Homer's Legal 4-Plant Max Perpetual Minimalist Garden In Ontario

I've always liked bigger plants, I do want to see how SOG works out yield wise.
For me being limited to four plants, bigger the better makes sense. I had trouble with that darn Critical because it got so tall I almost ran out of headroom for my light but the way that NL has spread out so nice I can get a nice big flat short plant; another reason I prefer Indicas.

I started with a scrog and I found it a good way to get a good canopy but found the strings a real pain in the ass especially for watering. But with LST I find I can get as good a canopy without all the interference.
Super crop the tall ones.
I supercropped the tall ones on my OG along with LST that is in flower now and it worked out pretty good.
Kinda scary at first but then you do it and you're like "ok that works" lol
Yes, I was relieved to see the branches didn't wither up and die... lol.
Hmmmm... This morning I remembered when I ordered my NL Sensi seeds I was given a few free Sensi Super Skunk seeds so those two strains plus the OG Kush from Dinafem, I have flowering now, should give me a good stock to start my Indica seed making so I am going to try and refrain from buying more for now. At least that is what I am telling myself... :rolleyes:
Hmmmm... This morning I remembered when I ordered my NL Sensi seeds I was given a few free Sensi Super Skunk seeds so those two strains plus the OG Kush from Dinafem, I have flowering now, should give me a good stock to start my Indica seed making so I am going to try and refrain from buying more for now. At least that is what I am telling myself... :rolleyes:

The last time I did that I bought from Dr. Seeds a week later. :rofl:
The last time I did that I bought from Dr. Seeds a week later. :rofl:

I am struggling to NOT buy seeds from Mr Nice and Katsu... :p
Lol the struggle is real
It certainly is, lol.. I am thinking if I get some good S1's I can start horse-trading instead of buying. :cool:
Putang just won the cup at the Boston Freedom Rally.
Well deserved I would think. I’ve never grown anything of theirs but I follow along on IG and have spoken with the breeder a few times. Always willing to take the time to answer any questions I’ve had. I think high times named it a top 10 strain of the year today as well. I had it in the cart and went ahead and pulled the trigger. Lol
I’m not even growing and just bought a pack today. Got some PuTang from mass medical.

Nice to hear I am not alone but from Penny's info it seems like a justifiable score.. :thumb:

Putang just won the cup at the Boston Freedom Rally.
You do seem to know something about just about every strain. :)
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