Herbies Desserts to Sweeten Your Day @ Otters


Sweet stink in the morning! I went at it for another 5 hours and closed shop with everything cut, washed, and hung! There was more rot today. Probably what would have amounted to a couple ounces had to get carved away. Not bad for here. There's a ton hanging!

We'll see how shed drying goes.

But now it all Betty all the time!

Apple Betty!

She's been fattening up and when the sun hit's just right frost glistens like a tiny light show! Buds are still immature however on their way!

Hey the sun came out! Nice! In and out today. I'm easily amused.
Congrats on the Runtz Muffin harvest, Stone👍
Lots of beautiful weed hanging in the ol' shed!

Even with the finger hash slowing you down, you still trim 10x faster than I do✂️😁
Well that turned out well!

And getting to 35 thousand feet on the finger hash certainly bodes well for the future! :)

Now gitty-up Big Apple Betty! -- times a wasting!
Yeah man! You gotta get in!
Congrats on finishing the Muffin chop, and Betty is getting her flop on...always a good sign!
Trying extra feed this week. The top yellowing stopped moving down when I stopped over watering. Now I think she'd hungry.
Congrats on the Runtz Muffin harvest, Stone👍
Lots of beautiful weed hanging in the ol' shed!

Even with the finger hash slowing you down, you still trim 10x faster than I do✂️😁
Thanks Carcass! This plant made trimming easy. That and I used scissors very little on it. Mostly pulled of leaves with my fingers and washed and hung. The plan is to leave the sugar leaves on because this one has so much sugar. When they dry I'll either knock em off with the brush or use the whole bud for making some bubble hash ala Frenchy Cannoli. There's still time in to be had for those mains for smoking.
Well that turned out well!

And getting to 35 thousand feet on the finger hash certainly bodes well for the future! :)

Now gitty-up Big Apple Betty! -- times a wasting!
Mmmm Betty! I'm finding this outdoor one smelling more intense than my two indoor ones did! She's coming along! Go Betty! :circle-of-love:
Great growing Mr Oh!

You’re gonna have a green mountain of weed!
And stick a 420 Mag flag on top!
Nicely done and you grow some fine plants. 🍋
Thanks Keith! Thanks to the 420 Magazine web of help!
Congrats on the harvest!

Looks like a solid haul. 🤙
Thanks Mil! It's a relief to see them hang! Now to get em dry before Betty's done will be the try.
Good morning, Stone going to be another nice day perfect for growing or harvesting. 🍋
Good morning Keith! We're looking at a beautiful week to finish in I think! Let's hope for two!
Highya SO,

Love those fat buds!!! Too bad they're not done! I get a little nervous about now with buds that big. I was just on KL's journal with my story on bud rot so far. Still not a bad year for it. Although today and the weekend will be prime bud rot weather. :( Well, I still have 6 out there I need to spray the microbe solution on them today, even in this humid soup! Still trying to win the botrytis feud! Looks like you're winning. Hope you get nice sun to dry things out! Have a nice weekend and Happy Smokin'
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