Herbies Desserts to Sweeten Your Day @ Otters


Good day all! Betty's finally showing us she wants to finish this season! Buds are a budding now!
She's having a fade!

Just starting! I'll take it!
Check her feet for crusty soil Stone, that looks like a calcium thing. Maybe squeeze a green leaf from up top in the yellowing area. What a Monster!🥰😍❤️👊.

She needs the CEC to be working hard right now, she's in the mineral piggy zone for trichs and oils. Finish is just around the corner😊. What a Brute!😍
I had the same problem earlier this year. I sprinkled some Calcium (garden lime) around the base and that stopped immediately. Apple Betty's buds look gorgeous, and plentiful! Happy Smokin'
And now Big Apple Betty! begins her big finish! :Rasta:
Check her feet for crusty soil Stone, that looks like a calcium thing. Maybe squeeze a green leaf from up top in the yellowing area. What a Monster!🥰😍❤️👊.

She needs the CEC to be working hard right now, she's in the mineral piggy zone for trichs and oils. Finish is just around the corner😊. What a Brute!😍
Ok I will. She's been doing this for a few weeks. Last brix was 13.5 a few days ago and the line was fuzzy. We're having rain today. I'll have a feel tomorrow and check brix again asap.

I had the same problem earlier this year. I sprinkled some Calcium (garden lime) around the base and that stopped immediately. Apple Betty's buds look gorgeous, and plentiful! Happy Smokin'
I'll give that a go this time Bode. Thanks!
And now Big Apple Betty! begins her big finish! :Rasta:
A big long finish I hope! She still needs 4 weeks I think!
Apple Betty is a big beauty, and the netting is a great job done. Great growing skills. I love going to school on your grows thanks. :cool: 🍋
This is a pleasure! Thanks!
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