Herbies Desserts to Sweeten Your Day @ Otters


I found some slight touches of purple in RVDV🥰. It hides in the long red hairs.
Haha sorry Stone, I didn't mean to spam you. I wondered where that post went🤣

It was intended for Gee Spot and then it was gone🤣🤣

Damn Iklwa, the Wife twisted up a cannon and then this happened🤣

On the subject tho, did you get any purple in your TMSC plants?
Haha sorry Stone, I didn't mean to spam you. I wondered where that post went🤣

It was intended for Gee Spot and then it was gone🤣🤣

Damn Iklwa, the Wife twisted up a cannon and then this happened🤣

On the subject tho, did you get any purple in your TMSC plants?
It's such a nice buzz!
I didn't notice any purple that I remember.
Highya SO,

Great looking outside ladies!! Love those big plants. I also love the lighter green growth at the cola tops!! Brix at 18 is phenomenal. My hat is off to you Dude!! Yeah, should be some banging bud when it comes!! I thought I had pistils yesterday, but still just preflowers. I'll keep looking!! Happy Smokin'
Your trees are really filling in and getting bushy, and they have the same lean going on like they've been frozen mid-bend!

Congrats on one excellent brix, and do you have to wait a certain amount of time after giving them molasses to remeasure?
Hi Shed, that east coast lean! It's weird to try and keep them upright. I do it though they'd rather shoot of at a 45 degree angle. That mid bend thing is me with garden tape early, then they shoot up and to the side again.

I don't know much about timing and brix. Generally things take days to register. I'll give it a few days. A dropping barometer lowers a reading too so there's that if weather's coming in.
They really looked happy later in the day I have to say. I think the effect took almost immediately with molasses!
Highya SO,

Great looking outside ladies!! Love those big plants. I also love the lighter green growth at the cola tops!! Brix at 18 is phenomenal. My hat is off to you Dude!! Yeah, should be some banging bud when it comes!! I thought I had pistils yesterday, but still just preflowers. I'll keep looking!! Happy Smokin'
We've had some super weather for growing this season! I've been thinking the same but with the same results. No flowers. Mid August might be my time for first flowering signs. I'll just have to wait. Not much longer, just a couple of weeks!
Everything is looking lush!! Happy Friday!!! (Again) 😎✌️
LMFAO, I'm sitting here shaking my head, saying No Scottay, it's Saturday, where's ya head at. It's going 6 am here, Saturday morning. I'm from the future and well into the wake and bake :cheesygrinsmiley:
Everything is looking lush!! Happy Friday!!! (Again) 😎✌️
Happy Friday again again Scottay! How'd we get here again so fast! Since it's Sunday now I better get some pics!
LMFAO, I'm sitting here shaking my head, saying No Scottay, it's Saturday, where's ya head at. It's going 6 am here, Saturday morning. I'm from the future and well into the wake and bake :cheesygrinsmiley:
Oh woman of the future will you share tomorrow's Lottery numbers please? :p
LMFAO, I'm sitting here shaking my head, saying No Scottay, it's Saturday, where's ya head at. It's going 6 am here, Saturday morning. I'm from the future and well into the wake and bake :cheesygrinsmiley:
Every day is Saturday to me @ this point in life!! 😂🤣

Hi everyone! We have a week or two before these two rootmates start their flowering journeys. Today was fish water day. They both get 4 gallons with 1/8 cup of this local sauce. They really respond when they get this! Tomatoes get 2 gallons. It's been raining a BIT lately and they can use to dry out some. Yesterday had no water from me andnpossibly the day before. It's been swampy!

First off Apple Betty. Oh My! @Herbies Seeds made a real grower in this one! I can see she's putting on branch girth lately to feed all her bud sites! Wowza! What sites she's making! Time to make the cages!

Apple Betty

Runtz Muffin by @Barney's Farm is recovering from me pulling her upright. She had a forward lean to the sun until yesterday when I tied her off and yanked her back. She's slow to adjust her leaves and arm ends. Maybe getting close to flower makes them take a set like that? She's looking strong and making good branches too!

Next add will be worm castings on the 13th in addition to their regular @GeoFlora Nutrients chow every two weeks. Switching over to flowering real soon! WooHoo!

You all have the best day! I will!

Hi everyone! We have a week or two before these two rootmates start their flowering journeys. Today was fish water day. They both get 4 gallons with 1/8 cup of this local sauce. They really respond when they get this! Tomatoes get 2 gallons. It's been raining a BIT lately and they can use to dry out some. Yesterday had no water from me andnpossibly the day before. It's been swampy!

First off Apple Betty. Oh My! @Herbies Seeds made a real grower in this one! I can see she's putting on branch girth lately to feed all her bud sites! Wowza! What sites she's making! Time to make the cages!

Apple Betty

Runtz Muffin by @Barney's Farm is recovering from me pulling her upright. She had a forward lean to the sun until yesterday when I tied her off and yanked her back. She's slow to adjust her leaves and arm ends. Maybe getting close to flower makes them take a set like that? She's looking strong and making good branches too!

Next add will be worm castings on the 13th in addition to their regular @GeoFlora Nutrients chow every two weeks. Switching over to flowering real soon! WooHoo!

You all have the best day! I will!
They're looking great I like this time of year seeing these big assed photos nice job Stone
They're looking great I like this time of year seeing these big assed photos nice job Stone
Me too Con! I was going to try to make them smaller but then I said why? If they rot they rot up there . My anti rot protocol will either work or not and I'm ok with that.
Looking Good Stone Big too there is going to be a lot of buds on them girls :thumb:
Thanks Smokes! I'm trying! They seem to be responding. We'll know pretty soon what they're packing! I've been pruning Betty but I think I need to get in for more! I think a deer stepped on a low branch of Runtz and broke it off! Over an inch thick at the main! Been shooing them away this week.
Highya SO,

Ladies are looking nice and big!! Love that shade of green the big fan leaves are. Only the branch tips are a lighter shade. Every time I go down to look at mine, I swear there's pistils, but on closer inspection, just preflowers. We've also had much rain up here, but not as much as you've had. Hurricanes are already starting up in the tropics, :( . Forecast was for a busy season. I almost forgot about your tomato plants!! They are huge. Good job getting them that big and looking so nice. Have a nice evening, and Happy Smokin'
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