Herbie's Beans - Black Widow And Super Skunk

I forgot to mention when checking ph and need an adjustment sulfer for down Agricultural lime(quick change high in CA) domelite lime (slow release high in MG) Or walsonite for up i usually put in all 3 but i go QUICK adjustments with the Ag and walsonite to get it close so i can plant then i use domiite in small amounts to slowly raise it to 6.8 just my routine
Sunday morning can't ask for better weather for growing 👍





Pacific Gro Sea Phos is a high phosphorous formula, made of salmon and fish bone, and stabilized with phosphoric acid.

Stimulates root growth and reproductive energy.

Effective early season fertilizer to establish strong root systems for annuals, like vegetables and row crops.

Also apply at flowering to boost reproductive growth of flowers, fruit and grain.

And on orchards, berries and vineyards – apply late season to increase energy and nutrients for next season’s fruit set in woody perennials.

Screened to 150 mesh (105 micron) for use in irrigation and sprayers. Looking forward to trying this this season ✌️
Sour diesel mother


The Leafhopper Assassin Bug, Zelus renardii is a hardworking ambush predator and excellent addition to any growing area. Contrary to what their common name suggests, they are generalist predators that feed on a variety of small to medium sized plant pests including aphids, mealybugs, caterpillars, thrips and more.

Assassin Bugs begin feeding immediately after hatching, however, they cannot actively hunt prey until they reach 2nd instar. As they mature, they produce resin on their legs that allows them to trap prey and feed as they move. They kill prey by piercing with their rostrum (beak) and injecting a digestive enzyme. This allows Assassin Bugs to rapidly kill prey that is much larger than they are.

Life Cycle: Assassin Bugs live approximately 2 months, which allows them to provide ongoing pest control in the release area. It can take up to 10 days for eggs to hatch, so take that into account when planning your Integrated Pest Management program. Assassin Bugs begin feeding as soon as they emerge. Once they reach 2nd instar, they will actively hunt for prey and continue to do so as they mature into adulthood. With adequate food supplies and a suitable environment, they may lay eggs and reproduce in the growing area. They are likely to stay in the treatment area until their food sources have diminished making them a suitable alternative to ladybugs in warmer climates.

Note: Assassin Bugs molt multiple times as they grow. The shed skins may resemble dead Assassin Bugs, but are not evidence of noticeable die off. Check the release area for live assassin bugs periodically and contact us if you have questions or concerns.

Temperature Considerations: Zelus renardii is tolerant to adverse temperature/humidity levels and has shown effectiveness in hot climates. Temperature and humidity have not been shown to inhibit colony establishment or feeding.

I ordered some of these never tried these b4 so I thought WTH they sound as if they might do a good job👍

Assassin bugs are fascinating creatures that often go unnoticed in the insect world. These stealthy predators belong to the Reduviidae family and are known for their unique hunting techniques. But what makes them so special? Assassin bugs use a specialized mouthpart called a rostrum to inject lethal saliva into their prey, liquefying the insides for easy consumption. Found in various habitats worldwide, they play a crucial role in controlling pest populations. Whether you're a budding entomologist or just curious about nature, learning about these incredible insects can be both educational and intriguing. Ready to dive into some amazing assassin bug facts? Let's get started!
Table of Contents

What Are Assassin Bugs?​

Assassin bugs are fascinating insects known for their predatory behavior. They belong to the Reduviidae family and are found worldwide. These bugs have unique characteristics and behaviors that make them stand out in the insect world.
  1. 01
    Assassin bugs are named for their hunting skills. They use their sharp beak to inject venom into prey, paralyzing and liquefying their insides.
  2. 02
    There are over 7,000 species of assassin bugs. These species vary in size, color, and habitat, showcasing the diversity within this family.
  3. 03
    Assassin bugs can be found on every continent except Antarctica. They thrive in various environments, from forests to deserts.
  4. 04
    They have a distinctive, elongated head. This head shape helps them target and capture prey with precision.
  5. 05
    Assassin bugs are beneficial to humans. They help control pest populations by preying on insects like aphids and caterpillars.

How Do Assassin Bugs Hunt?​

Assassin bugs have developed unique hunting techniques that make them effective predators. Their methods are both fascinating and efficient.
  1. 06
    They use camouflage to ambush prey. Many species blend into their surroundings, making it easier to surprise their victims.
  2. 07
    Assassin bugs have a specialized mouthpart called a rostrum. This beak-like structure pierces the prey's body to inject venom.
  3. 08
    Their venom contains enzymes that liquefy the prey's insides. This allows the assassin bug to suck out the nutrients.
  4. 09
    Some species use a "sticky trap" method. They secrete a sticky substance on their legs to capture small insects.
  5. 10
    Assassin bugs can take down prey much larger than themselves. Their potent venom and strong rostrum make this possible.

