Herbies Desserts to Sweeten Your Day @ Otters

Fling ants suck , not really that many here but still
We went out for a few hits after supper and they were gone. I found a bunch of corpses today all over. Apparently they have a short life.
This season is going quickly another 4 weeks, and 2 plants should be just about there. :thumb: 🍋
I have to get my drying shed cleaned up and lemon juice for washing!
Fling ants suck , not really that many here but still
Doggone it, Smoke. Everytime I see mention of a bug I'm unfamiliar with, I look it up.

I scrolled back up to see that you were talking about "flying" ants, but not until I Googled "fling" ants. Of course google returned a bunch of sites about flying ants and I felt so silly! 😁
Okay fine, I'll try to moisturize in the morning but I don't think the lemon juice is gonna help with that!
If @KeithLemon had done what I asked, you'd be slathered in canola oil now! :)

Good day all! 28 days into flower and this Betty is coming on strong! I hope she comes on in time though! Sheesh! She's putting out budlets to beat the band now! She needs to finish in 4 weeks for me to be comfortable! It's going to be close! As the book has it she can and will do it! Herbies says 55 to 65 days. Mid October will make 65 so let's hope for rot to let up this year!

Apple Betty


Good day all! 28 days into flower and this Betty is coming on strong! I hope she comes on in time though! Sheesh! She's putting out budlets to beat the band now! She needs to finish in 4 weeks for me to be comfortable! It's going to be close! As the book has it she can and will do it! Herbies says 55 to 65 days. Mid October will make 65 so let's hope for rot to let up this year!

Apple Betty

that Apple Betty is looking huge & healthy & hopefully budded out in 3-4 weeks look impressive
Man that baby has a lot of buds NICE !!I hope it will finish on time for you too ..
Damn GDB i thought by now you would know when my 9th grade education was kicking 🎩
Yes she can!
that Apple Betty is looking huge & healthy & hopefully budded out in 3-4 weeks look impressive
Yes she can!
She is a beautiful plant lets hope for a good finish NO BUD ROT. :green_heart: 🍋
Yes :battingeyelashes:🥫!

Thanks Keith! This one's had nothing yet. I think we've had a season that's just not meeting the botrytis temp/rh requirements as yet maybe? @Bode knows those numbers maybe? I had one rotten nug with bug poop in it on the other plant and that's it. I check a couple times a day. Let's not rot!
Highya SO,

Don't ya love the buds that thick on the branches! She's coming on gorgeous!! I have some that look like that, only quite so tall, but with similar bud stacking. On the botrytis numbers, Temp between 60 and 70 degrees F. Forget the humidity level, but I'd guess above 80% (or maybe 75%) for a couple days and you better be checking dilligently. I check a couple times a day as well. What a treat to see all those buds just soaking up the sun and getting fat!! Happy Smokin'
Highya SO,

Don't ya love the buds that thick on the branches! She's coming on gorgeous!! I have some that look like that, only quite so tall, but with similar bud stacking. On the botrytis numbers, Temp between 60 and 70 degrees F. Forget the humidity level, but I'd guess above 80% (or maybe 75%) for a couple days and you better be checking dilligently. I check a couple times a day as well. What a treat to see all those buds just soaking up the sun and getting fat!! Happy Smokin'
Thanks Bode! We're in the zone here some nights. 50's last night. It sure is nice to see them look like they mean business and will finish! I'm pretty sure of Runtz Muffin, that one's really getting nice buds now! Apple Betty is making me wonder but is on the move to make it!
😍 They look splendid. Fingers crossed for timing 🤞
Hi Carmen, thanks, Yes they can! :high-five:

Good day everyone! We're 31 days into flower today and Muffy the Runtz Muffin here is in full bloom!
Just a peek today. I fed them last week and tonight is beauveria bassiana night, tomorrow is fish water day.


@Barney's Farm you did a great job with this one!

Good day everyone! We're 31 days into flower today and Muffy the Runtz Muffin here is in full bloom!
Just a peek today. I fed them last week and tonight is beauveria bassiana night, tomorrow is fish water day.


@Barney's Farm you did a great job with this one!
the buds are starting to get some nice shape & size looking good

Good day everyone! We're 31 days into flower today and Muffy the Runtz Muffin here is in full bloom!
Just a peek today. I fed them last week and tonight is beauveria bassiana night, tomorrow is fish water day.


@Barney's Farm you did a great job with this one!
Hellz yeah!!!

Nice and frosty there!!!

Good day everyone! We're 31 days into flower today and Muffy the Runtz Muffin here is in full bloom!
Just a peek today. I fed them last week and tonight is beauveria bassiana night, tomorrow is fish water day.


I'm loving the outdoor grows this year! My unknown stowaway is so sticky and smelly I'm reminded of her when I come onto the deck upstairs if the wind is going the right direction. I guess we're over 220 days in the sip now from seed (early feb?). Good thing my neighbor is over a hundred feet away through the woods, although if they don't think there's a skunk, they gotta know what it is!
Highya SO,

Buds look quite frosty for this early, and buds are coming in quite thick. Looks like a big supply at harvest time. Looking good!! Happy Smokin'
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