great! I am too cheap to buy buckets and Turkey bags but I have been using some Tupperware I bought at the dollar store so I will use them but air them out the same. :)
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