Hi All - Learning To Grow Autoflower

Yeah, but I'm not sure why the sugar leaf curl tbh
First guess would be over water, but the fan leaves look ok
Second guess would be not enough airflow, risk of mould
What do you think @StoneOtter?
I've read a surge in calcium at any point can create a quick overload of nitrogen and that n can curl a few leaves. Did you offer them any C before noticing the curly leaves? I don't see a big issue as the plant is happy. Something did happen to curl her leaves though.:)
I've read a surge in calcium at any point can create a quick overload of nitrogen and that n can curl a few leaves. Did you offer them any C before noticing the curly leaves? I don't see a big issue as the plant is happy. Something did happen to curl her leaves though.:)
No not over done the c I've always done 1ml she has not yellow leaves she looks healthy to me I fort it I would of over done it with the nutrients it would of bounced back by now I've had a little play around with the set up I have to fans going and I've took the extractor hose off I've took a pic of the temps and humidity and will check back in a couple hours to see if that has made a change. I really appreciate all your comments and input guys it's a massive help 🙏 he's a pic dose this look to much? What I have done ? Thanks guys that pic of the temps is coz I've had the door open playing about for abit I'm hoping il see a change in an hour or 2


Easy to try it and see what it does to your Temps/RH
Lower RH in flower reduces the risk of mould so be wary of drying clothes, showering with the bathroom door open, even cooking and washing up which all create excess moisture in the air
OK Roy il definitely keep an eye on that and close all doors I dry clothes outside I shower with both doors closed I wash up with kitching door closed aswell and I have a dehumidifier aswell I'm trying. I'm gonna get that bigger extractor fan but my finances are shit cos of the Xmas period in a couple weeks il have that double fan one.
No not over done the c I've always done 1ml she has not yellow leaves she looks healthy to me I fort it I would of over done it with the nutrients it would of bounced back by now I've had a little play around with the set up I have to fans going and I've took the extractor hose off I've took a pic of the temps and humidity and will check back in a couple hours to see if that has made a change. I really appreciate all your comments and input guys it's a massive help 🙏 he's a pic dose this look to much? What I have done ? Thanks guys that pic of the temps is coz I've had the door open playing about for abit I'm hoping il see a change in an hour or 2
Good, just putting that out in case. They look great from my house!
Just keep 'em alive - don't think I'd risk the PK on them, just keep it steady
You could thin out some of the lower leaves to improve airflow, it's pretty crowded in there
I though you'd flushed them when we noticed the curling leaves?
If you mean pre-harvest flush, you have to wait until the flowers are pretty much ripe n ready
At that stage it's not so much 'flushing' anything at all, more that the plant needs no nutrients to ripen in my opinion
End of Jan maybe, more likely Feb
Say what's that fabric pot sitting on? looks like something to catch water? is it touching the bottom or is it elevated? I'd put it on something so air can move under the pot that helped me a lot with fabric pots to avoid soggy bottom and dry out the pots faster, otherwise the centre of the pot remained wetter and as soon as you water again it's overwatered.
Say what's that fabric pot sitting on? looks like something to catch water? is it touching the bottom or is it elevated? I'd put it on something so air can move under the pot that helped me a lot with fabric pots to avoid soggy bottom and dry out the pots faster, otherwise the centre of the pot remained wetter and as soon as you water again it's overwatered.
It's in a big draining pot it's not elevated I can do something about that and it juat setting in there. Il get a better draining pot :) thanks for thr tip
I though you'd flushed them when we noticed the curling leaves?
If you mean pre-harvest flush, you have to wait until the flowers are pretty much ripe n ready
At that stage it's not so much 'flushing' anything at all, more that the plant needs no nutrients to ripen in my opinion
End of Jan maybe, more likely Feb
I did flush them, I meant preharvest flush OK thanks Roy if you could give me a heads up when to do that would be great. I've also got rid of a lot of lower leaves she's looking alot better for it tbh :)



Yes, you can just stick some things in the drainage pot so it's elevated above the edge just make sure the centre is clear and air can move under it... I'd say it's a must as I kept running into overwater trouble with them pots until I started to do that.
Now I wasn't running coco but I'm betting same principles apply.
Absolutely :thumb:
I use plastic garden mesh cut to fit the tray, only 5mm thick but it's enough of an air gap
She is a Beauty!

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