Herbies Desserts to Sweeten Your Day @ Otters

Good to see the buds forming , Looking Good !! Have a good relaxing day Stone
Family, good food, good smoke and a glass of wine. Twas a good one!
Have a beautiful birthday celebration day Otters!
We all had a sweet day :love:
Dancing amongst the cannabis plants! Have a wonderful time and happy birthday to the missus and neice.
There was more of that than I expected! Folks liked to be right there between the two giants! Had one request for leaves for her cat. The cat goes absolutely nuts if you play with it with a pot leaf! :p
Good Morning Stone☕👊. Sounds like a great day yesterday🥰. You gotta love those Family Days❤️. Glad you all enjoyed yourselves!
We're ground zero for all the family stuff and I wouldn't want it any other way! An exhaustingly wonderful day! Today I take it easy.

I brixed them a minute ago. Both 10.5 slightly fuzzy. There's storm warnings today though it's a nice sunny day right now here, the baro pressure is dropping. I'm going to do some sounding with the spikes of the cultivator to maybe get some air in for the microbes, it's feed time in a couple of days.
I'm not sure if you saw my post in Geespot, but I tracked brix right thru a wicked storm. They dropped as much as 5 points in only a few hours.

Now the storm is over but it's crappy and cold and brix stayed down.

Tomorrow the weather is supposed to go back to hot and summery so I'm hoping to track the recovery too.

Plants are pretty interesting characters.
I'm going to do some sounding with the spikes of the cultivator to maybe get some air in for the microbes
Stone, what does this mean? I don't speak organic very well. :Rasta:
Are you okay?
This is the fourth thread I've seen you in today where your post is one word, and a bit odd.
I'm going to go out on a limb and say he meant "sweet" this time. But I'm still unsure about "rock." :Rasta:
Stone, what does this mean? I don't speak organic very well. :Rasta:

I'm going to go out on a limb and say he meant "sweet" this time. But I'm still unsure about "rock." :Rasta:
There are other posts today as well. They don't seem to have to do with the subject at hand either.
From what I've seen of his posts in the past this is really out of character.
There are other posts today as well. They don't seem to have to do with the subject at hand either.
From what I've seen of his posts in the past this is really out of character.
Well I hope he's okay and just having some fun.
Stone, what does this mean? I don't speak organic very well. :Rasta:

I'm going to go out on a limb and say he meant "sweet" this time. But I'm still unsure about "rock." :Rasta:
LoL... I got "manure" :laugh:

Not sure if that's because I'm the shit, or I'm just shit. LoL
I'm not sure if you saw my post in Geespot, but I tracked brix right thru a wicked storm. They dropped as much as 5 points in only a few hours.

Now the storm is over but it's crappy and cold and brix stayed down.

Tomorrow the weather is supposed to go back to hot and summery so I'm hoping to track the recovery too.

Plants are pretty interesting characters.
I did and was noticing the same here. My last check was in the 12's so they went down predictably. We'll see next patch of good air we get! Interesting characters for sure!
Way with words Kinjohn!n :laugh:
Stone, what does this mean? I don't speak organic very well. :Rasta:

I'm going to go out on a limb and say he meant "sweet" this time. But I'm still unsure about "rock." :Rasta:
Sorry, a while back one of us I can't remember who, had tightly bound soil and ran skewers down through to get air in and make watering easier. I'll run the tines of my tiny cultivator carefully in a few inches in a few places around the plant. Good question! Not just a LOS thing.
There are other posts today as well. They don't seem to have to do with the subject at hand either.
From what I've seen of his posts in the past this is really out of character.
Stevia = Sweet. That's something I'd drop and run on migraine days Mel, or any day.
Stone must be a fisherman. Sounding is going down deep.
Hah! True but someone else coined the term. I've spent more fishing time than most!

Hi all, something not everyone's interested in but I'm doing my best to understand the concept and use it outdoors this season. Thanks to many but @Gee64 has been helping me understand the ins and outs lately. If and when I understand it I'll dish, right now I need to have information so I leave stuff to look back on.

The other day (yesterday) I took a brix reading right before stormy weather That weather alone brought brix down several points. 10.5

Today's numbers are better appearing. Both plants brix at 13.5 and as mentioned, have a slightly fuzzy demarcation line that tells me my calcium is fine but a fuzzier line is available as I've seen so I went and top dressed them with worm castings, a good source of calcium. In a few days I'll check to see what my add did. So the change in barometric pressure dropped and raised brix on these two by 3 points. Cool!

microbes are my (haha, natures) workforce.

At 13.5 brix they are healthy plants by anyone's book from what I gather. They can get healthier. I didn't prepare the soil for a great run for brix. Next season will be different I think, maybe get some readings in the high teens or 20's and grow some bulletproof plants that bugs won't even eat. I'm sure they're off the menu of some now!
Thanks for reading along!
That's where! Thanks! He had good ideas!
And a huge heart. At his CNC shop he precut/pre-drilled all the aluminum pieces for my home made light (the one in the shed), and shipped it to me for free along with sandpaper, wago connectors, wire, and nuts and bolts for the assembly. All I had to buy was the LED strips, driver, and hanging hardware. He's a doll!

You can see how immaculate his work was and how easy he made it for me in the light build post here:
And a huge heart. At his CNC shop he precut/pre-drilled all the aluminum pieces for my home made light (the one in the shed), and shipped it to me for free along with sandpaper, wago connectors, wire, and nuts and bolts for the assembly. All I had to buy was the LED strips, driver, and hanging hardware. He's a doll!

You can see how immaculate his work was and how easy he made it for me in the light build post here:
That was a cool build! I remember it! People helping people. My kind of place every day! CNC shop huh? I repaired CNC machines for GE for 7 years before moving on to fixing trains. That was fun to learn and apply!
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