Herbies Desserts to Sweeten Your Day @ Otters

We have had boats as well. They are amazing when you’re out on the water with the family and friends, not too much better than that. But as the saying goes boat stands for bust out another thousand!!!

One day we will get another one though. Something smaller unless we live on a lake then it’s another pontoon.
There's that cost of owner"ship" too! It's all coming back to me now. :laugh:
It hasn't rained here for weeks... but almost perfect weather otherwise.
We're coming out of that. Had a great growing summer, now we pay a toll. This is where rot shows up after a while.
The river here only gets like a couple feet deep but there's some "rapids" I might have to navigate. It's pretty slow... people tube. The lake though is like one the deepest in the state and I think they don't allow gas powered boats... maybe.
That's the kind of lake I like best I think. I wonder if electric boats will be allowed on no motor boating lakes?
It's really surprised me how little work it has been to grow outside and it gives me more satisfaction without stress since you can just chalk it up to the weather or varmints and pests. My only stress is when a small plane or helicopter flies low over my house!!

We can do our best to try and protect them but I'm like, there's so much plant here, I'm ok if there's a few branches with bud rot or eaten by a caterpillar. It's like a drop in the bucket. And I give them easy dry fertilizer once in a while and if I forget if i did or not I just go add more. They haven't drooped except maybe once. The weather has been much drier and cooler than last year.
Outdoors is forgiving somehow. It's all what you said! I really enjoy it too! Didn't think I would because of my fondness for a tent grow but it happened!
The bb is like bt, right?
BB is an interesting thing! There's a root drench and a foliar I tried from build a soil. The root drench gets done on start and on up potting and foliar every 4 weeks. There's an issue with bees as Carmen mentioned. One should read the precautions and decide if it's for them. I will use it as a drench. I'll have to weigh how it works this grow and decide if my 2 plants upset nature enough for me to stop using it. I believe it's widely used in commercial cannabis grows, though I don't have proof. Different things I read leads me to say that. I don't want to upset the balance of nature if my action with it will be wider than my backyard.
With that said, the stuff knocked out my mites issue I had for 2 years running out there.
A possible side effect is better root feeding somehow with it. Or that effect. It may have shown here on Runtz Muffin. She was supposed to grow to 6 feet tall says the breeder and this one grew 9 feet. Coincidence? Maybe, maybe not.
No it's not. I'm sorry to butt in but I just want to add at this point that the BB should come with a conservation warning!
Careful application is critical and there is an argument against foliar use. Whilst it will not kill adult bees, it can infect them and they will carry it back to the hive, where it will infect and kill the larvae.
I only learned this recently from Gee, thank goodness! Now I feel I must share the warning. I used to use it as a foliar treatment 😱
This has been amazing stuff this season! Root drenching might be enough next year. I'll probably go with that and protect our bee people.
Good morning Stone😊☕👊.

I saw a pretty cool (well unless you ask Mr. Grasshopper) thing yesterday but didn't have my phone to get a picture.

It was a dead grasshopper on my fence railing and it was covered in some kind of fungii.

It hadn't been there for more than a day.

It was completely covered with fungii on it's bottom side and it faded out evenly to none on it's upper back, but even the eyes were fuzzy. I wonder if this is BB at work in nature?

It somehow hopped up there to die, and likely within 12 hours of me finding it, so it happened quick. Do you know if BB is effective on grasshoppers too?
Good morning Stone😊☕👊.

I saw a pretty cool (well unless you ask Mr. Grasshopper) thing yesterday but didn't have my phone to get a picture.

It was a dead grasshopper on my fence railing and it was covered in some kind of fungii.

It hadn't been there for more than a day.

It was completely covered with fungii on it's bottom side and it faded out evenly to none on it's upper back, but even the eyes were fuzzy. I wonder if this is BB at work in nature?

It somehow hopped up there to die, and likely within 12 hours of me finding it, so it happened quick. Do you know if BB is effective on grasshoppers too?
That's a cool find! I haven't had much grasshopper action here. Articles like this one say grasshoppers eat less of treated plants and lay fewer young if they do eat treated. That leads me to think it doesn't kill the little asshats, but makes them ill so they may move on?

So if they can eat it then die for whatever reason, the natural thing would be to colonize and conquer I'd think. Good possibility you saw just what you thought!
That's a cool find! I haven't had much grasshopper action here. Articles like this one say grasshoppers eat less of treated plants and lay fewer young if they do eat treated. That leads me to think it doesn't kill the little asshats, but makes them ill so they may move on?

