Homer's Legal 4-Plant Max Perpetual Minimalist Garden In Ontario

Putang also was just named as one of High Times top 10 strains for 2019.

I was relieved to read it is a Sativa strain so I don't have to put it on my strains I want but shouldn't buy now list. :rolleyes:
Penny is a walking encyclopedia of weed lol!

“not” buying Seeds is a real problem I think most of us here have !! Can never have to many genetics right?? Lol

He certainly is! Good to know it is not just me, lol.
The seed wagon is hard to stay on. Lol
My problem with being limited to four plants is my garden strains are planned for the next six months which is a lot of time to find new strains I want to grow.
Hey, @Pennywise thanks for the heads up about Katsu seeds and to @Mr. Magoo for telling me about his thread. I have been listening to an interview he did and he talks about heirloom genetics and dang buds and blunt force trauma, lol. Right up my alley... :)
I start right before I flip then spray every 3 days until I see pistils. One spray may not reverse the plant. CS you have to spray daily.
It seems to be the consensus to do it more than once. To be safe my first time I think I will follow your way. I was surprised that they produce pollen within a month. I know it is corny but I am pretty excited about it.
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