Hempy SOG! Josh's 2nd Indoor Grow!

She should be done around the end of the month. I tried to get a good shot of the top. I'll try again in about an hour. She hasn't been trained at all either. I'll keep yall posted.

I'm pretty sure tomorrow will be my last day of work. If not, Thurs or Friday will be. I was going to be hired full time but I'm getting used, abused, and ripped off. I'd rather stay at home and be poor than have this go to deal with. At least I'd have time to properly take care of the two gardens.

Sorry for venting. I get cranky averaging 4 hours of sleep a night.

Couple more pics of the Mutant Afghani:

I plan on a picture update tonight.

I ended up injuring my back while I was working for that f*ck. Kinda hard to move 200-12,000 lb pieces of metal when he takes the forklift. I ended up not even paying for my gas. 109 hrs, $800. Math isn't my strong point, but that's well below minimum wage. As I am a nuclear and aerospace certified and certifiable, I could easily command $100 per hr. That's if the Local Pipe Fitter's Union were accepting new members.

I did learn a few things. Never work under the table. Also, if you are and employer, don't give out hand written corporate checks to disgruntled employees. That's pretty simple for the IRS to track down, especially if they know the bank account#, bank branch address, check numbers, etc.

I hate to do that to the guy. He's going to lose his business. But there were many days that I left at 3 A.M. and would get home at 9:45 PM. 5 days my car traveled 350 miles. I figure he owes me $2000 just for my time and hrs in his shop. On top of that, on the way home I got a job offer for an ASME certified pipe welder. Because my back is jacked I had to turn it down. So I'm out additional thousands upon thousands of dollars.

I'll get some pics up tonight.

Mutant AK:

I learned something tonight. It very well be common knowledge. I'm not sure. But, just I "discovered" that Super cropping works better before you water the plants. Seems to me like a basic thought.

No matter how careful I was, 25% of the time I'd snap off terminal buds. Tonight, with the plants needing water, the chiton or whatever was more yielding.
Damn now I can see what you ment by the stretching, long legs on them there ladies on the right.
Liking the looks of those bushy LSTed plants, they look a lot different than the taller ones. In fact, maybe it was the trash can container that caused them to grow slender, the bucket container plants looking great...

I'd bet you may have yielded more off previous SOG(from the looks, or is it that the bushy plant is hiding in the back?); despite how much work. Any plans/ideas for what you'll do on the next grow? I bet you could fit a lot of those bucket container sized plants in there. Could get a nice SCROG going, or a couple of plants like KJC's in there. Could cut down on the labor quite a bit, and could still end up yielding similar amount. Just some food for thought though brother :)

PS: Nice stem action on that beast! Never seen a stem like that before, certainly photoworthy! One word to describe that stem is "Radical"

Be Well
Yeah, the legginess/long internode length is quite unacceptable in my opinion. There are only two plausible explanations that I can think of.

First, as you can see, I haven't had the time to install the proper components in my ventilation system. I have around $100 in parts yet to be utilized. So, when I was veging for two weeks, I didn't want to tear through countless layers of duct tape to switch the HPS bulb to the MH. Still, I had 600 watts parked 4" or so above the canopy. I also wired those T5 size 4' aquarium bulb vertically in the corner facing center.

Second, I live in the desert and it's been rather hot. Recent tent temperatures have been 75F during the day and 86F during the night when the lights are on. I've experienced those same temps before the ventilation system, but with better results.

Maybe it's a combination of the two factors. I can't say genetics because there are four different strains in there and three did the Crazy-Stretch. The only one that didn't is the NLB in the blue 5 gallon bucket. She's listed as 100% Indica, but that is impossible. The Afghan Kush is truly (supposed to be) a 100% Land Race Indica. Other than the one mutant, they are looking just like the OG's and THC Bomb. I've heard OG strains will stretch a lot, but then fill out. My strain is Kosher Kush crossed with OG 18, then back crossed to OG 18. From what I've read, OG 18 doesn't stretch as much as the original.

In less than a week my girl will have her card. We will be able to double the number of plants. I'm throwing around a few ideas but not sure what I'm going to do. I like the idea of a perpetual grow. I still hate trimming. I'd rather trim for two days during the month as opposed to six days every two months. I realize that SCROG produces the most per sq meter, I just don't know how I could do that in a perpetual setting.

In an ideal situation I'll add another 600 or 1000 watts of HID to my 4'x4' grow tent and add a few more of those 3.5 gallon containers. But if this grow doesn't wind up well, I may just go back to the 2 liters. I have all the material to stake, tie, support, etc if it comes down to it. Just shouldn't have to do all that extra work.

I keep thinking about my polyploid Afghan Kush. I still can't explain its gene mutation. I think it is rather interesting.

I plan on entering it in the September Plant of the Month contest. As long as the main "trunk" holds up, I believe it will look quite spectacular in late flowering.

I'm giddy with anticipation. It hasn't been topped so she should produce two colas. But it's hard to tell, maybe 4 or more tops.

All I've ever done to her is defoliate the largest fan leaves and super crop the side branches.

I consider the Afghan Kushs to be the "weaker" strain of the four currently flowering. It was a free seed, not one that I purchased. Still, I planted it for a reason. The smoke should give me quite the flash back to my younger days. Just kinda wish it was one of the Holy Grail Kushs that mutated.

I forgot to mention that I have concluded my scientific research concerning the HGK branches that I inadvertently broke while super cropping. They were very young specimens-hardly a dusting of trichomes. I dried them for about four days. No cure and the plants weren't flushed. They were still a little damp when consumed.

Let me tell you what, that was some of the tastiest medicine I've found. Should be pretty epic when done. :circle-of-love:
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