Herbie's Beans - Black Widow And Super Skunk

The late comers are coming around everything else is working 👍✌️



@InTheShed caterpillar control other the BT
Is that a question? BT or spinosad, but since you're interested in saving as many insect species as possible, BT would be the way to go.
I'm in the process of identifying these but i believe they're baby lady bugs Anybody here have an idea?
They don't look like ladybugs to me. I'd say you're spot on with the stink bugs:

Is that a question? BT or spinosad, but since you're interested in saving as many insect species as possible, BT would be the way to go.

They don't look like ladybugs to me. I'd say you're spot on with the stink bugs:

Yes sir they are Harlequin bugs/ Stink bugs. I have used BT. I have some Assassin bugs on the way theyll be here tomorrow they LOVE caterpillars or many other soft bodied insects im trying to diversify my beneficial insect's around here
Yah, didn't work for me.

And even the lady bugs don't hang around my garden so I never dove into the beneficial insect thing. Too expensive to have them all fly away!
If there is food and habitat they stick around i plant alot of nectar flowers , geranium, wildflowers and such they stick around for me the parasitic wasps,green lace wing's dragon flies i see them 3 ALOT here i get a little bug damage but not to bad
Quite a few the weather has been good for a week and a half but its humid as hell again and we got just a little rain today how about you guys are you in a drought?
We've had zero rain in the last 4 months but that's what's expected here. We need wet and snowy winters in CA to carry us through the summer and fall, but after a couple of good winters we're out of drought for the moment. Still, I can't have a garden like yours even if I had the acreage, that would be a huge waste of water in a semi-arid environment! I only regularly water my cannabis and my fruit trees.
Tomatoes are doing good again same xare as my weed plants
We've had zero rain in the last 4 months but that's what's expected here. We need wet and snowy winters in CA to carry us through the summer and fall, but after a couple of good winters we're out of drought for the moment. Still, I can't have a garden like yours even if I had the acreage, that would be a huge waste of water in a semi-arid environment! I only regularly water my cannabis and my fruit trees.
I Can understand!
you can do a container garden in small containers around your plants your wife would even like some of those flowers they are REALLY BEAUTIFUL ! My better halfs tomatoes 🍅 plant

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