Hempy SOG! Josh's 2nd Indoor Grow!

I'm really loving the BPN's. Still have had zero problems with deficiency or burn.

About ten years ago I baby sat some plants for a friend. He used General Hydroponics. That's the closest to my experience with General Organics.

I'm going to stick with Blue Planet Nutrients for a couple of reasons:

It's tailored specifically towards growing medical marijuana. It is cheaper than just about every brand. The owner of the company is a great guy-sponsor of this forum, is constantly improving his products, and from talking to him on the phone and reading his advice-really knows his stuff.

I think the biggest reason is simplicity. All the ratios for the nutrients are laid out in an easy to follow chart. I can't tell you how many people I've either seen in person or online that are using a dozen or more products, a million different feed rates...I'm don't like dicking around with the trial and error method. Another thing about BPN, flushing your plant at the end of flowering isn't needed. I can't tell the difference in the taste or the whiteness of the ash.

There's only been one or two occasions that I haven't mixed full strength. Still, no burn. I also don't currently own a TDS or EC meter and seem to be getting along just fine. (One or the other is on my wish list.)

I don't think you'll be disappointed with BPN. If you have questions, they have great customer service.

Thank you for the Reps.

If I were to say one bad thing, it would be the price of shipping. It's not BPN's problem, FedEx's. Where I live, it will usually cost as much in shipping as the actual product does. Liquids being heavy and all. But I'm not going to change anytime in the foreseeable future.
I've considered going organic. From what I've read, you really get the benifit from organics when using soils. Most of the time I'm running 75% perlite and 25% vermiculite. I'm not sure if better taste would outweigh potential drop in yield.

In all honesty, the five people that I've shared the last Northern Light Blue with say it's the best they've ever smoked. I think it's right up there with my favorites. I think, for now at least, I'm going to stick with what has been working.

Blue Planet Nutrients does make an organic lineup. From what I've read, it's the best on the market. Blue Planet Nutrients
Last night I did some Super Cropping and topping. I can only raise the light another 18" or so. As it is, it's only 12" or so above the canopy. Running out of vertical room real fast. This is still a learning experience.

The clones from the Northern Light Blues don't seem to be taking. The HGK's already have roots. Too bad because I'm flowering out the last mother plant. I do have one uncracked bean though. I'm thinking the mother plant was just too stressed at the time I cut clones. She'd been living in a three gallon bucket for over six months. I'm thinking of either keeping mothers in 3.5 gallon Hempys or getting some of those 4 gallon smart pots.

All the other "new" mothers are do for transplant. I either need more potting soil or more pots to turn into Hempys before I can do that.

I start that new job tomorrow. It's going to be 14 hour + days so I won't be on here as much. Keep fighting the good fight. :420:
Tell me about it. Twice been told I'd never walk again. Removed the ligaments that anchor my spine to my pelvis. Needed "immediate" surgery 12 years ago.

I'll be welding outside in 100 F+ heat. My body still isn't acclimated to this climate. Dehydration is going to be the biggest enemy.
The weather folks say that it'll drop to the mid-80's next week. Should be a little better.
Ouch, definitely take as much care as you can... back in the day, Gatorade was my go to for that kind of work and heat, but they keep screwing the formula... some of the Powerades aren't too bad, but ugh... Lemonade with a teaspoon of seasalt per gallon or 2 will help keep you hydrated, but you'll need to urinate more, lol. Good luck man :Namaste:
I'm not quite sure how to approach the flowering tent. Not exactly sure why, but the Holy Grail Kushes are stretching like no strain I've seen before. I have like 5" internode lengths. They are outgrowing the tent height. I've already topped and supper cropped. These things are starting to cause me concern.

I'm thinking I'll tie them down tonight. I'll try and take some crappy pics when lights come on.
Sounds like the bagseed I have running along side my other stuff, real leggy hybrid... I'd try to tie them down, myself, or just do what some of the others do and keep super cropping, moving lower each time you do it as they rise up.
I'm kicking myself for letting the clones veg for two weeks. Would have been fine with >week.

I'm just looking at this as a learning experience. I'll do what I can tonight and hope for the best. I'm working 14 hour days, six days of week. I'm finding it hard to keep ontop of everything.

Quick update, crappy photos tonight:

New job is kicking my butt. I have over four hours of commuting and working 10-14 hrs. Out the door by 4AM and get home at 7:30PM at the earliest. Most nights I don't get home until around 9.

Plants are doing well. I haven't tied them down, just been super cropping. These plants have really odd characteristics. It's like trying to super crop a celery stalk. So, of course, some plants have been topped. They are starting to fill out the large internode lengths. They are at the stage where all the buds are popcorn size but without any frost. No smell yet either.

I'm pretty brain dead at the moment. I'll take some pics and further update tonight.


That's where I sit.
Yeah. Like i said, I'm outta room. Been Super Cropping every night.

This is around 21 days of 12/12. Looking like the stretch is over. Sunday is my only day off. I'll defoliate then. I've already trimmed pounds of lower "sucker" stalks. The canopy is unbelievably level, almost like SCROG.

My basement is starting to smell as if the diesel tank is leaking. It's on.:cheer:

Added: Just looked at the pics I just uploaded via my cracked screen IPOD. Hate to keep saying it, but the crappy pics aren't doing our plants justice. Can't even see the buds in the pictures.:420:
I put in around four hours of work with the plants last night. So much for getting caught up on sleep. I think tomorrow may be my last day at the new job so f-it.

Some "before" shots

A couple "after" shots.

Typical Holy Grail Kush on the left. Typical THC Bomb on right.

Now look at this series of pics. I find this plant very interesting. She is a Afghani Kush clone taking from my mother plant which was started from seed. This one clone, not the mother nor any of her sisters, has some odd stem deformity. She also looks like she was treated with colichicine. Definitely a polyploid. What I find fascinating is that one out of three clones look like this.


Weird. The stem actually tapers thicker towards the top.

A few victims of my Super Cropping. It's HGK. Smells like diesel, pine, and earth. Not very mature but will make good samples for scientific research.


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