Herbies Desserts to Sweeten Your Day @ Otters

Hellz yeah!!!

Nice and frosty there!!!
This one's bringing it Ke0cp! Frostiest plant from my yard grows yet!
I'm loving the outdoor grows this year! My unknown stowaway is so sticky and smelly I'm reminded of her when I come onto the deck upstairs if the wind is going the right direction. I guess we're over 220 days in the sip now from seed (early feb?). Good thing my neighbor is over a hundred feet away through the woods, although if they don't think there's a skunk, they gotta know what it is!
You're getting the fever Shnookie! There's only one hope and that's more cowbell outdoor growing! I was given my first outdoor plants without knowing what to do with them so I stuck them outside. I haven't stopped, it's like a bonus grow, and it changes the routine up nicely! :high-five:
Highya SO,

Buds look quite frosty for this early, and buds are coming in quite thick. Looks like a big supply at harvest time. Looking good!! Happy Smokin'
Hi Bode! Muffy's a happy camper! How's the wind your way so far? I haven't noticed much going your way? I see another mild week coming our way here.
Go Muffy! :Rasta:
She's sooo sticky and stinky sweet!
Those leaves are already caked with sugar...bodes well for the final flowers! :welldone:
Thanks! Caked, mmmmmmm! I'd ask for your expert opinion of "how many weeks" but 4 brings me to Oct 15th and that's when the music comes on for the lady to sing I'm almost positive. You could say 3 but I don't want to be responsible for your pants lighting on fire. :)
Highya SO,

We've only had sunny weather, not much wind, amd the most gorgeous weather in September for growing fat, frosty ladies!! Weather seems to get better and better! Almost wondering how we'll pay for this good fortune, weather wise?!?
Hope it waits until after Oct 15th! I've been putting organic ferts (3-5-5), and that is bringing out the frost, along with the microbe solution. Playing tourist today. Happy Smokin'
Highya SO,

We've only had sunny weather, not much wind, amd the most gorgeous weather in September for growing fat, frosty ladies!! Weather seems to get better and better! Almost wondering how we'll pay for this good fortune, weather wise?!?
Hope it waits until after Oct 15th! I've been putting organic ferts (3-5-5), and that is bringing out the frost, along with the microbe solution. Playing tourist today. Happy Smokin'
Haha! We'll pay but play we will now! Have a nice time today, say hi to Julie :ciao:.
They really go for something like the 3-5-5! You trying Geoflora? I'd expect with your base of good organic building and a little 3-5-5 you're having a good flower time! Especially this year!
October 15th and around this time seems to be when a lot of growers are waiting for. I know I am waiting for this time frame. I should be very close by then. :green_heart: 🍋
Historically that's all we get if we're lucky around here. It just happens that some weed finishes just in time for us. Anything that makes it there is a gift. We may get a little more some years but it's a real stroke of luck.
Bud building and frosty = Killer Weed !! Good job on the grow Stone ! :green_heart:
Hey Smokes! It's crunch time!
Wow! I got the biggest thrill the moment she called! That's something there! Guess I did want more cowbell! ;)
If my wife called me in for dinner at the top of her lungs and then continued to do it when I was standing in front of her, I'd find that odd and set her up with a doctor's appt.
I'd wait for a while and see where it went maybe if she had that voice.
Me thinks someone once told her, "You can holler 'til the cows come home!" and she took it literally. :)
Hmmmm, there's one for saying originations.
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