So if they can eat it then die for whatever reason, the natural thing would be to colonize and conquer I'd think. Good possibility you saw just what you thought!
Yessss!! Die A-hole! lol. They aren't a huge issue, but they are the only thing that will nibble a high brix plant. It seems that you need a brix level over 20 to completely repel them, and some strains just won't go that high. I may have to get some BB for next years outdoor season.
Yessss!! Die A-hole! lol. They aren't a huge issue, but they are the only thing that will nibble a high brix plant. It seems that you need a brix level over 20 to completely repel them, and some strains just won't go that high. I may have to get some BB for next years outdoor season.
I'm looking forward to it next season! What I see so far this year is borers. There's a few places where I see there's a bulge in the branch and a hole with poop. I've wiped the poop away and it hasn't reoccured so I think the little B or B';s are dead in there? That's what I hope anyway! The rest of the plants have chews here and there. Nothing I feel is threatening.
I'm looking forward to it next season! What I see so far this year is borers. There's a few places where I see there's a bulge in the branch and a hole with poop. I've wiped the poop away and it hasn't reoccured so I think the little B or B';s are dead in there? That's what I hope anyway! The rest of the plants have chews here and there. Nothing I feel is threatening.
I wonder if you covered the hole with aloe or something to cut off the air supply if that would make any difference?
I wonder if you covered the hole with aloe or something to cut off the air supply if that would make any difference?
A "dab" of RTV (silicon) works like a sealant/Band-Aid anywhere on the plant.
Both good ideas! I might do either, but first if there's no poop, there's no bugs. Unless another stage of life has occurred, then I'm out of luck. They're supposed to be sick and dying from the Beauvaria Bassiana. I'm counting on that until I can't.
I have never seen that the little bees bore hole in your stocks. I had bees hanging around my plants and could not figure what they were after maybe the smell attracts them. They never landed on the flowers just buzzed around them. I hope this is not another thing to worry about it seems there are a lot of things working against plants maturing. 🍋
There's that cost of owner"ship" too! It's all coming back to me now. :laugh:

We're coming out of that. Had a great growing summer, now we pay a toll. This is where rot shows up after a while.

That's the kind of lake I like best I think. I wonder if electric boats will be allowed on no motor boating lakes?

Outdoors is forgiving somehow. It's all what you said! I really enjoy it too! Didn't think I would because of my fondness for a tent grow but it happened!

BB is an interesting thing! There's a root drench and a foliar I tried from build a soil. The root drench gets done on start and on up potting and foliar every 4 weeks. There's an issue with bees as Carmen mentioned. One should read the precautions and decide if it's for them. I will use it as a drench. I'll have to weigh how it works this grow and decide if my 2 plants upset nature enough for me to stop using it. I believe it's widely used in commercial cannabis grows, though I don't have proof. Different things I read leads me to say that. I don't want to upset the balance of nature if my action with it will be wider than my backyard.
With that said, the stuff knocked out my mites issue I had for 2 years running out there.
A possible side effect is better root feeding somehow with it. Or that effect. It may have shown here on Runtz Muffin. She was supposed to grow to 6 feet tall says the breeder and this one grew 9 feet. Coincidence? Maybe, maybe not.

This has been amazing stuff this season! Root drenching might be enough next year. I'll probably go with that and protect our bee people.
Thank you for explaining how you use it. I think the root drench is the way to go. Foliar is an absolute no-no in my opinion. Do you think it is too late for a root drench of my outdoor plant? I would ordinarily have sprayed the damn leaves 😱
Good morning Stone😊☕👊.

I saw a pretty cool (well unless you ask Mr. Grasshopper) thing yesterday but didn't have my phone to get a picture.

It was a dead grasshopper on my fence railing and it was covered in some kind of fungii.

It hadn't been there for more than a day.

It was completely covered with fungii on it's bottom side and it faded out evenly to none on it's upper back, but even the eyes were fuzzy. I wonder if this is BB at work in nature?

It somehow hopped up there to die, and likely within 12 hours of me finding it, so it happened quick. Do you know if BB is effective on grasshoppers too?
Brilliant. From the sounds of it, that is BB or similar doing its job.
That leads me to think it doesn't kill the little asshats, but makes them ill so they may move on?
Both good ideas! I might do either, but first if there's no poop, there's no bugs. Unless another stage of life has occurred, then I'm out of luck. They're supposed to be sick and dying from the Beauvaria Bassiana. I'm counting on that until I can't.
Good morning Stone😊☕👊.

I saw a pretty cool (well unless you ask Mr. Grasshopper) thing yesterday but didn't have my phone to get a picture.

It was a dead grasshopper on my fence railing and it was covered in some kind of fungii.

It hadn't been there for more than a day.

It was completely covered with fungii on it's bottom side and it faded out evenly to none on it's upper back, but even the eyes were fuzzy. I wonder if this is BB at work in nature?

It somehow hopped up there to die, and likely within 12 hours of me finding it, so it happened quick. Do you know if BB is effective on grasshoppers too?
Bet you'd get high if you ate it! Maybe see other universes?
:oops: it did not start off as a meme war thread.
Meant for non-growing pictures, so you could link in a journal.
But, thank you anyway.
Well I like it’s metamorphosis lolling.

It really does provide my first lol of the day.

I'll probably go with that and protect our bee people.
Save the Bees!!!

🐝 🐝🐝
I legit spent about 40 minutes saving this little friend. My grandson and I were committed tho to Saving Private BeeBoy.


