HighTechRasta's 1000W China LED COCO 4x3 2in1 Tent Perpetual SCROG With BruceBanner & Bagseed

The Kids have been displaced,
due to construction...


Drip rings now have shut off valves to help with even flow control from the new pump.


Got the new DIY trellis in, ended up being 1-1/4in smaller then I wanted, on the footprint both ways,
don't know how that happened, gonna go with it and be happy with what you see here...

Now to get my head around and make notes on the new Digital Timer's chinglish manual
and get the Kids back in the tent with the new pump...

DHL texted my cell phone to say my 480w Quantum Light will be here Tuesday!

I figured out why my footprint was off,
it's about to get kinda mathy.

It went like this,
I measured the total length of the connectors,
measured the insert length(1-1/4in) x 2 for both sides(2-1/2in),
subtracted to get the gap in the connector(1-1/4),
subtracted the gap from my pipe cuts.

The corner connectors only gap @ 3/4in,
made my footprint short both ways.
Shorter is better than longer.
How appropriate...

Right in the middle of dick jokes....

We got BALLS!

What do we have here, someone is missing...

So, while I was working on the Bloom Boom Room,
I neglected the kids in the Veg side and didn't feed them
until today and found this....


And this...

And...... this

Being my first go in 30yrs, I went for the scissors immediately!
This is an unknown 10yr bagseed male, don't want the pollen.

This is the Scrunty one that had the ram horn leaves at the start.
Sad to see it go. My little Purple Nuken will take it's place for now.

Now working on pics of the completed upgrades in the Bloom Room.

That happened really fast on such a small plant!

This thing actually dropped a pollen sac or 2.
My discovery started that way, I saw a white ball of something sitting on a leaf.
Went for my glasses and jeweler's loop, as I was going in for the close up inspection
I saw the nut cluster on the main stem and realized the thing on the leaf was a
dropped pollen sac! Then I saw what looked like another on the coco...
I'm a little freaked out that in like 36hrs it made it far enough to drop sacs!
This little guy started as a runt, went into a Solo Hempy experiment,
then into coco, never had light issues but did have ph and Cal/Mag issues.
Also topped it while it was still small but the nodes were there.

Just wanted to say a little more about it's background.
Comments welcome....

At least you didn't have to waste too much time, plus it gave you a chance to dial in the tent.
Skybound, yes, relatively speaking on the time. But things have been slowed a bit,
it's 5 weeks tomorrow afternoon, I feel I should be much further along on the Veg.
Optimistically, I think I'm getting really close to dialed in and things will take off.
Funny, I'm more sad to see that little guy go, than I'm upset it's male....:hmmmm:

Wouldn't even call it upset really, more disappointed. I'm still holding to my old
school female bagseed theory. I think my ratio will still be good, we'll see soon.
Tent Dialing was very fun and rewarding, I'm just loving this as a hobby!!
Gonna take a break and go check your journal...
Photo #1 looks like it was at node 5 or 6 which is pretty far along. If anything though, it looks like the side branching was advanced in age for only 5 weeks. The main stalk looks good and thick as well. I just noticed you already topped'im too. Sorry, had to slip a joke in there, lol.
So, after letting Scrunty lie there in death for a few hours
I decided, meh, maybe I'll see if some pollen can be had
trimmed the bottom, re-cut the stem, dropped in glass of tap water...

Little son-bitch sprung right back to life! Praying even!


So, there's that.
Moving on...
@Skybound you gotta be the guy to ask about this...

As you saw and mentioned earlier, I'm struggling with my TDS levels.
This is what I mixed an hour ago:
In 4 L of Tap Water @ TDS 420:
2ml GroTek Pro Silicate, let that sit for an hour
Ph to 5.8
8ml AN SensiCal MagExtra, shake
1ml AN Micro, shake
1.5ml AN Grow, shake
1ml AN Bloom, shake
1/2ml AN Voodoo, shake
1/2ml AN B52, shake
1/2ml AN SensiZyme, shake
1 Drop SuperThrive, shake
1/4ml RapidStart, shake
wait 2-3mins and Ph to 5.8 again.

I would now dilute that mix to my desired TDS with
another 4L jug with tap water that has 8ml CalMag and Ph5.8

Yesterday I was trying to do my dilution and it stopped at 1400tds
I was like :hmmmm:, I check my dilution jug and it's 1400tds! Grrrrrr
So, the friggin CalMag takes my 420tds tap water to 1400tds!
That doesn't make sense, I put the same in my full mix with
all the other stuff and only came to 1530...

Please help me make sense of this...
The amounts I'm using on the AN stuff is like 1/8 or less than what it suggests on the bottles.
Now, I know the rule is 1/2 strength or less, but Wow! Can this be correct? I'm trying to dilute
down to like 7-800tds. You threw me a curve there Skybound, with the TDS/PPM spanking.

Could you point me at a total PPM schedule, I'll just go by that...
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