Heirlooms' Hashplant Haze Hydro Perpetual Grow

re: Heirlooms' Hashplant Haze Hydro Perpetual Grow

I agree that jandre is a great grower! I have learned from him as well as everyone else here.

Wish I could post pics of my veggie garden. My tomatoes are going nutty, my hops are crazy and covered in cones...

I harvested my first sugar baby watermelon yesterday :riskybusiness:
re: Heirlooms' Hashplant Haze Hydro Perpetual Grow


No pics but I made a jandre2k3 DIY CO2 Generator and added it to my veg area. Thanks to jandre2k3 for a great write up!

I am working on a different delivery method for mine rather than his loop around the plants. Since I don't run AC and have my fans on all the time, having the CO2 dump right at the plants and blow away towards my exhaust isn't that great. So I am going to augment my source incoming air with CO2 injection, thus creating an evenly dispersed CO2 PPM increase through out my veg room and it's multi levels. This also reduces the number if lines running around my grow room and makes it a little less cluttered.

Rest assured I am over engineering it, but anyone will be able to make it!


Hey, that's great! I'd love to see your improvements! Whenever you get the chance, let's have some photos huh?
re: Heirlooms' Hashplant Haze Hydro Perpetual Grow

you guys, watch out! Jandre is a growing gawd! and he knows stuff too!:)

why you think i want to make a lab with accomodation and all the mod cons.

this site is lovely and all, but it hardly offers equipment and a secret life to these minds that are so wasted without the propper backing to see how far they can truly take our art.

someone on here recently said a quotable about 'surrounding myself with success'...well i want to do just more than quote on the matter.

i was brought up the wrong way, then i spent most of my adult life messed up trying to live the right way..now i have the blessing of a family that supports my decision to make our beloved plant the center of my universe...

who knows maybe one day we can buy a 2nd hand oil tanker as a base of operations in international waters. all these backroom handshakes are not worth squat if were in international waters =D
re: Heirlooms' Hashplant Haze Hydro Perpetual Grow

why you think i want to make a lab with accomodation and all the mod cons.

this site is lovely and all, but it hardly offers equipment and a secret life to these minds that are so wasted without the propper backing to see how far they can truly take our art.

someone on here recently said a quotable about 'surrounding myself with success'...well i want to do just more than quote on the matter.

i was brought up the wrong way, then i spent most of my adult life messed up trying to live the right way..now i have the blessing of a family that supports my decision to make our beloved plant the center of my universe...

who knows maybe one day we can buy a 2nd hand oil tanker as a base of operations in international waters. all these backroom handshakes are not worth squat if were in international waters =D

Well if you happen to come up with said accommodations I would throw my hat in the ring as a possible (and willing!) member. In about 5 years there will be little reason for me to stay here. I might look for a new secluded life in another country.

Duuddee. Riding through a town in Pa. Called HoneyBrook. And I saw a store. Called, "Heirlooms Fresh Tomato Shop". Made me lol

LOL! Most of my favorite toms are heirloom!
re: Heirlooms' Hashplant Haze Hydro Perpetual Grow

Well if you happen to come up with said accommodations I would throw my hat in the ring as a possible (and willing!) member. In about 5 years there will be little reason for me to stay here. I might look for a new secluded life in another country.

well lets just say a little amen to capitalism and free enterprise, maybe one of us will strike it lucky and never need to worry about money. the next bill gates might be a pot head that rolls through here =D
re: Heirlooms' Hashplant Haze Hydro Perpetual Grow

you cant do any better than buying bpn, its by far the best and gives the best results plus the prices are amazing compared with other leading brands, i wont buy anything else, even though the cost of delivery is far more than the cost of the nutes for me due to where i live, but the results speak for themselves, and if corey can work his magic and make it better then it really will be something amazing, its amazing as it is and i cant imagine it been any better, but if corey is on the case then im sure he has the skills and knowledge to do this, he knows his stuff and gives great advice,
plus his nutrients are added in small amounts and this means it goes along way, plus he has got a feeding schedule you can download so dont use the guide on the back of the bottle, go to bpn site and download the feeding schedule from their as its the latest schedule corey has perfected, plus you can use bpn really early, as soon as the plant is growing its 1st set of real leaves you can then start feeding with bpn, as soon as the leaves after the seed leaf are growing you can then start feeding bpn so they get the boost from day1, it really is magic in a bottle, i just wish it was sold a bit closer to me, but with the results im getting i think paying the delivery costs are more than worth it,
re: Heirlooms' Hashplant Haze Hydro Perpetual Grow

Yep....BPN. Love it. I started with the online guide and am pushing mine a little higher here and there, testing this strain to see what I can get away with. I have three clones that are 1 month from cutting today, and they are on 7.5ml/gal and LOVING it. They have been in my small bubbler for about 2 weeks now. No signs of nute burn so I know I'm not pushing it all the way yet.
re: Heirlooms' Hashplant Haze Hydro Perpetual Grow

i have also been doing this, ive been giving extra of the bloom booster and it has boosted things along a lot, i will be trying to up the other nutes next time round, ill try 2 clones from the same plant that are the same age and feed one at the dose in the guide, then the other plant ill play around with the doses and see how much difference it makes, clearly the plants can take more as they show no signs of stress using the feeding guide,
re: Heirlooms' Hashplant Haze Hydro Perpetual Grow

Yeah, once i get some money, and start my next grow. Def gonna use BPN 3 part.

Make a piggy bank for your girls. Throw a dollar or five in there once in a while. Empty your change into it at the end of the day. It adds up quick! Do that while trying to grab some extra lawns, or whatever else you can do. Get off the computer and show your girls you love them!!!!!

*Said with love* :love:
re: Heirlooms' Hashplant Haze Hydro Perpetual Grow

Haha, It's cause My job is slowing down, cause one of the places we mostly haul from is closed down now. So I'm only making 50$ a day. and I only work 2 days a week.

So, after I pay my rent, and my TV bill. I have $10, to last me a week. :(
re: Heirlooms' Hashplant Haze Hydro Perpetual Grow

Dude, no lie. I for real thought the same thing. Taking care of plants and stuff for a job, while growing out favored "special" plant at home, and maybe some other random Flowers and Such.

By The Way guys... Found 2 roaches in my ashtray. Got about a half a bowl pack, got a tiny head buzz going. Relaxed of course. Just chillin.
re: Heirlooms' Hashplant Haze Hydro Perpetual Grow


I just checked on the clones and 3 rockwool 'A' clones are damping off so I yanked them. The H2O only 'A' is looking really good, the 'B' H2O only is not looking good. All but one of the rapid rooters are looking good.
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