Heirlooms' Hashplant Haze Hydro Perpetual Grow

re: Heirlooms' Hashplant Haze Hydro Perpetual Grow

Okay. Pause. Question.

Why does every one cut the tips of fan leaves when cloning?

Aside from my question. The girls are looking good man.!
it slows down the water from evaporating so fast out of the cuttings
re: Heirlooms' Hashplant Haze Hydro Perpetual Grow

Okay. Pause. Question.

Why does every one cut the tips of fan leaves when cloning?

Aside from my question. The girls are looking good man.!

also to add to what FC said. people cut the leaves like that also so that the plant focuses on its root growth.

studys show: It just helps! :thumb:
re: Heirlooms' Hashplant Haze Hydro Perpetual Grow

Thank you, thank you guys. I'm pretty excited. I went from 5 1/2 plants (the 1/2 being clone B2.1) to having potentially 34.

It will be interesting to see the difference in rooting between the rapid rooters and rockwool. They are treated the same, all other conditions being equal. Plus it will be cool to see if/how long the two in water take.
re: Heirlooms' Hashplant Haze Hydro Perpetual Grow

cloning is well worth doing, it means you dont need to buy as many seeds, plus when you find a strain you like you can keep cloning from it, if you have the space then a mother is ideal, but if you dont have the space then you could take a clone or clones then veg and flower them, but you can also take clones from them, so you could keep a strain going for years just from clones, thats what my goal is, to find the best strain i like and then keep it around for as long as i can, then when im ready to make my own strain ill use the clones as a base to put pollen on then i can possibly make a strain thats something i like and want to keep around,
re: Heirlooms' Hashplant Haze Hydro Perpetual Grow

Yep. The plan for this grow to make it a stable producer and leave it. I will automate it as much as I can as time and money permit. Probably only run one strain in it. Once it's completed and had a couple successful, successive harvests I will focus less on it and close this journal. With 3 plants coming off every three weeks my family patients and I will not go with out.

After that you know I'm planning an outdoor gorilla grow next year. My blog will serve as a pre-journal journal. Talking about everything from picking your location, to remedies for things like poison oak, which I currently have up both arms because of my exploratory searches.

Also look for outdoor hydro from me. I would love to make a RDWC system out of a 275 gallon tote as a res, and 55 gallon drums as grow chambers. Also thinking about a stadium style NFT system, outdoor. So many ideas and combo's of what can be done. Not to mention strains!
re: Heirlooms' Hashplant Haze Hydro Perpetual Grow

just put a seed in an overly large size container, and add water. they will get GIGANTO. lol Outdoors is pretty easy to get some big girls. Don't train. don't cut, break. nothing. Just let it groooooowwwww. I mean you've seen JTGs plants.... nough' said.
re: Heirlooms' Hashplant Haze Hydro Perpetual Grow

i have got an outdoor grow going, 2 plants but one was drowned with grass and died the other was not doing to well, so i spent 2 hours weeding and pulling up grass so now its growing ok, i just need a few weeks of good sunny weather to get it growing big and then i got to keep my fingers crossed its fem, then if it is fem i got to keep my fingers crossed it dont get found or eaten as i have no garden, so its planted well out the way, should be finished sometime in sept, i have got pics on my fone so ill put them on my journal
re: Heirlooms' Hashplant Haze Hydro Perpetual Grow

Okay. Pause. Question.

Why does every one cut the tips of fan leaves when cloning?

Aside from my question. The girls are looking good man.!

3 reasons...
1. Transpiration is slower so they wilt slower
2. It cuts the amount of carbohydrates available to the cutting forcing it to root faster in order to survive
3. When taking clones like I do, you can get more per tray without overlap.
re: Heirlooms' Hashplant Haze Hydro Perpetual Grow

thanks jandre, not even sure what geotagging is, i just take the pics on my fone then put mem card in card reader and transfer that way, i dont send them direct from the phone, if thats what geotagging is then im not doing that,
re: Heirlooms' Hashplant Haze Hydro Perpetual Grow

True, they do it here. But to get it off the phone and to those severs it goes through several other servers. I'm just saying, as a general rule, make sure you have geotagging off. And clean out any metadata.
re: Heirlooms' Hashplant Haze Hydro Perpetual Grow

Well. I just got news that I will be receiving more solo cups filled with....not sure. But there will be a plant, and it will be cannabis. And it will not be Hashplant Haze. From the source, I am guessing Grapefruit. We'll see! A little mystery!

It dawned on me that with my playing around with training, topping, clone etc that I could take all my excess rooted clones and do a 'hemp seeding' but with rooted clones. What do I care if some die? They would be killed anyways. I think I will do that. Plant a clone here and there randomly, just to give them a shot. Obviously the best clones go into my production, then some grower friends I have will have the option of trading strains. In fact I have a tentative plan to trade my HPH for RP Headband with a buddy.

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