I actually prefer to be called - Trala Mother of Green Dragons, rescuer of bees, saviour of butterflies, liberator of lizards, rebirther of beetles, detangler of Praying Mantises/Manti, watchdog of worms, preserver of retarded wasps. Grandmother of the boy who loves bees, it’s just not quite taken off… yet.

🐉 🐝 🦋 🦎 🪲 🪱 🐝
I have never seen that the little bees bore hole in your stocks. I had bees hanging around my plants and could not figure what they were after maybe the smell attracts them. They never landed on the flowers just buzzed around them. I hope this is not another thing to worry about it seems there are a lot of things working against plants maturing. 🍋
They're wormy things, maybe a stage of life for something? I don't know what they are. Past grows they look like meal worms kind of. Not a maggot and not a caterpillar though they may be the same in my book. ;)
Thank you for explaining how you use it. I think the root drench is the way to go. Foliar is an absolute no-no in my opinion. Do you think it is too late for a root drench of my outdoor plant? I would ordinarily have sprayed the damn leaves 😱
I don't think it's too late at all!
Save the Bees!!!

🐝 🐝🐝
I legit spent about 40 minutes saving this little friend. My grandson and I were committed tho to Saving Private BeeBoy.


I actually prefer to be called - Trala Mother of Green Dragons, rescuer of bees, saviour of butterflies, liberator of lizards, rebirther of beetles, detangler of Praying Mantises/Manti, watchdog of worms, preserver of retarded wasps. Grandmother of the boy who loves bees, it’s just not quite taken off… yet.

🐉 🐝 🦋 🦎 🪲 🪱 🐝
You need a fun business card Tra! What a beautiful Bee pic!
Love the panorama but the flowers are incroyable!
This summer has been so sunny and it reflected in the grow I'm thinking! That panorama is funny from my perspective. Nothing's right where it actually is, but it is there and pretty cool! That's maybe a 300 + degree pic.
They're wormy things, maybe a stage of life for something? I don't know what they are. Past grows they look like meal worms kind of. Not a maggot and not a caterpillar though they may be the same in my book. ;)

I don't think it's too late at all!

You need a fun business card Tra! What a beautiful Bee pic!

This summer has been so sunny and it reflected in the grow I'm thinking! That panorama is funny from my perspective. Nothing's right where it actually is, but it is there and pretty cool! That's maybe a 300 + degree pic.
How do you think I should apply the BB? I have powder and I think but am not certain that the dose was 1tsp /liter of water. Do you think I should mix it up and water the plants?
How do you think I should apply the BB? I have powder and I think but am not certain that the dose was 1tsp /liter of water. Do you think I should mix it up and water the plants?
That's how the powder I have went. The foliar was liquid.

I see I frigged it up! The initial dose was for the seed hole I think. here's what Build a soil says.


For best results, apply as seed treatment or when transplanting. The sooner the better.

Not harmful if over applied, but can be a waste.

Approximately 3 grams per teaspoon

  • 1/16 Teaspoon per plant seedling (0.2 grams)
  • 1/8 Teaspoon per mature plant (0.4 grams)
  • Ideal to use in planting hole or mixed in with seeds before planting.
  • 1 Gram Per Cubic Yard Potting Soil
  • 2 ounces Per Acre"

Happy Monday all! I finally got busy and amended a 45 gallon barrel of used soil. It went well with The Rev's new recipe! I can't believe this is the first amend in all this time that I've added perlite! I think it's over due and may have been a weak link in the previous recipe. I'm sure happy to see light soil!
I started with piles of goodies made from the page.

Stirred them up well and got them shovel mixed and wet nicely.

A bit of a surprise! These worms have been living in a 5 gallon pail of llama poop covered tightly for 2 years! I would have bet the farm they were all dead! This really is unicorn poop!

I'll try something new and wrap a people heating blanket around the barrel to keep it nice and warm. My cellar is starting to cool down now and it'll take longer without. Let's see if it works. Tomorrow.

While we're here I had a rot check a moment ago and found none! Thankfully!

Here's Muffy, Runtz Muffin


Happy Monday all! I finally got busy and amended a 45 gallon barrel of used soil. It went well with The Rev's new recipe! I can't believe this is the first amend in all this time that I've added perlite! I think it's over due and may have been a weak link in the previous recipe. I'm sure happy to see light soil!
I started with piles of goodies made from the page.

Stirred them up well and got them shovel mixed and wet nicely.

A bit of a surprise! These worms have been living in a 5 gallon pail of llama poop covered tightly for 2 years! I would have bet the farm they were all dead! This really is unicorn poop!

I'll try something new and wrap a people heating blanket around the barrel to keep it nice and warm. My cellar is starting to cool down now and it'll take longer without. Let's see if it works. Tomorrow.

While we're here I had a rot check a moment ago and found none! Thankfully!

Here's Muffy, Runtz Muffin

looks like a lot of work but probably worth it & can't wait to see the results when you use it & glad no rot found
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