Interesting Behaviors of Assassin Bugs​

Assassin bugs exhibit a range of behaviors that are both intriguing and sometimes alarming. These behaviors help them survive and thrive in their environments.
  1. 11
    They perform a "dance" before mating. This dance involves waving their antennae and moving their bodies in a rhythmic pattern.
  2. 12
    Assassin bugs are known for their aggressive nature. They will not hesitate to defend themselves if threatened.
  3. 13
    Some species exhibit parental care. Female assassin bugs may guard their eggs until they hatch.
  4. 14
    They can play dead to avoid predators. This behavior, known as thanatosis, helps them escape danger.
  5. 15
    Assassin bugs communicate through vibrations. They use these vibrations to signal potential mates or warn off rivals.
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Unique Adaptations of Assassin Bugs​

Assassin bugs have evolved various adaptations that enhance their survival and hunting capabilities. These adaptations are key to their success as predators.
  1. 16
    They have excellent vision. Their compound eyes allow them to detect movement and locate prey.
  2. 17
    Assassin bugs can detect heat. Some species use infrared sensors to find warm-blooded prey.
  3. 18
    Their legs are adapted for grasping. Strong, spiny legs help them hold onto struggling prey.
  4. 19
    They can produce sounds to deter predators. This stridulation involves rubbing body parts together to create noise.
  5. 20
    Assassin bugs have a tough exoskeleton. This provides protection against physical damage and predators.

Assassin Bugs and Humans​

While assassin bugs are beneficial in controlling pests, they can also pose risks to humans. Understanding their interactions with people is important.
  1. 21
    Some species can transmit Chagas disease. The kissing bug, a type of assassin bug, spreads this disease through its feces.
  2. 22
    Assassin bug bites can be painful. Their venom causes a burning sensation and swelling.
  3. 23
    They are sometimes kept as pets. Enthusiasts appreciate their hunting skills and unique behaviors.
  4. 24
    Assassin bugs are used in biological control. Farmers release them to reduce pest populations in crops.
  5. 25
    They can be found in homes. Assassin bugs may enter houses in search of prey or shelter.

Fun Facts About Assassin Bugs​

Assassin bugs have many interesting traits and behaviors that make them a subject of fascination for entomologists and nature lovers alike.
  1. 26
    They can live up to two years. This lifespan is relatively long for insects.
  2. 27
    Assassin bugs are solitary creatures. They prefer to hunt and live alone, only coming together to mate.
  3. 28
    They have a unique way of cleaning themselves. After feeding, they use their legs to wipe their rostrum clean.
  4. 29
    Assassin bugs can swim. Some species are adapted to aquatic environments and can hunt underwater.
  5. 30
    They have been around for millions of years. Fossil evidence shows that assassin bugs existed during the time of the dinosaurs.

Conservation and Threats​

Like many other species, assassin bugs face threats from environmental changes and human activities. Conservation efforts are important to ensure their survival.
  1. 31
    Habitat loss is a major threat. Deforestation and urbanization reduce the natural habitats of assassin bugs.
  2. 32
    Pesticides can harm assassin bugs. Chemicals used to kill pests can also affect beneficial insects like assassin bugs.
  3. 33
    Climate change impacts their distribution. Changes in temperature and weather patterns can alter their habitats and prey availability.
  4. 34
    Conservation programs help protect them. Efforts to preserve natural habitats and reduce pesticide use benefit assassin bug populations.

Assassin Bugs: Nature's Stealthy Predators​

Assassin bugs are fascinating creatures with their stealthy hunting techniques and unique adaptations. These insects, known for their camouflage and deadly precision, play a crucial role in controlling pest populations. With over 7,000 species, they exhibit a wide range of behaviors and habitats, from tropical rainforests to urban gardens. Their ability to inject paralyzing venom into prey makes them effective hunters, while their distinctive proboscis serves as both a weapon and a feeding tool.
Understanding these bugs helps us appreciate the complexity of ecosystems and the importance of biodiversity. Whether you're a budding entomologist or just curious about nature, assassin bugs offer a glimpse into the intricate world of insect predators. Next time you spot one, take a moment to observe its behavior and marvel at its role in the natural world. These stealthy predators truly are nature's own little assassins.


Life Cycle of Thrips​

The life cycle depends on the species of thrips as well as the location, host plant, and other factors.

Adults and pupae overwinter in garden soil. In spring, newly emerged females insert eggs into the tissues of flowers, leaves or stems. Female thrips, which are larger than males, can reproduce without male fertilization.

Each female can produce up to 80 eggs, which hatch within days in warm weather or weeks to months in colder weather. They become wingless larvae (nymphs), which feed on plant sap. After two or more nymphal stages, many thrips drop to the soil to pupate.

As soon as they reach maturity, nymphs pupate by forming cocoons on the plant or in the soil. Adults with wings emerge from cocoons after several days to begin the cycle again.

The population will be at its peak from late spring to midsummer. There may be 12-15 generations per year with the entire cycle from egg to adult requiring less than 16 days in warm weather.

Adult thrips overwinter in decaying plant debris, bark, and other materials. In early spring, they become active and lay eggs in plant tissue. Since thrips can survive the winter in the egg stage, removing plant debris is critical for thrip control.
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