
If it was mine I'd make sure it was well fed until chop.
I'd give it what it needs to build turps/thc/buds.
Do you have anything besides Dr earth?

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Ur the man Bill. Straight up. I gave em a hit of the kelp n tiger bloom n wow. Trichromes swelled. I don't know why they do that but they seem to have swelled n I can see them so good without the microscope. Thank you brother
Ur the man Bill. Straight up. I gave em a hit of the kelp n tiger bloom n wow. Trichromes swelled. I don't know why they do that but they seem to have swelled n I can see them so good without the microscope. Thank you brother
Also. Had to run out n been gone about n hour after I fed n by the time I came back (still gotta feed white widow) but new hairs seem to be popping out like crazy.
N see these fan leaves on this white widow. She's from RQS and is a photo female. Can I take those leaves off? I'm lst her and she is taking it very well. Just had first feeding of foop. She's like 3-4 weeks old. I have her under like 18/6.

Ur opinion on this if u folks don't mind. Now I took this from the web mind u. This picture claims optimal harvest point of a balance of amber to milky. Would you harvest if u seen this under ur scope?

You can pull some of the bigger leaves off she won't mind 👍 as for the trichomes that picture looks like it was from a leaf so I wouldn't follow that. Make sure when you check your triches you focus on the bud not the leaf. For me once I see a few amber's on the middle buds not the colas I'll harvest within a week or so. I'm in Coco so like to drop my nitrogen and calcium before I harvest 👍
You can remove some of those fan leaves hanging down in the way.
Don't get carried away. :Namaste:
As far as trics go I'm not a fan of using them to judge.
I go by pistils, size and shape & color and how much she is eating.
Then if I feel she is finished I'll chop or wait 1 week for more amber.
But trics are not the main indicator of when to harvest.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
You can pull some of the bigger leaves off she won't mind 👍 as for the trichomes that picture looks like it was from a leaf so I wouldn't follow that. Make sure when you check your triches you focus on the bud not the leaf. For me once I see a few amber's on the middle buds not the colas I'll harvest within a week or so. I'm in Coco so like to drop my nitrogen and calcium before I harvest 👍
Thank you bub. I appreciate it. I was wondering about that because to me it looks like too many clear trichs. I mean is there any benefit here? If that pic was taken from a bud would it change ur mind? Thank you bub.
You can remove some of those fan leaves hanging down in the way.
Don't get carried away. :Namaste:
As far as trics go I'm not a fan of using them to judge.
I go by pistils, size and shape & color and how much she is eating.
Then if I feel she is finished I'll chop or wait 1 week for more amber.
But trics are not the main indicator of when to harvest.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Thank you for the feedback. Bill I honestly think these two were slightly stunned by mold. I've taken care of that issue. Cleared of mold. Actually the mold is in recess lol. No seriously I had to cut a few buds out because humidity was too much outside for the autos. I'd be very interested in learning different ways tbh. When it comes to whether they're eating or not I can check that according to ppm on runoff right? Thank you
Measuring run off can be deceiving :Namaste:
Looking at the plants color and shape is much easier and more efficient.
Your last pic looks ok , slightly hungry but could be light from the pic.
Citric acid in water is excellent at killing mold.
A little spray once a week will keep it away.
I find autos genetically inferior and very susceptible to mold.
Spray them before it appears. ;)

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Measuring run off can be deceiving :Namaste:
Looking at the plants color and shape is much easier and more efficient.
Your last pic looks ok , slightly hungry but could be light from the pic.
Citric acid in water is excellent at killing mold.
A little spray once a week will keep it away.
I find autos genetically inferior and very susceptible to mold.
Spray them before it appears. ;)

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Thank you. Lemon juice be ok?
Thank you. Lemon juice be ok?
Not sure about lemon juice
Do you have Apple cider vinegar?
2 tablespoons in a quart.
You can get a small package of citric acid for under $10 at most grocery store I believe.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Citric Acid works very good as long as you are not in flower. If you are in flower Sheds oil mix sound good. I have not used it before, but he did the research and test with it, and it sounds good to me. 🍋
I used sheds formula in flower without any issues.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Not sure about lemon juice
Do you have Apple cider vinegar?
2 tablespoons in a quart.
You can get a small package of citric acid for under $10 at most grocery store I believe.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Will do bub. What about cannabis aphids? Just found em today. Not on the other plant. Just one for now. Was gonna take it outside and lightly spray them off with compressed air
Will do bub. What about cannabis aphids? Just found em today. Not on the other plant. Just one for now. Was gonna take it outside and lightly spray them off with compressed air
Neem oil or regular bug spray works on aphids.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
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